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Cara kerja

Cara mengubah reservasi selama perjalanan

If your trip has already started and you want to change the length of your reservation, you can submit a change request to your Host. However, there are a few things to bear in mind before you do:

  • You can change the number of guests after check-in, if agreed upon with the Host
  • Any additional payments can be made through the Resolution Centre
  • The cancellation policy will remain the same as the originally booked policy for short-term reservations

Cara mengajukan permohonan perubahan

  1. Buka Perjalanan dan pilih perjalanan yang ingin Anda ubah
  2. Di bagian info reservasi Anda, klik Tampilkan detail > Ubah atau batalkan
  3. Di bagian Ubah reservasi, ubah tanggal menginap atau jumlah tamu, lalu klik Simpan
  4. Tinjau perubahan kemudian klik Kirim permohonan

How adding guests changes cost 

Depending on the Host’s policy, changes to the number of guests may affect the total cost of your stay. This will be automatically reflected in your bill once your Host confirms the changes before you finalize.

If the request is declined, or you don’t receive a response from your Host, your reservation will stay the same.

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