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Cara kerja

Menanggung biaya atas kerusakan

Accidents are rare, but they happen. If you, someone you invite, or a pet are responsible for damage during a stay, let your Host know right away.

The best way to do this is by sending them a message through the Airbnb website or app, just in case our Community Support team needs to refer to it later. If you can provide photos, that’s great, too.

Being upfront about damage gives your Host as much time as possible to fix it before their next guest arrives. It also gives you two a chance to find a resolution without Airbnb getting involved.

About the reimbursement process

1. Your Host may request reimbursement

If your Host believes that you’re responsible for damage, missing items, or unexpected cleaning costs, they may send you a reimbursement request through our Resolution Center. You’ll have 24 hours to respond.

  • If you pay the full amount, the request will be closed.
  • If you pay a partial amount, decline the request, or ignore the request, your Host may involve Airbnb or our insurer as a next step.

2. Your Host may involve Airbnb

If your Host involves Airbnb, a member of our Community Support team will determine if you’re responsible for the damage and if the amount your Host is requesting is reasonable. They’ll do this by reviewing evidence provided by your Host, as well as any notes you included in your initial response to your Host’s request. Someone may also follow up with you or others who may have information about the Host’s damage claim.

3. Airbnb may ask you to pay

You’ll be given the opportunity to voluntarily submit a timely payment or an appeal. If you don’t submit a timely payment or appeal, or your appeal is unsuccessful, your payment method will be charged. (This does not apply to stays in China, Japan, or India.) You’ll never be charged without advance notice or a chance to appeal before and after you’ve been charged. You’ll have 60 days to appeal after you’ve been charged.

Dealing with damage is never fun, but this process is designed to be as fair as possible. For more info, review our Terms of Service and Payments Terms of Service.

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