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Cara kerja
Tuan Rumah

Menanggapi permohonan perubahan perjalanan tamu

Sometimes, guests need a little flexibility. If they want to alter a confirmed reservation (ex: add or subtract nights, or choose different dates), they should send you a trip change request. 

Please don’t change or cancel reservations on behalf of guests—you might jeopardize your good standing as a Host. Instead, send them these instructions so they can do it themselves. Guests can also modify their reservation via the link in their confirmation email.

Respond to a trip change request

Open your message thread with your guest and find Respond to request. If you agree to the changes, they'll be applied automatically, and your guest will be charged or refunded if necessary.

Things to know:

  • There are no penalties for declining a request
  • While there isn’t a time limit, responding to requests quickly can help you avoid canceled reservations
  • Guests can send trip change requests once a reservation is confirmed, and any time before checkout—even after they check in

If your needs as a Host change, learn how to send your guest a trip change request or cancel a reservation.

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