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Cara kerja

Bagaimana cara kerja kupon?

Make sure you apply the coupon before you book, and keep in mind that if you cancel a reservation, the coupon can’t be used again.

Untuk menggunakan kupon Anda:

Cara menambahkan kupon ke akun Anda:

  1. Masuk ke Profil dan klik Akun
  2. Klik Pembayaran & bayaran masuk > Tambahkan kupon
  3. Masukkan kode kupon Anda, lalu klik Tukarkan kupon

Cara menukarkan kupon Anda:

  1. Setelah Anda menambahkan kupon ke akun Anda, klik Masukkan kupon di halaman check-out
  2. Pilih kupon, lalu klik Gunakan

Additional details

  • You can’t apply a coupon after you book: 
Even if you contact Airbnb Support, we can’t apply a current or expired coupon after you’ve booked a reservation (future or past).
  • If you cancel, coupons are not refundable
: Refunds are based on the host’s cancellation policy, and we can’t restore or reissue a coupon you redeemed in the past.
  • Expiration dates can’t be adjusted: 
Once a coupon has expired, it’s not possible to extend the expiration date or to get a replacement coupon. Expired coupons can't be used toward past reservations.
  • Limit one coupon per reservation: 
There’s no way to apply multiple coupons.

Tip: You may be able to check your coupon amount and the expiration date on the payments page in your account.

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