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Cara kerja
Tuan Rumah Pengalaman

Mengapa Airbnb membebankan biaya layanan untuk pengalaman?

Unless otherwise agreed to by the host and Airbnb, we charge a 20% service fee for experiences to help cover the costs of the products, services, and support we provide.

How the amount is calculated

The amount of the service fee is calculated from the price that hosts set for their experience. Guests who are browsing experiences are shown the total price that they’ll pay to book. No other service fees are charged to guests at this time.

How service fees are paid

Airbnb automatically withholds service fees from host payouts after a completed booking. Payouts are released 24 hours after the experience, or the first experience in an immersion. Hosts are paid their earnings with the service fees already removed. They don’t need to reimburse Airbnb for the service fees.

Service fee refunds

If your guest requests a refund for a booking that had a fee applied, please contact us and we can help you issue the right amount.

Note: Airbnb doesn't charge any service fees for social impact experiences—100% of social impact proceeds go to a nonprofit.

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