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Bagaimana cara membuat dan mengedit perangkat peraturan?

Hosts with 6 or more listings have access to features that allow them to create and edit rule-sets.

To create a new rule-set for multiple listings:

  1. Go to your Multi-calendar
  2. Select the dates you’d like to apply a rule-set to
  3. In the panel, select the rules
  4. Click Create a new rule-set
  5. Give your rule-set a name (like "Ski season")
  6. Next to the rule you’d like to add, click Customize
  7. Enter your pricing and availability rules—to remove a rule, click Cancel
  8. Click Save

To edit an existing rule-set:

  1. Go to your Multi-calendar
  2. Click rule-sets
  3. Scroll to the rule-set you’d like to manage, then click Edit

To create and edit a rule-set for an individual listing:

  1. Go to your Listings
  2. Click the three dots menu () next the listing you want to edit and select Edit
  3. Rule-set details can be set and changed in both the Pricing and Availability tabs

Please note: Airbnb can block your calendar if you haven’t provided all the information required for your account.

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