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Cara kerja

Memesan perjalanan bisnis Anda

Do you have a colleague who typically books travel for you? Invite them to book for you on Airbnb! Company trip planners can book business travel on your behalf using a company payment method.

When they do, you’ll receive a notification about the requested reservation, which you can accept or deny.

Invite a travel booker

  1. Confirm your company has enrolled in Airbnb for Work
  2. Add your work email address to your profile 
  3. Change your booking permissions to allow others to book trips for you
  4. Go to Booking permissions
  5. Under Booking permissions, choose Manage
  6. Enter the email address of the person you’d like to invite, then click Send Request

The person will receive an email invitation. When they accept your request, you’ll receive an email confirmation.

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