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Cara kerja
Tuan Rumah

Bayaran masuk untuk penginapan bulanan

When guests settle in for a monthly stay, you can look forward to a more reliable source of income for a while. For reservations like these, we collect payments in monthly installments. 

  1. We’ll charge your guest for the first month upfront and release that first payment to you 24 hours after their scheduled start date
  2. Upcoming payouts are released to you on a monthly basis, based on the start date, for the duration of the reservation 

You can check the status of your monthly payouts in your earnings dashboard

New Hosts 

If you’re a new Host, we may hold your payouts for 30 days after your first reservation is confirmed. If your first reservation is more than 30 days away, your payout will be released 24 hours after your guest’s scheduled start date. This will apply to any payouts scheduled for release during those 30 days. 

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