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Cara kerja
Tuan Rumah

Membuat pesan terjadwal dan mengirimkannya kepada tamu secara otomatis

Want better communication with less effort? Use scheduled messages to save time by automatically sending messages based on triggers like a new reservation, check-in, or check-out.

Personalizing templates with shortcodes

The templates can be personalized with shortcodes, which are placeholders you can choose that automatically fill in guest, reservation, and listing details. You can access shortcodes through a drop-down menu when you compose a message. You’ll also have to add the corresponding information for each shortcode in your listings, such as check-in and checkout times, or else the shortcode will display as unavailable in the message.

Scheduled messages

Common use cases for scheduled messaging and shortcodes (indicated in bold) include:

Sending a thank you message shortly after booking

  • Dear guest first name, thank you for confirming your reservation
  • I am excited to welcome you on check-in date on or after our check-in time, which is check-in time
  • As a reminder, here are our house rules: house rules

Sending a check-in reminder a couple days before the trip starts

  • The listing is at address and here are the directions: directions
  • The wifi network is called wifi name and the password is wifi password
  • Let me know if you need any advice about city

Sending a checkout reminder the morning before the trip ends

  • Quick reminder that checkout is tomorrow (checkout date) any time before checkout time
  • As a reminder, your confirmation code is confirmation code


The full list of shortcodes includes:

  • Guest’s first name
  • Guest’s last name
  • Guest’s phone number
  • Check-in date
  • Check-in time
  • Checkout date
  • Checkout time
  • Total trip price
  • Average nightly price
  • Cleaning fee
  • Listing name
  • Listing address
  • Listing city
  • Wi-fi name
  • Wi-fi password
  • Confirmation code
  • Directions
  • Check-in Instructions
  • House Rules
  • House Manual
  • Guidebook
  • Getting around
  • Guest Access
  • Guest Interaction
  • Guest city
  • Guest country
  • Neighborhood
  • Number of guests
  • Number of nights
  • Number of bathrooms
  • Number of bedrooms
  • Number of beds
  • Primary host first name
  • Primary host last name

You can always choose to skip, customize, or send messages early, and you’ll be able to review a full timeline of every message sent for each reservation.

If you want to send these templates manually instead of automatically, learn more about quick replies.

Membuat pesan terjadwal 

Saat Anda membuat dan menjadwalkan pesan untuk suatu tempat, pesan tersebut akan diberlakukan pada reservasi saat ini dan mendatang. Pesan terjadwal dikirimkan pada zona waktu tempat terkait. Selain itu, pengaturan bahasa templat memengaruhi bagaimana shortcode Anda diterjemahkan.

Membuat pesan terjadwal di desktop

  1. Klik Pesan, lalu klik Menu
  2. Di bagian Pengaturan, klik Pesan terjadwal
  3. Klik + Pesan baru
  4. Masukkan nama untuk mengidentifikasi templat
  5. Tulis pesan Anda dan masukkan shortcode untuk mengubahnya sesuai kebutuhan
  6. Sesuaikan pengaturan bahasa dengan pesan Anda
  7. Pilih Iklan yang berlaku untuk pesan ini
  8. Pilih tindakan yang memicu pesan ini: Pemesanan terkonfirmasi, Check-in, atau Check-out
  9. Pilih waktu sebelum atau sesudah pemicu untuk mengirim pesan
  10. Klik Simpan

Messages won’t be scheduled for last minute bookings or short stays where the trigger time is greater or equal to the lead time.

  • If a trigger is set for 2 days before checkout, but the stay is only 1 or 2 days long, the schedule will be skipped.
  • If a trigger is set for 1 day before check-in, but the booking is made last minute the day before check-in, the schedule will be skipped.

Mengedit pesan terjadwal

Mengedit pesan terjadwal di desktop

  1. Klik Pesan, lalu klik Menu
  2. Di bawah Pengaturan, klik Pesan terjadwal
  3. Klik templat yang ingin Anda edit
  4. Buat perubahan, lalu klik Simpan

Meninjau pesan terjadwal untuk tamu tertentu 

Anda bisa memeriksa pesan terjadwal terdahulu dan mendatang dengan meninjau utas pesan tamu dan dialog utas pesan terjadwal.

Meninjau pesan terjadwal di desktop

  1. Klik Pesan, lalu pilih utas pesan dengan tamu
  2. Di samping kotak untuk menulis pesan, klik ikon pesan terjadwal yang menampilkan gambar jam

You’ll get a list of all scheduled messages that have been sent or skipped, as well as messages that will be sent in the future. If a guest has multiple reservations, each reservation’s timeline is collapsible.

Membuat perubahan terhadap pesan terjadwal sebelum dikirimkan

Anda bisa melewatkan, mengirim lebih awal, atau mengubah konten pesan terjadwal yang akan datang sebelum pesan tersebut dikirimkan—tanpa mengubah templat.

Meninjau pesan terjadwal di desktop

  1. Klik Pesan, lalu pilih utas pesan dengan tamu
  2. Klik ikon pesan terjadwal di samping kotak untuk menulis pesan
  3. Pilih pesan untuk Mengedit, atau klik Lewatkan, atau Kirim sekarang

Menghapus pesan terjadwal dari iklan

Menghapus pesan terjadwal di desktop

  1. Klik Pesan, lalu klik Menu
  2. Di bagian Pengaturan, klik Pesan terjadwal
  3. Klik templat yang ingin Anda hapus dari iklan
  4. Masuk ke Iklan dan klik Edit
  5. Batalkan pilihan iklan dan klik Simpan

Hapus pesan terjadwal untuk semua iklan

Menghapus templat akan menghapus semua pesan terjadwal mendatang yang belum terkirim untuk semua iklan yang terkait dengan templat ini.

Menghapus pesan terjadwal di desktop

  1. Klik Pesan, lalu klik Menu
  2. Di bawah Pengaturan, klik Pesan terjadwal
  3. Pilih templat yang ingin Anda hapus
  4. Gulir untuk menemukan templat lalu klik Hapus templat

Hosting with a team or co-host

If you host with a team, team members with guest management permissions will share the same set of scheduled messages, and all messages will be sent from the team owner. Any of the team members will be able to skip and edit upcoming scheduled messages, and create new templates that can be used by the team. Any saved messages you previously created will now be accessible in your team’s shared messages.

If you host with a co-host, your co-host can access your scheduled message history and upcoming message list from each conversation’s message thread, and will be able to skip and edit upcoming scheduled messages. Your co-host will also be able to apply their own templates to your listing, but they won’t be able to view or edit your templates.

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