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Cara kerja
Tuan Rumah

Bila tamu tidak datang saat reservasinya dimulai

You were ready for guests, but they didn’t show up. Don’t worry, we’ll release payout for a canceled reservation as detailed in the Cancellation Policy.  

If this is your first time hosting, we may hold the payout for 30 days after the reservation was confirmed. Learn more about payouts.  

Keep in contact

It’s a good idea to connect with your guests before they’re due to arrive. You’ll find their info in the trip itinerary.

  • Airbnb message: Find your guests’ message and send them a note. Message alerts are sent to their email address and as notifications in the Airbnb app
  • Phone: Phone numbers are listed in Reservations

Keep in mind that many guests don’t have access to a phone while traveling, or they may experience travel delays that will affect their arrival time.

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