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Cara kerja

Pemesanan untuk teman dan keluarga

We’d love to welcome your loved ones into Airbnb. But to help maintain transparency and trust throughout our community, you can’t book on their behalf unless you're staying together. 


We require all personal travel reservations to be booked by the guests themselves because Hosts rely on reading their profiles, reviews, and other verifications during the approval process. If your friends and family aren’t on Airbnb yet, here’s how to get them started

Adding people to a reservation

Once your reservation is confirmed, you can give everyone traveling access to check-in info and all messages with the Host (including all historic messages between the primary booker and Host) by inviting them as co-travelers on the trip.

Booking business trips for others 

If your company is enrolled in Airbnb for Work, you can designate people to book trips on behalf of others.

Split stay booking

You can also split your time period between 2 different stays. Here’s how.

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