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Cara kerja
Tuan Rumah

Bisakah saya menagihkan pajak hunian untuk pemesanan?

If you’re a host who has provided your business tax ID and relevant tourist tax registration info, you may be eligible to collect taxes directly from guests by using our professional hosting tools. You may do so only if you attest that the tax amount provided is correct, that you will pay the tax once it’s remitted to you, and if you grant permission to Airbnb to disclose tax-related and transaction information to the relevant tax authorities.

You have the option to set different tax types, the way the tax is charged (percentage per booking, fee per guest, fee per guest per night, or fee per night), and to note any exemptions for long-term stays. Aggregated tax reporting will be provided in your Transaction History.

Why you may not be able to add a tax

  • This feature may not be accessible through your API-connected software, but if the feature is available in your region, you’ll be able to add tax details directly on Airbnb in the Local taxes and laws tab of each listing
  • This feature isn’t available in all regions or cities, so you may have some listings that are eligible and some that aren’t
  • We may not support a tax that would apply to your listing (the tax types available are shown when you add tax to your listing—including hotel tax, lodging tax, tourist tax, VAT/GST, and others)
  • We may not support certain ways to charge taxes that could apply to your listing

Find out more about how to add occupancy taxes to your listings.

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