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Ketentuan hukum

Ketentuan Layanan Pembayaran

If your country of residence is within the European Economic Area (“EEA”), Switzerland or the United Kingdom, the Payments Terms of Service for European Users apply to you.

If your country of residence is outside of Australia, the EEA, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, the Payments Terms of Service for Non-European Users apply to you.

If your country of residence or establishment is within Australia, the Payments Terms of Services for Australian Users apply to you.

Ketentuan Layanan Pembayaran untuk Pengguna di luar Eropa, Inggris Raya, dan Australia

Jika Anda tinggal di, atau organisasi yang Anda wakili didirikan di, Amerika Serikat, perjanjian arbitrase dan pengabaian gugatan kelompok di Poin 15 berlaku untuk Anda. Harap baca dengan saksama.

Terakhir Diperbarui: 25 Januari 2024

Ketentuan Layanan Pembayaran untuk pengguna di luar Inggris Raya, Eropa, dan Australia ini ("Ketentuan Pembayaran") adalah perjanjian hukum yang mengikat antara Anda dan Airbnb Payments, yang mengatur Layanan Pembayaran (sebagaimana didefinisikan di bawah) yang dilakukan melalui atau sehubungan dengan Platform Airbnb. Apabila Ketentuan Pembayaran ini menyebutkan “Airbnb Payments” atau “kami, hal ini mengacu pada perusahaan Airbnb Payments yang melakukan kontrak dengan Anda untuk menjalankan Layanan Pembayaran.

Airbnb Payments menyediakan layanan pembayaran kepada Anggota yang menerbitkan, menawarkan, dan memesan Akomodasi, Pengalaman, atau Layanan Tuan Rumah lainnya, termasuk layanan yang berhubungan dengan Program Open Homes dan layanan lain yang tersedia melalui Platform Airbnb pada saat ini dan di masa mendatang. Layanan pembayaran ini disediakan untuk kepentingan Tuan Rumah dan dapat mencakup (jika tersedia) hal-hal sebagai berikut (secara kolektif disebut “Layanan Pembayaran”):

  • Menagihkan pembayaran dari Tamu (“Pembayaran”), dengan membebankan biaya ke metode pembayaran yang terkait dengan akun Airbnb mereka, misalnya: kartu kredit, kartu debit, rekening bank, atau akun PayPal, dompet digital atau produk angsuran yang disediakan oleh penyedia kredit (“Metode Pembayaran”);
  • Mengirimkan bayaran kepada Tuan Rumah ("Bayaran Masuk") ke instrumen keuangan yang terkait dengan akun Airbnb mereka, misalnya: akun PayPal, rekening bank, kartu prabayar, atau kartu debit ("Metode Bayaran Masuk");
  • Melakukan pembayaran ke Metode Bayaran Masuk pihak ketiga yang ditunjuk oleh Tuan Rumah;
  • Penagihan dan pembayaran sumbangan amal;
  • Layanan terkait pembayaran lainnya sehubungan dengan Layanan Tuan Rumah.

Untuk menggunakan Layanan Pembayaran, Anda harus berusia minimal 18 tahun, harus memiliki akun Airbnb yang memiliki reputasi baik sesuai dengan Ketentuan Layanan Airbnb (“Ketentuan”), dan harus menjaga keakuratan dan kelengkapan informasi pembayaran dan informasi pribadi Anda.

Layanan Pembayaran akan disediakan oleh entitas yang melakukan kontrak berdasarkan negara tempat tinggal Anda dan tunduk pada pengecualian yang dijelaskan di bawah ini:

Amerika SerikatAirbnb Payments, Inc. (“Airbnb Payments US”)
Tiongkok (untuk tujuan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini, tidak termasuk Hong Kong, Makau, dan Taiwan) (selanjutnya disebut "Tiongkok")Airbnb Payments UK Ltd. ("Airbnb Payments UK")
IndiaAirbnb Payments India Pvt. Ltd. (“Airbnb Payments India”) kecuali:
    • jika Anda memesan Layanan Tuan Rumah di luar India; atau
    • jika Anda membuat Iklan tempat di luar India,
dalam hal tersebut Anda melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Payments UK. Terlepas dari apa pun yang bertentangan dalam tabel ini, jika Anda membuat Iklan di India, peraturan berikut berlaku:
  • jika Anda menyetujui pemesanan dari Tamu yang merupakan penduduk India, di mana pun negara tempat tinggal Anda, Anda melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Payments India; dan
  • jika Anda menyetujui pemesanan dari Tamu yang bukan warga negara India, di mana pun negara tempat tinggal Anda, Anda melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Payments UK.
BrasilAirbnb Plataforma Digital Ltda. ("Airbnb Brasil")
Semua negara lainnyaAirbnb Payments UK

Apabila Anda mengubah negara tempat tinggal Anda, perusahaan Airbnb yang melakukan kontrak dengan Anda dan versi Ketentuan Pembayaran yang berlaku akan ditentukan berdasarkan negara tempat tinggal Anda yang baru sejak tanggal perubahan negara tempat tinggal Anda. Namun, harap diperhatikan bahwa perusahaan Pembayaran Airbnb yang melakukan kontrak dengan Anda akan tetap sama untuk semua pemesanan yang dibuat sebelum perubahan tempat tinggal Anda.

Ketentuan secara terpisah mengatur penggunaan Anda atas Platform Airbnb. Istilah yang tertulis dalam huruf kapital dan tidak dijelaskan dalam Ketentuan Pembayaran ini memiliki makna sebagaimana tercantum dalam Ketentuan.

Daftar Isi untuk Pengguna di luar Eropa, Inggris Raya, dan Australia

  1. Penggunaan Layanan Pembayaran oleh Anda
  2. Ketentuan Tamu
  3. Ketentuan Tuan Rumah
  4. Penunjukan Airbnb Payments sebagai Agen Penagihan Pembayaran Terbatas
  5. Ketentuan Umum
  6. Klaim Kerugian dan Nilai Kerugian
  7. Properti yang Terbengkalai
  8. Aktivitas yang Dilarang
  9. Keadaan Kahar
  10. Penafian
  11. Pertanggungjawaban
  12. Ganti Rugi
  13. Perubahan, Jangka Waktu, Penghentian, dan Tindakan Lainnya
  14. Hukum yang Mengatur dan Penyelesaian Masalah
  15. Perjanjian Arbitrase Amerika Serikat
  16. Lain-Lain
  17. Klausul Tambahan untuk Pengguna yang Melakukan Kontrak dengan Airbnb Payments UK
  18. Klausul Tambahan untuk Pengguna yang Melakukan Kontrak dengan Airbnb Brazil
  19. Klausul Tambahan untuk Pengguna yang Merupakan Bisnis/Usaha
  20. Menghubungi Airbnb Payments

1. Penggunaan Anda atas Layanan Pembayaran

1.1 Layanan Airbnb Payments. 

Dengan menggunakan Layanan Pembayaran, Anda setuju untuk mematuhi Ketentuan Pembayaran ini. Airbnb Payments dapat membatasi atau menangguhkan sementara akses Anda ke Layanan Pembayaran, penggunaannya, atau fitur-fiturnya, untuk melakukan langkah-langkah pemeliharaan yang memastikan berfungsinya Layanan Pembayaran. Airbnb Payments dapat memperbaiki, meningkatkan, dan mengubah Layanan Pembayaran serta memperkenalkan Layanan Pembayaran baru dari waktu ke waktu. Airbnb Payments akan memberikan pemberitahuan kepada Anggota tentang setiap perubahan pada Layanan Pembayaran, kecuali bila perubahan tersebut tidak secara materiel meningkatkan kewajiban kontraktual Anggota atau mengurangi hak-hak Anggota berdasarkan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini.

1.2 Layanan Pihak Ketiga. 

Layanan Pembayaran dapat berisi tautan ke situs web atau sumber daya pihak ketiga ("Layanan Pihak Ketiga"). Layanan Pihak Ketiga tersebut tunduk pada ketentuan layanan dan kebijakan privasi yang berbeda, dan Anggota harus meninjaunya. Airbnb Payments tidak bertanggung jawab atau menanggung akibat atas penggunaan Layanan Pihak Ketiga tersebut. Tautan ke Layanan Pihak Ketiga mana pun bukan merupakan saran atau dukungan dari Airbnb Payments kepada Layanan Pihak Ketiga tersebut.

1.3 Akun Airbnb Anda. 

Airbnb Payments dapat mengaktifkan fitur yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengizinkan Anggota lain atau pihak ketiga mengambil tindakan tertentu yang akan memengaruhi akun Airbnb Anda. Anda dapat memberikan wewenang kepada pihak ketiga untuk menggunakan akun Airbnb Anda jika fitur tersebut diaktifkan untuk akun Airbnb Anda. Anda membenarkan dan menyetujui bahwa siapa pun yang Anda izinkan untuk menggunakan akun Airbnb Anda dapat menggunakan Layanan Pembayaran atas nama Anda dan Anda akan bertanggung jawab atas setiap pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh orang tersebut.

1.4 Identifikasi dan Verifikasi. 

Anda memberikan wewenang kepada Airbnb Payments, secara langsung atau melalui pihak ketiga, untuk mengajukan permintaan apa pun yang kami anggap perlu untuk memverifikasi identitas dan informasi yang Anda berikan, dan jika berlaku, memverifikasi identitas (para) perwakilan dan (para) pemilik manfaat. Hal ini mungkin termasuk (i) memeriksa latar belakang Anda dan, jika berlaku, perwakilan(-perwakilan) dan pemilik(-pemilik) manfaat Anda terhadap basis data pihak ketiga atau sumber lain, (ii) meminta laporan dari penyedia layanan, (iii) meminta Anda dan, jika berlaku, perwakilan(-perwakilan) dan pemilik(-pemilik) manfaat Anda untuk memberikan bukti identifikasi resmi (misalnya, SIM atau paspor) untuk memeriksa nama, tempat, dan tanggal lahir Anda, alamat Anda, kewarganegaraan, dan/atau informasi lain yang kami anggap perlu berdasarkan hukum yang berlaku; atau (iv) mewajibkan Anda mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengonfirmasikan kepemilikan alamat email, Metode Pembayaran, atau Metode Bayaran Masuk Anda. Airbnb Payments berhak untuk menghentikan, menangguhkan, atau membatasi akses ke Layanan Pembayaran apabila kami tidak dapat memperoleh atau memverifikasi informasi yang diminta.

1.5 Ketentuan Tambahan. 

Akses Anda ke Layanan Pembayaran tertentu atau penggunaannya dapat dikenakan, atau mengharuskan Anda untuk menyetujui, syarat dan ketentuan tambahan. Jika terdapat perbedaan antara Ketentuan Pembayaran ini serta syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku pada Layanan Pembayaran tertentu, maka syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku pada Layanan Pembayaran tertentu tadi akan diutamakan sehubungan dengan akses Anda ke Layanan Pembayaran tersebut atau penggunaannya, kecuali bila ditentukan lain.

2. Ketentuan Tamu

2.1 Menambahkan Metode Pembayaran. 

Saat Anda menambahkan Metode Pembayaran ke akun Airbnb Anda, Anda akan diminta untuk memberikan informasi penagihan seperti nama, alamat penagihan, dan informasi instrumen keuangan baik kepada Airbnb Payments atau (para) pemroses pembayaran pihak ketiganya. Anda memberikan wewenang kepada Airbnb Payments dan penyedia layanan pembayarannya untuk mengumpulkan dan menyimpan informasi Metode Pembayaran Anda.

2.2 Verifikasi Metode Pembayaran. 

Saat Anda menambahkan atau menggunakan Metode Pembayaran baru, Airbnb Payments dapat memverifikasi Metode Pembayaran dengan (i) mengesahkan Metode Pembayaran Anda untuk sejumlah nominal tertentu melalui penyedia layanan pembayaran, dan meminta Anda untuk mengonfirmasikan nominal tersebut, atau (ii) mengharuskan Anda mengunggah laporan penagihan. Kami dapat, dan berhak untuk, memberikan pengembalian uang sejumlah nilai otorisasi yang dikenakan pada Metode Pembayaran Anda tadi. Saat Anda menambahkan Metode Pembayaran ketika proses pembayaran, kami akan otomatis menyimpan dan menambahkan Metode Pembayaran tersebut ke akun Airbnb Anda sehingga dapat digunakan untuk transaksi yang akan datang. Anda tidak boleh menghapus Metode Pembayaran yang terkait dengan suatu reservasi selama periode yang dimulai sejak tanggal pemesanan Anda dan berakhir empat belas (14) hari setelah tanggal check-out Anda, atau selama periode tambahan yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan Klaim Kerusakan yang belum selesai terkait dengan pemesanan tersebut. Ketika Anda menambahkan atau menggunakan rekening bank Anda sebagai Metode Pembayaran (sebagaimana tersedia di AS), rekening bank Anda harus dapat menerima debit dalam mata uang USD.

2.3 Otorisasi Pembayaran. 

Anda mengizinkan Airbnb Payments untuk menagihkan ke Metode Pembayaran Anda (termasuk menagihkan ke lebih dari satu Metode Pembayaran), baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, untuk semua biaya yang harus dibayarkan (termasuk pajak yang berlaku) sehubungan dengan akun Airbnb Anda, termasuk jumlah Klaim Kerusakan sesuai dengan Ketentuan dan dengan Poin 6. Ketika Anda membayar menggunakan rekening bank Anda, Anda mengizinkan Airbnb Payments untuk mendebit rekening bank Anda sesuai dengan jadwal pembayaran yang ditampilkan saat pembayaran. Anda juga memberi wewenang kepada Airbnb Payments untuk mendebit atau mengkreditkan rekening bank Anda lebih lanjut guna memperbaiki pendebitan yang salah, melakukan penyesuaian yang diperlukan terhadap pembayaran Anda, atau mengembalikan dana ke rekening bank Anda.

2.4 Pembaruan Otomatis Metode Pembayaran. 

Jika informasi akun/rekening Metode Pembayaran Anda berubah (misalnya: nomor rekening, kode routing, tanggal kedaluwarsa) sebagai akibat dari penerbitan ulang atau sebaliknya, kami dapat memperoleh informasi tersebut dari mitra layanan keuangan kami atau bank Anda dan otomatis memperbarui Metode Pembayaran Anda yang tercatat.

2.5 Waktu Pembayaran. 

Airbnb Payments umumnya menagihkan Total Harga yang harus dibayarkan setelah Tuan Rumah menerima permohonan pemesanan Anda. Namun, jika Anda membayar dengan Metode Pembayaran push (seperti Sofort), Airbnb Payments akan menagih Harga Total yang harus dibayarkan pada saat permohonan pemesanan Anda atau setelah Tuan Rumah menerima permohonan pemesanan Anda. Airbnb dapat menawarkan opsi alternatif mengenai waktu dan cara pembayaran. Setiap biaya tambahan yang muncul karena penggunaan opsi pembayaran alternatif tersebut akan ditampilkan melalui Platform Airbnb dan disertakan dalam Harga Total, dan dengan memilih opsi pembayaran tersebut, berarti Anda setuju untuk membayar biaya yang timbul. Syarat dan ketentuan tambahan mungkin berlaku untuk penggunaan opsi pembayaran alternatif. Jika Airbnb Payments tidak dapat menagihkan Harga Total yang harus dibayarkan, sesuai jadwal, Airbnb Payments akan menagihkan Harga Total yang harus dibayarkan tersebut di kemudian hari sesuai dengan Poin 5.3. Setelah pembayaran untuk pemesanan yang Anda minta berhasil diselesaikan, Anda akan menerima email konfirmasi.

2.6 Mata Uang.  


Mata uang yang tersedia untuk melakukan pembayaran mungkin terbatas karena alasan peraturan atau operasional berdasarkan faktor-faktor seperti: Metode Pembayaran yang Anda pilih, negara tempat tinggal Anda, dan/atau entitas yang terlibat kontrak Airbnb Payments dengan Anda. Batasan tersebut akan dikomunikasikan melalui Platform Airbnb, dan Anda akan diminta untuk memilih mata uang atau Metode Pembayaran lain jika mata uang pilihan Anda tidak tersedia.


Harap diperhatikan bahwa jika negara tempat entitas Anda yang terlibat kontrak dengan Airbnb Payments berada berbeda dari negara penyedia Metode Pembayaran Anda, atau mata uang yang Anda pilih berbeda dari mata uang penagihan pada Metode Pembayaran Anda, pembayaran Anda dapat diproses di luar negara tempat tinggal Anda. Akibatnya, penyedia Metode Pembayaran Anda dapat mengenakan biaya tertentu dan jumlah yang tercantum pada laporan Metode Pembayaran Anda mungkin berbeda dari jumlah yang ditunjukkan pada saat pembayaran. Sebagai contoh, jika Anda melakukan pemesanan menggunakan kartu yang diterbitkan di AS, tetapi memilih Euro sebagai mata uang Anda, maka pembayaran Anda dapat diproses di luar AS, dan bank serta perusahaan kartu kredit Anda dapat mengenakan biaya transaksi internasional dan biaya valuta asing. Selain itu, jika Anda memilih untuk membayar dengan mata uang yang berbeda dari mata uang penagihan Metode Pembayaran Anda, maka bank atau perusahaan kartu kredit Anda dapat mengonversikan jumlah pembayaran ke mata uang penagihan yang terkait dengan Metode Pembayaran Anda, berdasarkan nilai tukar dan jumlah biaya yang ditentukan sendiri oleh bank Anda. Airbnb Payments tidak bertanggung jawab atas biaya tersebut dan melepaskan semua tanggung jawab terkait hal ini. Silakan hubungi penyedia Metode Pembayaran Anda jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang biaya ini atau nilai tukar yang dikenakan oleh penyedia Metode Pembayaran Anda.

2.7 Status Permintaan Pemesanan. 

Jika pemesanan yang diminta ditolak karena tidak disetujui oleh Tuan Rumah, Anda membatalkan permohonan pemesanan sebelum disetujui oleh Tuan Rumah, atau Airbnb membatalkan pemesanan, maka jumlah yang ditagihkan oleh Airbnb Payments dan yang harus dibayarkan oleh Anda sesuai dengan kebijakan yang dijelaskan pada Poin 5.5, akan dikembalikan kepada Anda, dan setiap pra-otorisasi Metode Pembayaran Anda akan dihapus (jika berlaku) sesuai dengan Poin 5.5.2

2.8 Batasan Pembayaran.

Airbnb Payments berhak untuk menolak atau membatasi pembayaran yang kami yakini (i) dapat melanggar kebijakan atau prosedur manajemen risiko Airbnb Payments, (ii) dapat melanggar Ketentuan Pembayaran atau Ketentuan, (iii) tidak sah, merupakan penipuan, atau bertentangan dengan hukum; atau (iv) membuat Anda, Airbnb, Airbnb Payments, atau pihak lain terpapar risiko yang tidak bisa diterima oleh Airbnb Payments.

2.9 Penyedia Layanan Pembayaran. 

Metode Pembayaran dapat melibatkan jasa penyedia layanan pembayaran pihak ketiga. Penyedia layanan pembayaran ini dapat membebankan biaya tambahan kepada Anda saat memproses pembayaran sehubungan dengan Layanan Pembayaran, dan Airbnb Payments tidak bertanggung jawab atas biaya tersebut dan melepaskan semua tanggung jawab terkait hal ini. Metode Pembayaran Anda juga dapat tunduk pada ketentuan penggunaan tambahan. Harap tinjau ketentuan tersebut sebelum menggunakan Metode Pembayaran yang Anda pilih.

2.10 Metode Pembayaran Anda, Tanggung Jawab Anda. 

Airbnb Payments tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang Anda alami sebagai akibat dari kesalahan informasi yang Anda berikan ke Metode Pembayaran.

2.11 Berbagai Cara Melakukan Pembayaran

2.11.1 Bayar sebagian sekarang, sebagian lagi nanti

Airbnb dapat menyediakan opsi kepada Tamu untuk membayar sebagian dari Harga Total pemesanannya pada saat pemesanan dan membayar sisanya pada lain waktu sebelum check-in ("Bayar sebagian sekarang, sebagian lagi nanti"). Ketersediaan opsi ini tergantung pada Iklan dan/atau Metode Pembayaran yang digunakan. 

Jika Anda memilih Bayar sebagian sekarang, sebagian lagi nanti, Platform Airbnb akan memberitahukan jumlah, mata uang, dan jadwal jatuh tempo setiap pembayaran kepada Anda pada saat pembayaran. Pada tanggal jatuh tempo pembayaran berikutnya, Airbnb Payments akan secara otomatis menagihkan ke Metode Pembayaran semula yang Anda gunakan untuk melakukan pemesanan tadi. 

Jika Anda melakukan perubahan pada pemesanan yang dibuat dengan Bayar sebagian sekarang, sebagian lagi nanti, Airbnb akan memberi tahu Anda tentang jadwal pembayaran yang direvisi, sebagaimana berlaku, dan Airbnb Payments akan secara otomatis membebankan biaya ke Metode Pembayaran semula yang Anda gunakan untuk melakukan pemesanan pada tanggal jatuh tempo pembayaran yang telah direvisi. Jika perubahan tersebut meningkatkan Harga Total Anda, Anda mungkin akan diminta untuk melakukan pembayaran sebagian tambahan dari Total Harga baru pada saat perubahan dilakukan. 

Anda setuju bahwa dengan memilih Bayar sebagian sekarang, sebagian lagi nanti, Anda mungkin tidak dapat membayar pemesanan dengan Metode Pembayaran yang berbeda atau tidak bisa meminta jadwal pembayaran yang berbeda. 

Jika Airbnb Payments tidak dapat menagihkan pembayaran dari Anda, maka Airbnb Payments akan memberi tahu Anda mengenai pembayaran yang ditolak tersebut, dan mengharuskan Anda untuk menyelesaikan pembayaran menggunakan Metode Pembayaran alternatif dalam waktu 72 jam sejak pemberitahuan. Jika Anda gagal menyelesaikan pembayaran, maka Anda mengizinkan Airbnb untuk membatalkan pemesanan atas nama Anda. Jika pemesanan dibatalkan, Anda akan diberikan pengembalian uang berdasarkan kebijakan pembatalan Tuan Rumah.

2.11.2 Pembayaran Berulang 

Untuk pemesanan tertentu (misalnya pemesanan Akomodasi selama dua puluh delapan (28) malam atau lebih), Airbnb Payments dapat mengharuskan Tamu untuk melakukan pembayaran berulang dan bertahap atas Harga Total yang harus dibayarkan ("Pembayaran Berulang"). Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Pembayaran Berulang (termasuk jumlah dan frekuensi pembayaran) akan diberikan melalui Platform Airbnb jika berlaku untuk suatu pemesanan. 

Jika Pembayaran Berulang berlaku untuk pemesanan terkonfirmasi, Tamu akan memberikan wewenang kepada Airbnb Payments untuk menagihkan Harga Total yang harus dibayarkan. 

Tamu dapat menghentikan Pembayaran Berulang dengan memberi tahu Airbnb Payments secara lisan atau tertulis sekurang-kurangnya 3 (tiga) hari kerja sebelum tanggal pembayaran yang dijadwalkan. Airbnb Payments dapat mengharuskan Anda untuk memberikan konfirmasi tertulis terkait perintah penghentian pembayaran dalam waktu empat belas (14) hari sejak pemberitahuan lisan. Apabila Anda gagal memberikan konfirmasi tertulis dalam waktu empat belas (14) hari tersebut, maka Airbnb Payments tidak berkewajiban untuk memenuhi permintaan Anda untuk menghentikan Pembayaran Berulang di masa mendatang. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang Pembayaran Berulang Anda, silakan hubungi Airbnb Payments.

2.12 Beli sekarang, bayar nanti.

Tamu dapat dari waktu ke waktu ditawari kemungkinan untuk membayar Reservasi Akomodasi secara kredit atau opsi angsuran lainnya, dan membayarnya secara berkala ('beli sekarang, bayar nanti'). Metode Pembayaran ini akan disediakan oleh Klarna Bank AB (atau afiliasinya), bukan Airbnb, dengan tunduk pada ketentuan penggunaan tambahan yang disampaikan saat pembayaran, dan Klarna akan menjadi kreditor Anda untuk pembayaran tersebut. Bergantung pada Metode Pembayaran, ini juga akan menciptakan hubungan yang terpisah antara Anda sebagai peminjam dan Klarna sebagai pemberi pinjaman. Harap tinjau ketentuan tambahan yang berlaku sebelum menggunakan Metode Pembayaran ini.

3. Ketentuan Tuan Rumah

3.1 Penagihan Pembayaran. 

Airbnb Payments umumnya menagihkan Harga Total pemesanan pada saat permohonan pemesanan Tamu diterima oleh Tuan Rumah, kecuali dinyatakan lain.

3.2 Metode Bayaran Masuk yang Sah. 

Untuk menerima Bayaran Masuk, Anda harus memiliki Metode Bayaran Masuk yang sah yang terhubung ke akun Airbnb Anda. Saat Anda menambahkan Metode Bayaran Masuk ke akun Airbnb Anda, Anda akan diminta untuk memberikan informasi seperti nama, identitas resmi, nomor pajak, alamat penagihan, dan informasi instrumen keuangan baik untuk Airbnb Payments atau pemroses pembayaran pihak ketiganya. Bergantung pada Metode Bayaran Masuk yang dipilih, informasi tambahan mungkin diperlukan, seperti: alamat tempat tinggal, nama pada rekening, jenis rekening, kode routing, nomor rekening, alamat email, mata uang bayaran masuk, nomor identifikasi, dan informasi rekening yang terkait dengan pemroses pembayaran tertentu. Memberikan informasi yang diminta dibutuhkan untuk membuktikan validitas Metode Bayaran Masuk. Informasi yang diperlukan oleh Airbnb Payments untuk membuktikan validitas suatu Metode Bayaran Masuk dapat berubah, dan Airbnb Payments dapat meminta informasi tambahan kapan saja; apabila informasi yang diminta tidak dapat diberikan, Airbnb Payments untuk sementara akan menahan, menangguhkan, atau membatalkan semua Bayaran Masuk sampai informasi yang diminta diberikan dan, bila perlu, divalidasi. Anda memberikan wewenang kepada Airbnb Payments untuk meminta dan menyimpan informasi Metode Bayaran Masuk Anda sesuai dengan Kebijakan Privasi Airbnb. Airbnb Payments juga dapat membagikan informasi Anda kepada badan pemerintah yang berwenang sebagaimana diwajibkan oleh hukum yang berlaku.

3.3 Waktu Bayaran Masuk


Tunduk dan bergantung pada berhasil tidaknya pembayaran dari Tamu diterima, Airbnb Payments umumnya akan memulai pemrosesan Bayaran Masuk ke Metode Pembayaran yang telah Anda pilih: (i) untuk Akomodasi, 24 jam setelah waktu check-in Tamu yang dijadwalkan (atau 24 jam setelah pukul 15.00 waktu setempat - atau pukul 15.00 UTC jika waktu setempat tidak diketahui - jika waktu check-in fleksibel atau tidak ditentukan); (ii) untuk Pengalaman, 24 jam setelah dimulainya Pengalaman; dan (iii) untuk semua Layanan Tuan Rumah lainnya, pada waktu yang ditentukan melalui Platform Airbnb. Untuk pemesanan Akomodasi selama dua puluh delapan (28) malam atau lebih, Airbnb Payments umumnya akan mulai memproses bayaran masuk dalam 24 jam setelah waktu check-in Tamu yang dijadwalkan, dan akan mulai memproses bayaran masuk mendatang setiap 30 hari setelah bayaran masuk sebelumnya, selama jangka waktu reservasi.


Airbnb Payments dapat menawarkan waktu Bayaran Masuk yang berbeda atau mengaktifkan pemicu pembayaran, yang dapat tunduk pada syarat dan ketentuan tambahan. Waktu yang diperlukan untuk menerima Bayaran Masuk setelah Airbnb Payments memprosesnya mungkin bergantung pada Metode Bayaran Masuk yang Anda pilih.

3.4 Bayaran Masuk. 

Bayaran Masuk Anda untuk suatu pemesanan adalah Harga Total dikurangi biaya yang berlaku seperti biaya layanan Airbnb dan pajak yang berlaku, dan jumlah yang Anda setujui untuk dialokasikan kepada rekan tuan rumah, atau (para) pemilik Akomodasi, asosiasi pemilik rumah, dan/atau agen mereka (seperti operator gedung atau perusahaan manajemen properti). Jika terjadi pembatalan terhadap pemesanan terkonfirmasi, maka Airbnb Payments akan mengirimkan jumlah yang harus dibayarkan kepada Anda (jika ada) sebagaimana diatur dalam Ketentuan dan kebijakan pembatalan yang berlaku.

3.5 Batasan Bayaran Masuk. 

Airbnb Payments dapat secara sementara menahan, menangguhkan, atau membatalkan Bayaran Masuk apa pun untuk tujuan mencegah aktivitas yang melanggar hukum atau penipuan, penilaian risiko, keamanan, atau menyelesaikan penyelidikan; atau jika kami tidak dapat memverifikasi identitas Anda, atau untuk mendapatkan atau memverifikasi informasi yang diminta. Selanjutnya, Airbnb Payments dapat, untuk sementara waktu, menahan, menangguhkan, atau menunda untuk memulai atau memproses Bayaran Masuk apa pun yang seharusnya Anda terima berdasarkan Ketentuan, sebagai akibat dari tingginya volume pembatalan atau perubahan yang muncul karena Keadaan Kahar (sebagaimana dijelaskan di bawah).

3.6 Mata Uang Bayaran Masuk. 

Airbnb Payments akan mengirimkan Bayaran Masuk Anda dalam mata uang yang Anda pilih melalui Platform Airbnb. Mata uang yang tersedia mungkin terbatas karena alasan peraturan atau operasional berdasarkan faktor-faktor tertentu, seperti: Metode Bayaran Masuk yang Anda pilih, negara tempat tinggal Anda, dan/atau entitas Airbnb yang melakukan kontrak dengan Anda. Batasan-batasan tersebut akan dikomunikasikan melalui Platform Airbnb, dan Anda akan diminta untuk memilih mata uang atau Metode Bayaran Masuk yang berbeda. Mohon diperhatikan bahwa penyedia layanan pembayaran dapat mengenakan biaya transaksi, biaya konversi mata uang, atau biaya lainnya berdasarkan mata uang atau Metode Bayaran Masuk yang Anda pilih, dan Airbnb Payments tidak bertanggung jawab atas biaya tersebut dan melepaskan semua tanggung jawab terkait hal ini.

3.7 Batasan Bayaran Masuk. 

Untuk alasan kepatuhan atau operasional, Airbnb Payments dapat membatasi jumlah Bayaran Masuk. Jika jumlah yang harus dibayarkan kepada Anda melebihi batas tersebut, maka Airbnb Payments dapat memproses beberapa Bayaran Masuk (mungkin dalam beberapa hari yang berbeda) agar Anda dapat menerima Bayaran Masuk secara penuh.

3.8 Penyedia Layanan Pembayaran. 

Metode Bayaran Masuk dapat melibatkan jasa penyedia layanan pembayaran pihak ketiga. Jasa penyedia layanan pembayaran ini dapat membebankan biaya tambahan kepada Anda saat memproses Bayaran Masuk sehubungan dengan Layanan Pembayaran (termasuk memotong biaya dari jumlah Bayaran Masuk), dan Airbnb Payments tidak bertanggung jawab atas biaya tersebut dan melepaskan semua tanggung jawab terkait hal ini. Metode Bayaran Masuk Anda juga mungkin tunduk pada ketentuan penggunaan tambahan dari penyedia layanan pembayaran pihak ketiga tersebut. Harap tinjau ketentuan tersebut sebelum menggunakan Metode Bayaran Masuk yang Anda pilih.

3.9 Penanganan Dana. 

Airbnb Payments dapat menggabungkan jumlah yang ditagihkan dari Tamu dan menginvestasikannya sebagaimana diizinkan berdasarkan undang-undang yang berlaku. Airbnb Payments akan mengambil bunga yang diperoleh dari investasi tersebut.

3.10 Metode Bayaran Masuk Anda, Tanggung Jawab Anda. 

Airbnb Payments tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang Anda alami sebagai akibat dari kesalahan informasi yang Anda berikan terkait Metode Bayaran Masuk.

3.11 Beberapa cara untuk mendapatkan pembayaran

3.11.1 Bayaran Masuk Terpisah

Jika Anda menyediakan Layanan Tuan Rumah bersama-sama dengan satu atau beberapa Tuan Rumah lainnya sebagai bagian dari tim, bisnis, atau organisasi lain (“Tim Tuan Rumah”), maka Airbnb dapat memberikan opsi kepada semua Tuan Rumah tersebut untuk memecah total Bayaran Masuk ke setiap anggota Tim Tuan Rumah untuk suatu pemesanan. Airbnb Payments akan memproses pembayaran tersebut atas instruksi satu atau beberapa anggota Tim Tuan Rumah tadi dan tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian apa pun yang terkait dengan kesalahan atau kelalaian yang dilakukan oleh Tuan Rumah dalam memberikan instruksi pembayaran tersebut.

3.11.2 Kartu Kredit Virtual untuk Tuan Rumah yang melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Payments US 

Tuan Rumah tertentu mungkin memenuhi syarat untuk menerima Bayaran Masuk melalui kartu kredit virtual (“VCC”). Jika Bayaran Masuk dilakukan melalui VCC kepada Tuan Rumah, Airbnb Payments akan memberi Anda nomor VCC untuk setiap reservasi dan nominal yang diotorisasi. Setiap VCC akan dapat dikenakan biaya 24 jam sebelum waktu check-in terjadwal Tamu (atau 24 jam sebelum pukul 15.00 waktu setempat - atau pukul 15.00 UTC jika waktu setempat tidak diketahui - jika waktu check-in fleksibel atau tidak ditentukan), dan akan kedaluwarsa 180 hari setelah waktu check-in yang dijadwalkan oleh Tamu. 

Sebagai persyaratan pendahuluan atas kewajiban Airbnb Payments untuk membayar Anda atas reservasi, Anda setuju untuk mengenakan biaya pada setiap VCC tidak lebih awal dari satu hari sebelum check-in untuk reservasi dan tidak lebih dari 180 hari setelah check-in, dan setiap kegagalan untuk mengenakan biaya ke VCC akan berlaku sebagai konfirmasi dari Anda bahwa tidak ada jumlah yang harus dibayarkan oleh Airbnb Payments kepada Anda (misalnya, karena pembatalan oleh Tamu atau penyesuaian lainnya), dan Airbnb Payments dapat menyimpan jumlah yang dibayarkan oleh Tamu ke Airbnb Payments sebagai pertimbangan tambahan untuk biaya fasilitasi Airbnb Payments. Anda mengakui dan menyetujui bahwa Airbnb Payments pada umumnya tidak mengetahui kejadian yang terjadi selama Reservasi (misalnya, tanggal kedatangan atau keberangkatan Tamu yang sebenarnya, atau pembatalan atau penyesuaian lainnya terhadap Reservasi yang dinegosiasikan antara Anda dan Tamu), dan oleh karena itu, Airbnb Payments berhak secara akurat dan mutalk mengandalkan dan menerima jumlah yang Anda bebankan ke VCC. 

Jika Anda menggunakan secara tidak benar atau mengenakan biaya berlebihan ke VCC, atau jika, setelah Anda mengenakan biaya ke VCC, Tamu membatalkan reservasi dan/atau menerima pengembalian uang berdasarkan kebijakan pembatalan yang berlaku, Anda setuju untuk mengembalikan uang ke VCC jika diminta oleh Airbnb Payments. Anda mengakui bahwa Airbnb Payments berhak untuk mendapatkan jumlah yang harus dibayarkan kepada Airbnb Payments dengan cara lain yang diizinkan berdasarkan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini dan/atau dengan melakukan penagihan balik kepada Anda. 

Anda akan sepenuhnya bertanggung jawab untuk menagih pembayaran apa pun secara langsung dari Tamu untuk setiap insidental atau peningkatan yang diminta oleh Tamu setelah berada di properti Anda. Anda setuju untuk tidak memenuhi permohonan Tamu yang dapat mengakibatkan Airbnb Payments mengembalikan sebagian dari Total Harga tanpa terlebih dahulu mengonfirmasikan dengan Airbnb Payments bahwa permohonan tersebut dapat diterima. 

Airbnb Payments berhak, dalam waktu satu (1) tahun setelah tanggal VCC dibebankan sehubungan dengan reservasi Tamu, untuk mengaudit biaya VCC dan meminta dokumentasi dari Anda yang mendukung jumlah yang dibebankan. Jika Airbnb Payments tidak menggunakan hak ini dalam periode tersebut, biaya VCC akan dianggap benar. Jika Anda tidak dapat memberikan dokumentasi yang memadai untuk mendukung pembebanan terhadap VCC, Airbnb Payments berhak untuk melakukan penagihan balik kepada Anda dan/atau mendapatkan jumlah tersebut dengan cara lain yang diizinkan berdasarkan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini.

3.12 Beli sekarang, bayar nanti.

Jika Tamu di Jerman memilih untuk membayar Reservasi Akomodasi menggunakan opsi Klarna ‘beli sekarang, bayar nanti’ (selain opsi Bayar dengan 3 kali angsuran), ketentuan Tuan Rumah tambahan ini berlaku.

4. Penunjukan Airbnb Payments sebagai Agen Penagihan Pembayaran Terbatas


Setiap Tuan Rumah, termasuk setiap anggota Tim Tuan Rumah, dalam perjanjian ini menunjuk Airbnb Payments sebagai agen penagihan pembayaran Tuan Rumah semata-mata untuk tujuan terbatas menerima dan memproses dana dari Tamu yang membeli Layanan Tuan Rumah atas nama Tuan Rumah.


Setiap Tuan Rumah, termasuk setiap anggota Tim Tuan Rumah, setuju bahwa pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh Tamu melalui Airbnb Payments, akan dianggap sama dengan pembayaran yang dilakukan secara langsung kepada Tuan Rumah, dan Tuan Rumah akan memberikan Layanan Tuan Rumah yang dipesan oleh Tamu dengan cara yang disepakati seolah-olah Tuan Rumah telah menerima pembayaran secara langsung dari Tamu. Setiap Tuan Rumah setuju bahwa Airbnb Payments dapat mengembalikan uang Tamu sesuai dengan Ketentuan. Setiap Tuan Rumah memahami bahwa kewajiban Airbnb Payments untuk membayar Tuan Rumah tunduk dan bergantung pada keberhasilan penerimaan pembayaran terkait dari Tamu. Airbnb Payments menjamin pembayaran kepada Tuan Rumah hanya untuk jumlah yang berhasil diterima oleh Airbnb Payments dari Tamu sesuai dengan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini. Dalam menerima penunjukan sebagai agen penagihan pembayaran terbatas Tuan Rumah, Airbnb Payments tidak bertanggung jawab atas tindakan atau kelalaian Tuan Rumah.


Setiap Tamu mengakui dan menyetujui bahwa, terlepas dari fakta bahwa Airbnb Payments bukan merupakan pihak dalam perjanjian antara Anda dan Tuan Rumah, termasuk setiap anggota Tim Tuan Rumah, Airbnb Payments bertindak sebagai agen penagihan pembayaran masing-masing Tuan Rumah untuk tujuan terbatas menerima pembayaran dari Anda atas nama Tuan Rumah. Setelah tamu membayar dana ke Airbnb Payments, kewajiban pembayaran Tamu kepada Tuan Rumah(-Tuan Rumah) untuk jumlah yang disepakati telah berakhir, dan Airbnb Payments bertanggung jawab untuk mengirimkan dana yang berhasil diterima oleh Airbnb Payments kepada Tuan Rumah(-Tuan Rumah) dengan cara yang dijelaskan dalam Ketentuan Pembayaran ini. Apabila Airbnb Payments tidak melaksanakan penyediaan Layanan Pembayaran dan tidak mengirimkan jumlah tersebut, Tuan Rumah(-Tuan Rumah) hanya akan memiliki hak untuk menagihkannya kepada Airbnb Payments dan bukan kepada Tamu secara langsung atas kegagalan penyediaan Layanan Pembayaran.

5. Ketentuan Umum

5.1 Biaya-Biaya. 

Airbnb Payments dapat membebankan biaya atas penggunaan Layanan Pembayaran tertentu dan setiap biaya yang berlaku akan diungkapkan kepada Anda dalam Ketentuan atau melalui Platform Airbnb.

5.2 Otorisasi Pembayaran. 

Anda memberikan otorisasi kepada Airbnb Payments untuk menagih dari Anda jumlah yang harus dibayar sesuai dengan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini dan/atau Ketentuan dengan (i) menagih atau mengenakan biaya pada Metode Pembayaran yang terkait dengan pemesanan yang relevan, atau Metode Pembayaran lainnya yang tercatat, yang Anda otorisasi di akun Airbnb Anda (kecuali Anda sebelumnya telah mencabut otorisasi untuk menagih atau mengenakan biaya pada Metode Pembayaran tersebut), atau (ii) dengan menahan jumlah dari Bayaran Masuk yang akan datang. Secara khusus, Anda memberikan otorisasi kepada Airbnb Payments untuk menagihkan dari Anda:

  • Setiap jumlah yang harus dibayarkan kepada Airbnb atau Airbnb Payments (misalnya, sebagai akibat dari pemesanan Anda, Perubahan Pemesanan, pembatalan, atau tindakan lain sebagai Tamu, Tuan Rumah, atau pengguna Platform Airbnb), termasuk penggantian biaya yang sebelumnya dibayarkan oleh Airbnb atau Airbnb Payments atas nama Anda. Setiap dana yang ditagihkan oleh Airbnb Payments akan memotong jumlah yang menjadi utang Anda kepada Airbnb atau Airbnb Payments dan akan menghapus kewajiban Anda kepada Airbnb atau Airbnb Payments.
  • Setiap jumlah yang harus dibayarkan kepada Tuan Rumah dari Tamu yang ditagihkan oleh Airbnb sebagai agen penagihan pembayaran Tuan Rumah sebagaimana dijelaskan lebih lanjut dalam Poin 4 di atas.
  • Pajak, jika berlaku dan sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Ketentuan.
  • Setiap jumlah yang Anda bayarkan melalui Pusat Resolusi sehubungan dengan akun Airbnb Anda.
  • Setiap jumlah Klaim Kerusakan yang menjadi utang Anda kepada Airbnb atau Airbnb Payments sesuai dengan Ketentuan dan Poin 6.
  • Penalti kelebihan masa inap (overstay) yang harus dibayar berdasarkan Ketentuan, termasuk biaya dan pengeluaran yang timbul ketika menagihkan penalti kelebihan masa inap.
  • Setiap biaya layanan atau biaya pembatalan yang dikenakan sesuai dengan Ketentuan (misalnya, jika sebagai Tuan Rumah, Anda membatalkan pemesanan terkonfirmasi).
  • Jumlah yang sudah dibayarkan kepada Anda sebagai Tuan Rumah, meskipun Tamu membatalkan pemesanan terkonfirmasi atau Airbnb memutuskan bahwa Anda harus membatalkan pemesanan sesuai dengan Ketentuan, Kebijakan Pemesanan Ulang dan Pengembalian Uang, Kebijakan Pengembalian Uang Tamu Pengalaman, Kebijakan Kejadian dengan Gangguan Skala Besar, Kebijakan Pemesanan Ulang dan Pengembalian Uang Luxe, atau kebijakan pembatalan lainnya yang berlaku. Anda setuju bahwa jika Anda telah menerima bayaran, Airbnb Payments berhak untuk memperoleh kembali jumlah pengembalian uang tamu yang terkait dengan bayaran tersebut dari Anda, termasuk dengan memotong sejumlah pengembalian uang tersebut dari Bayaran Masuk mendatang yang akan dibayarkan kepada Anda.

Jika ada jumlah yang harus Anda bayarkan kapan pun setelah suatu pemesanan, misalnya sehubungan dengan Skema Pembayaran atau Pembayaran Berulang, Perubahan Pemesanan, pembayaran pusat resolusi, atau Klaim Kerusakan (“Jumlah Tambahan”), Anda memberikan otorisasi kepada Airbnb Payments untuk menagihkan pembayaran atas Jumlah Tambahan tersebut dengan menagihkan ke Metode Pembayaran Anda yang terhubung dengan pemesanan terkait tanpa membutuhkan tindakan lebih lanjut dari Pihak Anda. Airbnb Payments akan mengirimkan pemberitahuan tertulis kepada Anda sebelum membebankan Jumlah Tambahan tertentu.

Jika Metode Pembayaran Anda yang terhubung dengan pemesanan terkait dianggap kedaluwarsa, tidak valid, atau tidak dapat dibebankan biaya karena alasan apa pun (misalnya, dana kurang), Anda tetap bertanggung jawab atas jumlah yang belum ditagihkan. Anda memberi wewenang kepada Airbnb Payments untuk menagih atau mendebit Metode Pembayaran yang terkait dengan pemesanan Anda lagi atau menggunakan Metode Pembayaran lain yang tercatat dan terhubung dengan akun Airbnb Anda, jika tersedia, untuk menagih Jumlah Tambahan tersebut. Bank Anda mungkin mengenakan biaya cerukan/overdraft atau biaya lainnya atas setiap kegagalan pembayaran. Setiap jumlah yang tidak ditagihkan karena alasan apa pun akan tunduk pada upaya pemulihan yang ada, termasuk, namun tidak terbatas pada, rujukan kepada agen penagihan, atau pengajuan gugatan atau tuntutan terhadap Anda.

Jika Airbnb memiliki alasan untuk meyakini bahwa Anda sebagai Tuan Rumah berpartisipasi dalam aktivitas penipuan, seperti: penipuan kelebihan pembayaran, penipuan pemesanan, atau penipuan lainnya, dan Airbnb Payments telah mengeluarkan bayaran masuk untuk masa inap tersebut, Airbnb Payments dapat meminta ganti rugi dari Anda sejumlah bayaran masuk tadi dengan mengurangi, memotong, atau mendebit jumlah tersebut dari Bayaran Masuk mendatang yang harus dibayarkan kepada Anda.

Selain jumlah yang jatuh tempo sebagaimana diuraikan di atas, jika terdapat tunggakan atau tagihan balik terkait dengan Metode Pembayaran Anda, Airbnb Payments mungkin akan menagihkan biaya yang bersifat insidental kepada Anda atas tunggakan dan tagihan balik ini. Biaya atau tagihan tersebut dapat mencakup biaya penagihan, biaya kemudahan, atau biaya pihak ketiga lainnya.

5.3 Penagihan


Apabila Airbnb Payments tidak dapat menagih jumlah yang harus Anda bayar berdasarkan Ketentuan dan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini, Airbnb Payments dapat mengupayakan penagihan dengan berbagai cara untuk mendapatkan jumlah tersebut dari Anda.


Airbnb Payments akan menganggap jumlah yang harus dibayar melewati jatuh tempo ketika: (a) untuk biaya yang diotorisasi, setelah seratus dua puluh (120) hari sejak upaya pertama Airbnb Payments untuk menagih atau mengenakan biaya pada Metode Pembayaran Anda atau layanan terkait telah disediakan, mana saja yang paling akhir; dan (b) untuk penahanan Bayaran Masuk mendatang Tuan Rumah, setelah dua ratus tujuh puluh (270) hari sejak penyesuaian dilakukan pada akun Airbnb Tuan Rumah atau layanan terkait telah disediakan, mana saja yang paling akhir.


Airbnb Payments akan menganggap setiap jumlah yang melewati jatuh tempo yang tidak berhasil ditagih sebagai wanprestasi setelah tiga ratus enam puluh lima (365) hari: (a) untuk biaya atau pengenaan biaya yang diotorisasi, setelah upaya pertama Airbnb Payments untuk menagih atau mengenakan biaya pada Metode Pembayaran Anda atau layanan terkait telah disediakan, mana saja yang paling akhir; dan (b) untuk penahanan Bayaran Masuk mendatang Tuan Rumah, setelah penyesuaian dilakukan pada akun Airbnb Tuan Rumah atau layanan terkait telah disediakan, mana saja yang paling akhir.


Anda dalam perjanjian ini secara eksplisit setuju bahwa semua komunikasi sehubungan dengan jumlah terutang akan dilakukan melalui email atau nomor telepon yang Anda berikan ke Airbnb dan/atau Airbnb Payments. Komunikasi tersebut dapat dilakukan oleh Airbnb, Airbnb Payments, atau siapa pun atas nama mereka, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada agen penagihan pihak ketiga.

5.4 Kesalahan Pemrosesan Pembayaran


Airbnb Payments akan mengambil langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk memperbaiki kesalahan pemrosesan pembayaran yang kami ketahui. Langkah-langkah ini dapat mencakup pengkreditan atau pendebitan (sebagaimana diperlukan) Metode Bayaran Masuk Tuan Rumah atau Metode Pembayaran semula yang digunakan atau dipilih oleh Anda, sehingga Anda kemudian menerima atau membayar jumlah yang sesuai. Ini dapat dilakukan oleh Airbnb Payments atau pihak ketiga seperti lembaga keuangan Anda. Kami juga dapat mengambil langkah-langkah untuk memulihkan dana yang dikirimkan kepada Anda karena kesalahan (termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada insiden pembayaran ganda yang ditagihkan kepada Anda karena kesalahan pemrosesan), dengan mengurangi, memotong, dan/atau mendebit sejumlah pembayaran tersebut dari Bayaran Masuk mendatang yang terutang kepada Anda.


Apabila Anda menerima dana karena kesalahan, Anda setuju untuk segera mengembalikan dana tersebut ke Airbnb Payments.

5.5 Pengembalian Uang


Setiap pengembalian dana atau kredit yang harus dibayarkan kepada Anggota sesuai dengan Ketentuan, Kebijakan Kejadian dengan Gangguan Skala Besar, Kebijakan Pemesanan Ulang dan Pengembalian Uang, dan Kebijakan Pengembalian Uang Tamu Pengalaman akan dilaksanakan dan dikirimkan oleh Airbnb Payments sesuai dengan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini.


Sesuai dengan Poin 5.5.2 ini, Airbnb Payments akan segera memulai proses pengembalian dana. Jika terjadi pembatalan oleh Tuan Rumah, Airbnb Payments akan menahan dana hingga 72 jam sampai Tamu menerima pengembalian uang atau Tamu mengarahkan Airbnb untuk menggunakan dana tersebut untuk memesan ulang dengan Tuan Rumah lain. Dalam kasus tertentu, proses pengembalian uang dapat mencakup opsi untuk menerima kredit sebagai pengganti pengembalian uang tunai; jika opsi ini tersedia untuk Anda, waktu pengembalian uang Anda akan dikomunikasikan melalui Platform Airbnb. Waktu yang diperlukan untuk menerima pengembalian uang tunai atau untuk melakukan pra-otorisasi Metode Pembayaran Anda akan berbeda-beda, sesuai dengan Metode Pembayaran dan peraturan sistem pembayaran yang berlaku (misalnya, Visa, Mastercard, dll.). Dalam hal terjadinya Keadaan Kahar yang dapat memengaruhi pemrosesan dan penyelesaian pengembalian uang, Airbnb Payments akan memulai dan memproses pengembalian uang segera begitu kondisinya memungkinkan.

6. Klaim Kerusakan dan Nilai Kerusakan


Jika Anda bertanggung jawab atas jumlah Klaim Kerusakan, sesuai dengan Poin 15 pada Ketentuan, Airbnb melalui Airbnb Payments dapat membebankan biaya pada Metode Pembayaran yang digunakan untuk melakukan pemesanan atau metode pembayaran lainnya yang tercatat di akun Airbnb Anda pada saat Klaim Kerusakan atau secara wajar setelahnya untuk menagih jumlah Klaim Kerusakan, hingga jumlah maksimum yang ditentukan pada Poin 15 dalam Ketentuan. Untuk memfasilitasi pembebanan biaya ini, saat Anda memesan Iklan, Anda menyetujui bahwa Airbnb melalui Airbnb Payments dapat membebankan Metode Pembayaran yang digunakan untuk memesan Iklan untuk menagihkan jumlah Klaim Kerusakan.


Anda setuju bahwa Airbnb Payments dapat mengupayakan pemulihan hak dari Anda berdasarkan polis asuransi apa pun yang Anda miliki dan Airbnb Payments juga dapat menuntut pemulihan biaya dari Anda yang tersedia untuknya, termasuk, namun tidak terbatas pada,  membuat rujukan ke agen penagihan, atau mengajukan gugatan atau tuntutan terhadap Anda, termasuk sehubungan dengan Klaim Kerusakan, atau  permintaan pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh Tuan Rumah berdasarkan Perlindungan Kerusakan untuk Tuan Rumah.

7. Properti yang Terbengkalai

Jika Airbnb Payments menahan dana yang harus dibayarkan kepada Anda (misalnya, karena kami tidak dapat memberikan Bayaran Masuk atau pengembalian dana kepada Anda) atau Anda tidak menggunakan kartu hadiah atau kredit hadiah sesuai periode relevan yang ditetapkan oleh negara bagian, negara Anda, atau badan pengatur lainnya dalam undang-undang mengenai properti yang tidak diklaim, kami dapat memproses dana yang harus dibayarkan kepada Anda sesuai dengan kewajiban hukum kami, termasuk dengan melaporkan dan mengalihkan (mengirimkan) dana tersebut ke badan pemerintah yang sesuai sebagaimana diwajibkan oleh undang-undang yang berlaku mengenai properti yang tidak diklaim.

8. Aktivitas yang Dilarang


Anda sepenuhnya bertanggung jawab untuk mematuhi setiap dan seluruh undang-undang, aturan, regulasi, dan kewajiban pajak yang dapat berlaku terhadap penggunaan Anda atas Layanan Pembayaran. Sehubungan dengan penggunaan Layanan Pembayaran oleh Anda, Anda tidak boleh dan Anda setuju bahwa Anda tidak akan membantu atau mengizinkan orang lain untuk:

  • melanggar atau menghindari hukum atau peraturan yang berlaku;
  • melanggar atau menghindari perjanjian apa pun dengan pihak ketiga, hak pihak ketiga, atau Ketentuan, Ketentuan Hukum Tambahan, Kebijakan, atau Standar;
  • menggunakan Layanan Pembayaran untuk tujuan komersial atau tujuan lain yang tidak secara tegas diizinkan oleh Ketentuan Pembayaran ini;
  • mendaftar atau menggunakan Metode Pembayaran atau Metode Bayaran Masuk apa pun yang bukan milik Anda atau Anda tidak memiliki otorisasi untuk menggunakannya dengan akun Airbnb Anda;
  • menghindari, memotong, menghapus, menonaktifkan, merusak, mengacak-acak, atau mengelak dari aturan sistem/program yang diterapkan oleh Airbnb Payments atau penyedia layanan Airbnb Payments atau pihak ketiga lainnya untuk melindungi Layanan Pembayaran;
  • mengambil tindakan apa pun yang merusak atau berdampak buruk, atau berpotensi merusak atau berdampak buruk pada, kinerja atau fungsi Layanan Pembayaran;
  • mencoba mengutak-atik, mendekompilasi, membongkar, atau merekayasa balik perangkat lunak apa pun yang digunakan untuk menyediakan Layanan Pembayaran; atau
  • menyalahi atau melanggar hak orang lain atau menyebabkan kerugian bagi siapa pun.


Kami diwajibkan untuk bertindak sesuai dengan kebijakan internal kami dan hukum berbagai yurisdiksi yang berkaitan dengan pencegahan pencucian uang dan penerapan sanksi, termasuk: (i) sanksi ekonomi atau keuangan atau embargo perdagangan yang diberlakukan, diatur, atau ditetapkan dari waktu ke waktu oleh pemerintah AS, termasuk yang diatur oleh Badan Pengendalian Aset Luar Negeri atau Departemen Luar Negeri AS; atau (ii) oleh Dewan Keamanan PBB, Uni Eropa atau Kementerian Keuangan Inggris. Anda akan mematuhi sanksi keuangan yang relevan dan undang-undang kontrol ekspor yang relevan yang berlaku untuk Anda dan yurisdiksi setempat Anda.

9. Keadaan Kahar

Airbnb Payments tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas keterlambatan atau kegagalan untuk memenuhi kewajiban apa pun berdasarkan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini yang diakibatkan oleh situasi tidak biasa atau tidak terduga di luar kendali wajar Airbnb atau Airbnb Payments, yang konsekuensinya tidak dapat terhindarkan walaupun segala upaya untuk menghindarinya telah dilakukan, termasuk, namun tidak terbatas pada, tindakan Tuhan, bencana alam, perang, terorisme, kerusuhan, embargo, tindakan otoritas sipil atau militer, kebakaran, banjir, kecelakaan, pandemi, epidemi atau penyakit, pemogokan atau kekurangan fasilitas transportasi, bahan bakar, energi, tenaga kerja, atau material ("Keadaan Kahar").

10. Penafian


Jika Anda memilih untuk menggunakan Layanan Pembayaran, Anda melakukannya secara sukarela dan akan menanggung segala risikonya sendiri. Hingga batas maksimum yang diizinkan hukum, Layanan Pembayaran diberikan"sebagaimana adanya", tanpa jaminan dalam bentuk apa pun, baik tersurat maupun tersirat.


Terlepas dari penunjukan Airbnb Payments sebagai agen penagihan pembayaran terbatas Tuan Rumah sesuai Poin 4, Airbnb Payments secara tegas menolak semua tanggung gugat atas segala tindakan atau pengabaian dari Anggota atau pihak ketiga lainnya. Airbnb Payments tidak memiliki kewajiban atau tanggung jawab apa pun sebagai agen untuk setiap Tuan Rumah kecuali hingga batas yang diatur dengan tegas dalam Ketentuan Pembayaran ini, dan kewajiban atau tanggung jawab tambahan apa pun sebagaimana yang mungkin tersirat oleh undang-undang, hingga batas maksimum yang diizinkan oleh hukum yang berlaku, akan dikecualikan secara tegas.


Jika kami memilih untuk melakukan verifikasi identitas terhadap Anggota, hingga batas yang diizinkan hukum yang berlaku, kami menolak jaminan dalam bentuk apa pun, baik tersurat maupun tersirat, bahwa pemeriksaan tersebut akan dapat mengidentifikasi kesalahan yang sebelumnya pernah dilakukan oleh Anggota atau menjamin bahwa Anggota tidak akan melakukan kesalahan pada masa mendatang.


Penafian yang disebutkan sebelumnya berlaku hingga batas maksimum yang diizinkan oleh hukum. Anda mungkin memiliki hak hukum atau jaminan lainnya yang tidak dapat dikecualikan secara hukum. Akan tetapi, durasi dari jaminan yang dipersyaratkan berdasarkan undang-undang akan dibatasi hingga batas maksimum (jika ada) yang diizinkan oleh undang-undang.

11. Liabilitas


Anda mengakui dan setuju bahwa, hingga batas maksimum yang diizinkan oleh hukum, seluruh risiko yang muncul karena akses Anda dan penggunaan Layanan Pembayaran akan Anda tanggung sendiri. Jika Anda mengizinkan atau memberi wewenang kepada orang lain untuk menggunakan akun Airbnb Anda dengan cara apa pun, Anda bertanggung jawab atas tindakan yang diambil oleh orang tersebut. Airbnb Payments maupun pihak lain yang terlibat dalam pembuatan, produksi, atau penyediaan Platform Airbnb atau Konten apa pun tidak akan menanggung akibat dari setiap kerugian yang bersifat insidental, khusus, ganti rugi punitif atau konsekuensial, termasuk kehilangan keuntungan, kehilangan data, atau kehilangan niat baik, gangguan layanan, kerusakan komputer atau kegagalan sistem atau biaya produk atau layanan pengganti, atau untuk ganti rugi akibat cedera pribadi atau cedera fisik atau tekanan emosional yang timbul akibat atau sehubungan dengan (i) Ketentuan Pembayaran ini, (ii) penggunaan atau tidak dapat digunakannya Layanan Pembayaran, (iii) dari komunikasi, interaksi atau pertemuan dengan Anggota lain atau orang lain yang berkomunikasi, berinteraksi, bertransaksi, atau bertemu dengan Anda sebagai akibat dari penggunaan Layanan Pembayaran oleh Anda, baik berdasarkan jaminan, kontrak, di luar kontrak (termasuk kelalaian), tanggung jawab produk atau teori hukum lainnya, dan apakah Airbnb Payments telah diberitahukan atau tidak mengenai kerugian tersebut, meskipun bila suatu upaya hukum terbatas yang dijelaskan di sini didapati gagal melaksanakan tujuan utamanya. Kecuali kewajiban kami untuk membayar jumlah tertentu kepada Tuan Rumah sesuai dengan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini atau permintaan pembayaran yang disetujui berdasarkan Perlindungan Kerusakan untuk Tuan Rumah dan Asuransi Tuan Rumah Jepang, dalam kondisi apa pun tanggung jawab total Airbnb Payments atas setiap klaim atau laporan yang muncul dari atau sehubungan dengan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini dan penggunaan Layanan Pembayaran oleh Anda termasuk, namun tidak terbatas pada, dari penggunaan atau tidak bisa digunakannya Layanan Pembayaran oleh Anda, tidak boleh melebihi: (i) jumlah yang sudah Anda bayarkan atau harus Anda bayarkan untuk pemesanan via Platform Airbnb sebagai Tamu dalam periode dua belas (12) bulan sebelum insiden yang menyebabkan timbulnya tanggung jawab, atau jika Anda Tuan Rumah, jumlah yang dibayarkan kepada Anda oleh Airbnb Payments dalam periode dua belas (12) bulan sebelum insiden yang menyebabkan timbulnya tanggung jawab, atau (ii) seratus dolar Amerika Serikat ($100 USD), jika pembayaran tersebut belum pernah dilakukan, sebagaimana berlaku. Pembatasan kerugian yang dijelaskan di atas merupakan elemen fundamental dari dasar tawar-menawar antara Airbnb Payments dan Anda. Sebagian yurisdiksi tidak mengizinkan pengecualian atau pembatasan tanggung jawab atas kerugian konsekuensial atau insidental, jadi pembatasan di atas mungkin tidak berlaku pada Anda. Jika Anda berdomisili di luar AS, ini tidak akan memengaruhi tanggung jawab Airbnb Payments atas kematian atau cedera pribadi yang timbul akibat kelalaian, atau untuk kekeliruan yang bersifat penipuan, kekeliruan yang berhubungan dengan masalah penting, atau tanggung jawab lainnya yang tidak bisa dikecualikan atau dibatasi menurut undang-undang yang berlaku.

12. Ganti Rugi

Sejauh diizinkan oleh undang-undang yang berlaku, Anda setuju untuk membebaskan, membela (sesuai pilihan Airbnb Payments), memberikan ganti rugi, dan membebaskan Airbnb Payments beserta afiliasi dan anak perusahaannya, serta pejabat, direktur, karyawan, dan agennya, dari semua klaim, tanggung jawab, kerusakan, kerugian, dan biaya, termasuk, namun tidak terbatas pada, biaya hukum dan akuntansi yang wajar, yang timbul dari atau dengan cara apa pun berkaitan dengan (i) pelanggaran Anda terhadap Ketentuan Pembayaran ini; (ii) penggunaan Layanan Pembayaran secara tidak semestinya oleh Anda; (iii) kegagalan Anda, atau kegagalan kami atas arahan dari Anda, untuk melaporkan, menagihkan, atau mengirimkan pajak secara akurat; atau (iv) pelanggaran hukum, regulasi, atau hak pihak ketiga mana pun oleh Anda.

13. Perubahan, Jangka Waktu, Penghentian, dan Tindakan Lainnya

13.1 Perubahan. 

Kecuali diwajibkan oleh hukum yang berlaku, Airbnb Payments dapat mengubah Ketentuan Pembayaran ini kapan saja. Apabila kami membuat perubahan materiel terhadap Ketentuan Pembayaran ini, kami akan memublikasikan Ketentuan Pembayaran yang sudah direvisi di Platform Airbnb dan memperbarui tanggal “Terakhir Diperbarui” di bagian atas Ketentuan Pembayaran ini. Jika Anda terdampak oleh perubahan ini, kami juga akan menyampaikan pemberitahuan kepada Anda mengenai perubahan ini setidaknya tiga puluh (30) hari sebelum tanggal berlakunya perubahan tersebut. Jika Anda melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Payments UK, Anda akan menerima pemberitahuan awal setidaknya dua (2) bulan sebelumnya. Jika Anda tidak mengakhiri perjanjian Anda sebelum tanggal efektif berlakunya Ketentuan Pembayaran yang direvisi, berlanjutnya penggunaan Layanan Pembayaran oleh Anda akan dianggap sebagai persetujuan atas perubahan pada Ketentuan Pembayaran yang direvisi.

13.2 Jangka Waktu. 

Perjanjian antara Anda dan Airbnb Payments yang tercermin dari Ketentuan Pembayaran ini berlaku efektif ketika Anda membuat akun Airbnb atau menggunakan Layanan Pembayaran dan tetap berlaku sampai Anda atau kami mengakhiri perjanjian ini sesuai dengan Poin 13.3.

13.3 Pengakhiran. 

Anda dapat mengakhiri perjanjian ini kapan saja dengan mengirimkan email kepada kami atau dengan menghapus akun Airbnb Anda. Menghentikan perjanjian ini juga akan berlaku sebagai pemberitahuan untuk membatalkan akun Airbnb Anda sesuai dengan Ketentuan. Tanpa membatasi hak kami yang dijelaskan di bawah ini, Airbnb Payments dapat mengakhiri perjanjian ini sesuai kebutuhan sewaktu-waktu dengan menyampaikan pemberitahuan kepada Anda tiga puluh (30) hari sebelumnya melalui email ke alamat email terdaftar Anda (atau pemberitahuan dua (2) bulan sebelumnya untuk Anggota yang melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Payments UK). Airbnb Payments juga dapat langsung mengakhiri perjanjian ini tanpa pemberitahuan apabila (i) Anda secara nyata melanggar kewajiban Anda berdasarkan perjanjian ini; (ii) Anda telah memberikan informasi yang tidak akurat, palsu, sudah tidak berlaku, atau tidak lengkap; (iii) Anda telah melanggar hukum, peraturan, atau hak pihak ketiga yang berlaku; atau (iv) Airbnb Payments meyakini dengan iktikad baik bahwa tindakan tersebut secara wajar diperlukan untuk melindungi Anggota lain, Airbnb, Airbnb Payments, atau pihak ketiga.

13.4 Penangguhan dan Tindakan Lainnya. 

Airbnb Payments dapat membatasi atau menangguhkan penggunaan atau akses Anda secara sementara atau permanen terhadap Layanan Pembayaran (i) untuk mematuhi hukum yang berlaku, atau perintah atau permintaan pengadilan, penegak hukum, atau badan administratif atau badan pemerintah lainnya, (ii) jika Anda telah melanggar Ketentuan Pembayaran ini, Ketentuan, hukum, peraturan, atau hak pihak ketiga yang berlaku, (iii) jika Anda telah memberikan informasi yang tidak akurat, palsu, sudah tidak berlaku, atau tidak lengkap mengenai Metode Pembayaran atau Metode Bayaran Masuk, (iv) jika terjadi keterlambatan pembayaran atau gagal bayar atas jumlah yang harus Anda bayarkan berdasarkan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini, atau (v) jika Airbnb Payments meyakini dengan iktikad baik bahwa tindakan tersebut secara wajar diperlukan untuk melindungi keselamatan pribadi atau properti Airbnb, Anggota Airbnb, Airbnb Payments, atau pihak ketiga, atau untuk mencegah penipuan atau aktivitas melanggar hukum lainnya. Selanjutnya, untuk pembayaran yang tidak berhasil karena kartu kedaluwarsa, dana tidak mencukupi, atau lainnya, kami dapat menangguhkan sementara akses Anda ke Layanan Pembayaran sampai kami dapat membebankan biaya ke Metode Pembayaran yang sah

13.5 Pengajuan Banding. 

Jika Airbnb Payments mengambil langkah yang dijelaskan dalam Poin 13.3 dan 13.4, Anda bisa mengajukan banding terhadap keputusan tersebut dengan menghubungi layanan pelanggan.

13.6 Dampak Pengakhiran. 

Jika Anda membatalkan akun Airbnb Anda sebagai Tuan Rumah atau Airbnb Payments mengambil langkah-langkah yang dijelaskan di atas, Airbnb Payments dapat memberikan pengembalian uang penuh kepada Tamu yang memiliki pemesanan terkonfirmasi, dan Anda tidak berhak mendapatkan kompensasi atas pemesanan berstatus tunggu atau terkonfirmasi yang dibatalkan. Jika Anda membatalkan akun Airbnb Anda sebagai Tamu, Airbnb Payments akan memproses pengembalian dana atas setiap pemesanan terkonfirmasi sesuai kebijakan pembatalan tempat yang tercantum pada Iklan. Apabila akses Anda atau penggunaan Anda atas Layanan Pembayaran telah ditangguhkan atau dibatasi atau perjanjian ini telah diakhiri oleh kami, Anda tidak dapat mendaftarkan akun Airbnb baru atau mencoba mengakses dan menggunakan Layanan Pembayaran melalui akun Airbnb Anggota lain.

13.7 Bagian yang Tetap Berlaku. 

Poin 5 hingga 20 dari Ketentuan Pembayaran ini akan tetap berlaku setelah penghentian atau berakhirnya masa berlaku perjanjian ini.

14. Hukum yang Mengatur dan Penyelesaian Masalah.


Jika Anda melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Payments US, Ketentuan Pembayaran ini akan ditafsirkan sesuai dengan hukum Negara Bagian California dan Amerika Serikat, tanpa mempertimbangkan pasal-pasal mengenai perbedaan hukum. Proses hukum (selain gugatan sederhana) yang dikecualikan dari Perjanjian Arbitrase pada Poin 15 harus diajukan di pengadilan negara bagian atau federal di San Francisco, California, kecuali kedua belah pihak (Anda dan kami) menyepakati lokasi lainnya. Anda dan kami sama-sama menyetujui tempat dan yurisdiksi pribadi di San Francisco, California.


Jika Anda melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Payments UK, Ketentuan Pembayaran ini akan ditafsirkan sesuai dengan hukum Inggris (UK). Apabila Anda bertindak sebagai konsumen individu dan bila peraturan perundang-undangan perlindungan konsumen wajib di negara tempat tinggal Anda memuat ketentuan yang lebih menguntungkan bagi Anda, maka ketentuan tersebut akan berlaku terlepas dari pilihan hukum Inggris. Sebagai konsumen individu, Anda dapat mengajukan proses peradilan apa pun yang terkait dengan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini di hadapan pengadilan yang berwenang di tempat tinggal Anda atau pengadilan yang berwenang di Inggris. Apabila Airbnb ingin menggunakan haknya terhadap Anda sebagai konsumen, kami dapat melakukan hal tersebut hanya di pengadilan di yurisdiksi tempat tinggal Anda. Apabila Anda bertindak sebagai bisnis, Anda setuju untuk tunduk pada yurisdiksi eksklusif pengadilan Inggris.


Jika Anda melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Payments India, Ketentuan Pembayaran ini akan ditafsirkan sesuai dengan hukum India. Setiap masalah yang timbul dari atau sehubungan dengan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini akan dilaporkan kepada Kamar Dagang Internasional (International Chamber of Commerce atau "ICC") untuk arbitrase di New Delhi, yang akan menjadi lokasi dan yurisdiksi arbitrase. Arbitrase tersebut akan dilakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan arbitrase ICC yang berlaku pada saat mengajukan arbitrase, dengan syarat poin ini tidak dapat ditafsirkan untuk membatasi hak mana pun yang mungkin harus digunakan oleh Airbnb Payments ke pengadilan di yurisdiksi terkait untuk suatu perintah yang mengharuskan Anda untuk melakukan atau melarang Anda untuk melakukan tindakan tertentu dan pemulihan hak sementara lainnya yang diizinkan menurut hukum India atau hukum lain yang mungkin berlaku untuk Anda. Apabila satu atau lebih pihak yang terkait dalam masalah ini bukan penduduk, para pihak setuju untuk mengecualikan (untuk menghindari keraguan) penerapan ketentuan Bab I (kecuali Bagian 9, Bagian 27, Bagian 37 (1) (a) dan Bagian 37(3) daripadanya) dari Undang-Undang Arbitrase dan Konsiliasi India 1996 untuk arbitrase apa pun berdasarkan bagian ini. Proses arbitrase akan dilakukan dalam bahasa Inggris. Putusan arbitrase bersifat final dan mengikat kedua belah pihak. Setiap pihak harus menanggung biayanya sendiri sehubungan dengan arbitrase ini.


Jika Anda melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Brazil, Ketentuan Pembayaran ini akan ditafsirkan sesuai dengan hukum Brasil. Jika Anda bertindak sebagai konsumen, proses peradilan yang Anda dapat ajukan terhadap kami yang timbul dari atau sehubungan dengan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini hanya dapat diajukan di pengadilan yang berlokasi di kota Sao Paulo, Negara Bagian Sao Paulo, Brasil atau di pengadilan dengan yurisdiksi di tempat tinggal Anda. Jika Anda bertindak sebagai bisnis, Anda setuju untuk tunduk pada yurisdiksi eksklusif pengadilan yang berlokasi di kota Sao Paulo, Negara Bagian Sao Paulo, Brasil.

15. Perjanjian Arbitrase Amerika Serikat


15.1 Penerapan. 

Perjanjian Arbitrase ini hanya berlaku untuk Anda jika Anda melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Payment Amerika Serikat. Jika Anda tidak melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Payments AS, dan Anda meskipun demikian tetap berusaha mengajukan klaim hukum terhadap Airbnb Payments di Amerika Serikat, maka Perjanjian Arbitrase ini akan berlaku untuk menentukan perihal batasan apakah Poin 15 ini berlaku untuk Anda, dan menentukan batasan lainnya, termasuk tempat tinggal, bisa-tidaknya masalah dibawa ke arbitrase, yurisdiksi, dan hukum yang berlaku.

15.2 Gambaran Umum Proses Penyelesaian Sengketa. 

Airbnb Payments berkomitmen untuk berpartisipasi dalam proses penyelesaian masalah yang ramah konsumen. Untuk tujuan tersebut, Ketentuan Pembayaran ini mengatur proses yang terdiri dari dua bagian untuk individu yang tercakup dalam Poin 15 ini: (1) negosiasi informal secara langsung dengan tim layanan pelanggan Airbnb (dijelaskan di Poin 15.3), dan apabila diperlukan (2) arbitrase mengikat sesuai dengan ketentuan Perjanjian Arbitrase ini. Anda dan Airbnb masing-masing memiliki hak untuk mengupayakan penyelesaian masalah dalam pengadilan gugatan sederhana sebagai alternatif arbitrase

15.3 Penyelesaian Masalah dan Pemberitahuan Pra-Arbitrase Wajib. 

Setidaknya 30 hari sebelum memulai arbitrase, Anda dan Airbnb Payments masing-masing setuju untuk mengirimkan pemberitahuan individual kepada pihak lainnya tentang pengaduan tersebut secara tertulis (“Pemberitahuan Sebelum Perselisihan”) dan berupaya dengan iktikad baik untuk menegosiasikan penyelesaian informal dari klaim individual. Anda harus menyampaikan Pemberitahuan Sebelum Perselisihan masalah Anda kepada Airbnb Payments dengan mengirimkannya ke agen Airbnb Payments terkait: CSC Lawyers Incorporating Service, 2710 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 150N, Sacramento, California 95833. Airbnb Payments akan mengirimkan Pemberitahuan Sebelum Perselisihan ke alamat email yang terhubung dengan akun Airbnb Anda. Pemberitahuan Sebelum Perselisihan harus mencantumkan: tanggal, nama Anda, alamat surat, nama pengguna Airbnb Anda, alamat email yang Anda gunakan untuk membuat akun Airbnb Anda, tanda tangan Anda, deskripsi singkat mengenai pengaduan, dan bentuk penyelesaian yang diinginkan. Apabila kedua pihak tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah dalam jangka waktu 30 hari, hanya kemudianlah salah satu pihak dapat memulai arbitrase dengan mengajukan permintaan tertulis untuk arbitrase kepada penyedia arbitrase yang ditunjuk sesuai dengan Bagian 15.6, di bawah ini. Persyaratan Pemberitahuan Sebelum Perselisihan penggugat adalah prasyarat untuk arbitrase apa pun, dan salinan Pemberitahuan Sebelum Perselisihan dan bukti bahwa pemberitahuan tersebut dikirim sebagaimana disyaratkan oleh Bagian ini harus dilampirkan pada setiap permintaan arbitrase.

15.4 Perjanjian untuk Arbitrase. 

Anda dan Airbnb Payments sama-sama menyetujui bahwa setiap masalah, klaim, atau perselisihan yang timbul dari atau berkaitan dengan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini atau penerapan, pelanggaran, penghentian, keabsahan, pelaksanaan atau penafsirannya, atau penggunaan Layanan Pembayaran (secara kolektif disebut “Masalah”) akan diselesaikan dengan arbitrase individu yang mengikat secara individu (“Perjanjian Arbitrase”). Jika ada masalah mengenai apakah Perjanjian Arbitrase ini dapat diberlakukan atau berlaku untuk Masalah kita, Anda dan Airbnb Payments setuju bahwa arbiter akan memutuskan perihal tersebut. Untuk menghindari keraguan, Anda dan Airbnb setuju bahwa setiap pertanyaan mengenai arbitrabilitas dan pembentukan, keberlakuan, keabsahan, lingkup, atau penafsiran atas semua atau sebagian dari Bagian 15 ini, termasuk setiap masalah mengenai kepatuhan terhadap persyaratan Pemberitahuan Sebelum Perselisihan dan tanggung jawab salah satu pihak untuk membayar biaya arbitrase, akan diselesaikan oleh arbiter.

15.5 Pengecualian terhadap Perjanjian Arbitrase. 

Anda dan Airbnb Payments masing-masing setuju bahwa dasar gugatan berikut dan/atau klaim untuk pemulihan hak merupakan pengecualian dari Perjanjian Arbitrase dan akan dibawa ke dalam proses hukum di pengadilan di yurisdiksi terkait (sebagaimana dijelaskan di Poin 15): (i) setiap klaim atau dasar gugatan yang meminta ganti rugi non-moneter darurat melalui pengadilan berdasarkan situasi mendesak (misalnya, bahaya yang akan terjadi atau tindak kejahatan, peretasan, serangan siber); (ii) permohonan pemulihan hak berupa putusan sela ganti rugi (non-moneter atau berupa tindakan sepadan) bersifat publik; atau (iii) segala klaim atau dasar gugatan untuk proses peradilan yang menyulitkan; atau (iv) setiap klaim individu atas serangan/kekerasan seksual atau pelecehan seksual yang muncul karena penggunaan Platform Airbnb atau Layanan Tuan Rumah oleh Anda. Anda dan Airbnb Payments setuju bahwa segala permintaan atas pemulihan hak berupa putusan sela ganti rugi yang bersifat publik akan dilanjutkan setelah semua klaim yang dapat diarbitrase, pemulihan hak, atau dasar gugatan telah disetujui untuk dilakukan arbitrase, dan akan ditunda menunggu hasil arbitrase sesuai dengan Bagian 3 Undang-Undang Arbitrase Federal.

15.6 Forum, Aturan, dan Hukum yang Mengatur Arbitrase. 

Perjanjian Arbitrase ini membuktikan adanya transaksi perdagangan antarnegara dan Undang-Undang Arbitrase Federal mengatur semua penafsiran dan penegakan substantif dan prosedural dari Perjanjian Arbitrase ini, dan bukan hukum negara bagian. Arbitrase akan dilaksanakan oleh ADR Services, Inc. ("ADR") ( sesuai dengan Aturan 1, 6–7, 8–9, dan 11–12, 45, 54, dan 56 dari Undang-Undang Prosedur Perdata Federal (“Aturan Federal” yang Dipilih) ( dan Aturan Arbitrase ADR yang berlaku saat itu (“Aturan ADR”), kecuali Aturan Federal yang Dipilih atau Aturan ADR diubah oleh atau bertentangan dengan Perjanjian Arbitrase ini. Aturan ADR bisa dilihat di Jika permintaan arbitrase diajukan ke ADR Services sesuai dengan perjanjian ini dan Peraturan ADR, dan ADR Services tidak dapat atau tidak akan melaksanakan arbitrase, arbitrase akan dilaksanakan oleh Asosiasi Arbitrase Amerika (American Arbitration Association/“AAA”) sesuai dengan Aturan Federal yang Dipilih dan Aturan Arbitrase Konsumen AAA dan/atau aturan arbitrase AAA lainnya yang ditentukan berlaku oleh AAA (“Aturan AAA”) yang berlaku saat itu, kecuali sebagaimana diubah di sini. Aturan AAA bisa dilihat di Jika AAA tidak dapat dan tidak akan menyelenggarakan arbitrase, Anda dan Airbnb Payments harus berunding dan memilih forum arbitrase alternatif, dan jika kami tidak dapat menyetujui, Anda atau Airbnb Payments dapat meminta pengadilan untuk menunjuk arbiter sesuai dengan 9 U.S.C. § 5. Dalam hal tersebut, arbitrase akan dilakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan forum arbitrase yang ditunjuk, kecuali ketentuan tersebut tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan Perjanjian Arbitrase ini.

15.7 Perubahan pada Aturan Arbitrase - Sidang/Lokasi Arbitrase. 

Agar arbitrase sebisa mungkin hemat biaya, efisien, dan nyaman bagi Anda, setiap sidang arbitrase yang diperlukan dalam arbitrase dengan jumlah yang diperdebatkan tidak melebihi $1.000.000 USD⁠akan dilakukan secara jarak jauh melalui konferensi video, kecuali jika disetujui sebaliknya oleh para pihak atau diinstruksikan oleh arbiter. Setiap sidang arbitrase yang diperlukan dalam suatu arbitrase dengan jumlah yang dipermasalahkan melebihi $1.000.000 USD harus dilakukan di San Francisco County kecuali jika disetujui oleh para pihak atau diinstruksikan oleh arbiter. Jika nominal yang dipermasalahkan senilai $10.000 USD atau kurang, para pihak setuju untuk melanjutkan hanya dengan mengirimkan dokumen kepada arbiter.

15.8 Perubahan pada Aturan Arbitrase - Biaya-Biaya Arbitrase. 

Biaya arbitrase Anda dan kompensasi arbiter bagian Anda akan diatur berdasarkan Aturan ADR dan daftar biaya Layanan ADR (tersedia di Jika Anda memiliki penghasilan kotor bulanan lebih kecil dari 300% (3 kali lipat) batas penghasilan minimum berdasarkan pedoman pemerintah federal, Anda berhak atas pembebasan biaya-biaya arbitrase, tetapi tidak termasuk biaya arbiter. Anda dapat meminta pembebasan biaya dengan memberikan pernyataan di bawah sumpah kepada penyedia arbitrase dengan menyatakan penghasilan bulanan Anda dan jumlah orang dalam rumah tangga Anda. Jika pembebasan biaya diberikan oleh penyedia arbitrase dan Anda memberikan dokumen yang diperlukan kepada Airbnb Payments untuk membuktikan bahwa penghasilan kotor bulanan Anda kurang dari 300% (3 kali lipat) batas penghasilan minimum berdasarkan pedoman pemerintah federal, Airbnb Payments akan membayar semua biaya arbiter yang merupakan bagian Anda.

15.9 Perubahan pada Aturan Arbitrase - Klaim yang Diajukan untuk Tujuan yang tidak patut atau Melanggar Perjanjian Arbitrase Ini. 

Salah satu pihak dapat mengajukan permohonan agar arbiter menjatuhkan sanksi atas pembuktian bahwa pihak lain atau kuasa hukumnya telah mengajukan klaim atau pembelaan yang tidak berdasarkan fakta atau hukum, diajukan dengan iktikad buruk atau untuk tujuan pelecehan, atau hal-hal lain yang bersifat tidak patut. Sebagaimana diizinkan oleh hukum yang berlaku dan Aturan AAA, arbiter akan menjatuhkan sanksi yang setara dengan biaya pengacara dan pengeluaran yang wajar dari pihak yang mengajukan permohonan setelah menemukan bahwa klaim atau pembelaan tidak berdasarkan fakta atau hukum, diajukan dengan iktikad buruk atau untuk tujuan pelecehan, yang dinyatakan melanggar hukum Federal. R. Civ. P. 11(b) (memperlakukan arbiter sebagai "pengadilan"), atau sebaliknya, bersikap sembrono. Salah satu pihak dapat meminta pemberhentian arbitrase yang telah diajukan apabila melanggar ketentuan Perjanjian Arbitrase ini. Dalam arbitrase, salah satu pihak dapat mengajukan gugatan balik atas inisiasi proses hukum pihak lain mengenai Masalah yang dapat diarbitrasekan apabila tidak mematuhi atau melanggar persyaratan Perjanjian Arbitrase ini. Setelah menemukan bahwa salah satu pihak telah memulai proses mengenai Masalah yang dapat diarbitrasekan tanpa mematuhi atau melanggar ketentuan Perjanjian Arbitrase ini, arbiter harus memberikan ganti rugi aktual kepada pihak lain, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada biaya pengacara yang wajar.

15.10 Keputusan Arbiter. 

Arbiter akan mengeluarkan keputusan tertulis yang akan mencakup temuan-temuan penting dan kesimpulan yang menjadi dasar putusan arbiter. Keputusan hasil arbitrase dapat dibawa ke pengadilan mana pun sesuai yurisdiksi. Arbiter dapat memberikan pemulihan hak yang diizinkan berdasarkan hukum atau Aturan AAA, namun putusan deklaratif atau putusan sela ganti rugi non-moneter hanya dapat diberikan atas dasar kasus-per-kasus dan hanya sejauh diperlukan untuk memberikan pemulihan hak yang dijamin oleh permintaan individu pemohon.

15.11 Pelepasan Hak atas Pengadilan Juri. 

Anda dan Airbnb Payments mengakui dan menyetujui bahwa kedua belah pihak masing-masing melepaskan hak atas pengadilan juri mengenai semua Masalah yang dapat diselesaikan melalui Arbitrase.

15.12 Tidak Ada Gugatan Perwakilan Kelompok. 

Anda dan Airbnb Payments mengakui dan menyetujui bahwa, sejauh yang diizinkan oleh undang-undang, para pihak melepaskan hak untuk berpartisipasi sebagai penggugat atau anggota kelompok jika terdapat gugatan perwakilan kelompok, arbitrase kelompok, gugatan perseorangan atas nama publik, atau tindakan hukum representatif atau terkonsolidasi lainnya. Kecuali disetujui secara tertulis atau seperti yang diatur dalam perjanjian ini, arbiter tidak boleh mengonsolidasikan klaim lebih dari satu pihak dan tidak boleh setuju untuk menengahi gugatan perwakilan kelompok dalam bentuk apa pun. Bila terdapat keputusan pengadilan akhir yang menurut hukum yang berlaku membebaskan penerapan pengabaian yang terdapat dalam paragraf ini yang berhubungan dengan klaim, dasar gugatan atau pemulihan hak yang diminta, maka klaim, dasar gugatan atau pemulihan hak yang diminta tersebut, dan hanya klaim, dasar gugatan atau pemulihan yang diminta tersebut saja, yang akan diabaikan dari perjanjian ini untuk diarbitrasekan dan akan dibawa ke pengadilan di yurisdiksi terkait. Dalam hal suatu klaim, dasar gugatan atau pemulihan hak yang diminta diabaikan berdasarkan paragraf ini, maka Anda dan kami setuju bahwa klaim, dasar gugatan atau pemulihan hak yang diminta tersebut yang tidak tunduk pada arbitrase akan ditangguhkan sampai seluruh klaim arbitrase, dasar gugatan atau pemulihan hak yang diminta diselesaikan oleh arbiter.

15.13 Pelepasan Gugatan Kolektif. 

Anda dan Airbnb Payments mengakui dan menyetujui bahwa manfaat dan efisiensi terkait arbitrase dapat hilang ketika 100 klaim arbitrase atau lebih diajukan dalam waktu 180 hari yang (1) melibatkan pihak yang sama atau berada di situasi yang sama; (2) didasarkan pada klaim yang sama atau serupa yang timbul dari transaksi, insiden, dugaan pelanggaran, atau peristiwa yang sama atau secara substansial identik yang membutuhkan penentuan pertanyaan hukum atau fakta yang sama atau secara substansial identik; dan (3) melibatkan penasihat hukum yang sama atau terkoordinasi untuk para pihak (“Gugatan Kolektif”). Oleh karena itu, Anda dan Airbnb Payments setuju untuk mengabaikan hak agar Masalah ditangani, diarbitrasekan, atau diselesaikan sebagai bagian dari Gugatan Kolektif (meskipun Poin 15 dan 15.12 dari Ketentuan ini akan tetap berlaku pada Masalah ini). Jika terjadi perselisihan, arbiter yang ditunjuk untuk masalah pertama yang dimulai dalam serangkaian klaim yang diidentifikasi oleh salah satu pihak harus memutuskan apakah klaim tersebut merupakan bagian dari Gugatan Kolektif. Jika belum ada arbiter yang ditunjuk, arbiter harus ditunjuk semata-mata untuk menentukan apakah klaim yang diidentifikasi oleh salah satu pihak merupakan bagian dari Gugatan Kolektif. Tidak ada dalam ketentuan ini yang menghalangi Anda atau Airbnb Payments untuk berpartisipasi dalam penyelesaian klaim gugatan kolektif.

15.14 Perubahan Aturan Arbitrase – Persyaratan Pengelompokan Gugatan Kolektif. 

Jika karena alasan apa pun, terlepas dari Poin 15.13, arbitrase berlangsung sebagai bagian dari Gugatan Kolektif, para pihak akan membagi tuntutan arbitrase ke dalam kelompok yang jumlahnya tidak lebih dari 200. Batch harus ditentukan dengan menyusun para penggugat menurut abjad (dengan nama belakang atau nama bisnis, sebagaimana berlaku)—misalnya, 200 penggugat pertama yang terdaftar akan menjadi batch pertama, 200 penggugat berikutnya yang terdaftar akan menjadi batch kedua, dan seterusnya. Para pihak harus menetapkan nomor urut setiap batch secara acak dan melakukan proses arbitrase pada masing-masing batch satu per satu, secara berurutan. Selagi satu batch menjalani proses arbitrase, penyedia arbitrase harus menunda kasus-kasus yang lain kecuali jika ada kesepakatan lain dari para pihak atau diinstruksikan oleh penyedia arbitrase. Setiap batch harus diselesaikan dalam waktu 240 hari sejak konferensi pra-sidang untuk batch tersebut. Meskipun demikian, jika permintaan penggugat belum menjadi subjek konferensi pra-sidang dalam waktu 2 tahun sejak pengajuan permintaan terakhir dalam Gugatan Kolektif, penggugat tersebut dapat memilih untuk melanjutkan klaim yang diajukan dalam permintaan penggugat di pengadilan sesuai Poin 14 dan 15.12 dari Ketentuan ini.

15.15 Perubahan Aturan Arbitrase - Penawaran Putusan. 

Setidaknya 10 hari sebelum tanggal yang ditetapkan untuk sidang arbitrase, Anda atau Airbnb Payments dapat mengajukan penawaran putusan tertulis kepada pihak lain untuk mengizinkan putusan berdasarkan ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan. Jika penawaran disetujui, penawaran dengan bukti persetujuan tersebut harus diserahkan kepada penyedia arbitrase, yang akan mengeluarkan putusan yang sesuai. Jika penawaran tidak disetujui sebelum sidang arbitrase atau dalam waktu 30 hari setelah diajukan, mana pun yang terjadi lebih dulu, penawaran tersebut akan dianggap dibatalkan dan tidak dapat diberikan sebagai bukti dalam arbitrase, kecuali sehubungan dengan biaya (termasuk semua biaya yang dibayarkan kepada penyedia arbitrase). Jika penawaran yang dibuat oleh salah satu pihak tidak disetujui oleh pihak lain, dan pihak lain gagal mendapatkan putusan yang lebih menguntungkan, pihak lain tidak akan mendapatkan kembali biaya pasca-penawaran dan harus membayar biaya yang menjadi beban pihak yang mengajukan penawaran (termasuk semua biaya yang dibayarkan kepada penyedia arbitrase) sejak saat penawaran dilakukan.

15.16 Keterpisahan. 

Kecuali sebagaimana diatur dalam Poin 15.12, apabila ada bagian dalam Perjanjian Arbitrase ini yang dianggap ilegal atau tidak dapat diberlakukan, ketentuan lain dalam Perjanjian Arbitrase akan berlaku dan berkekuatan hukum penuh.

15.17 Amendemen Perjanjian Arbitrase. 

Apabila Airbnb Payments mengamendemen Poin 15 ini setelah tanggal Anda terakhir menerima Ketentuan Pembayaran ini (atau menerima perubahan berikutnya dari Ketentuan Pembayaran ini), Anda dapat menolak perubahan tersebut dengan mengirimkan pemberitahuan tertulis kepada kami maksimal 30 (tga puluh) hari sejak tanggal perubahan tersebut berlaku. Pemberitahuan Anda harus mencantumkan nama Anda, alamat surat, tanggal pemberitahuan, nama pengguna Airbnb Anda, alamat email yang Anda gunakan untuk membuat akun Airbnb Anda, tanda tangan Anda, dan pernyataan tegas bahwa Anda menolak Poin 15 yang telah diubah. Anda harus mengirimkan pemberitahuan Anda ke alamat ini: 888 Brannan St, San Francisco, CA 94103, Attn: Arbitration Opt-Out, atau kirim email pemberitahuan penolakan tersebut ke Meskipun demikian, menolak perubahan baru tidak akan mencabut atau mengubah persetujuan Anda sebelumnya terhadap kesepakatan terdahulu untuk mengarbitrasekan Masalah antara Anda dan Airbnb Payments (atau persetujuan Anda sebelumnya terhadap setiap perubahan berikutnya), yang akan tetap berlaku efektif dan dapat dilaksanakan sehubungan dengan Masalah antara Anda dan Airbnb Payments.

15.18 Keberlakuan. 

Kecuali sebagaimana diatur dalam Poin 15.16 dan menurut Poin 13.7, Poin 15 ini akan tetap berlaku setelah berakhirnya Ketentuan Pembayaran ini dan akan terus diberlakukan meskipun Anda berhenti menggunakan Layanan Pembayaran atau menutup akun Airbnb Anda.

16. Lain-lain.

16.1 Penafsiran Ketentuan Pembayaran ini. 

Kecuali terdapat pelengkap berupa syarat dan ketentuan, kebijakan, pedoman, atau standar tambahan, Ketentuan Pembayaran ini merupakan satu kesatuan perjanjian antara Airbnb Payments dan Anda sehubungan dengan pokok bahasan dalam ketentuan ini, dan akan menggantikan setiap dan seluruh kesepahaman atau perjanjian lisan atau tertulis sebelumnya antara Airbnb Payments dan Anda sehubungan dengan Layanan Pembayaran. Apabila ada pasal dalam Ketentuan Pembayaran ini yang dianggap tidak sah atau tidak dapat diberlakukan, pasal tersebut akan dihapus dan tidak akan memengaruhi keabsahan dan keberlakuan pasal lainnya.

16.2 Tidak Ada Pengabaian Hak. 

Kegagalan Airbnb Payments untuk melaksanakan hak atau ketetapan dalam Ketentuan Pembayaran ini bukan merupakan pengabaian dari hak atau ketetapan tersebut, kecuali diakui dan disetujui oleh kami secara tertulis. Kecuali sebagaimana diatur secara tegas dalam Ketentuan Pembayaran ini, pelaksanaan pemulihan hak oleh salah satu pihak berdasarkan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini tidak akan mengesampingkan pemulihan hak lainnya yang tercakup dalam Ketentuan Pembayaran ini atau sebaliknya diizinkan menurut hukum.

16.3 Pengalihan. 

Anda tidak dapat mengalihkan, memindahkan, atau mendelegasikan perjanjian ini atau hak dan kewajiban Anda yang tercakup dalam Ketentuan ini tanpa persetujuan tertulis sebelumnya dari Airbnb Payments. Airbnb Payments tanpa pembatasan dapat mengalihkan, memindahkan, atau mendelegasikan perjanjian ini dan setiap hak dan kewajiban yang tercakup, atas kebijaksanaan mutlaknya, dengan pemberitahuan tiga puluh (30) hari sebelumnya (atau pemberitahuan dua (2) bulan sebelumnya untuk Anggota yang melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Payments UK).

16.4 Pemberitahuan. 

Kecuali ditentukan sebaliknya, setiap pemberitahuan atau komunikasi lain yang diizinkan atau diwajibkan berdasarkan perjanjian ini akan diberikan secara tertulis dan disampaikan oleh Airbnb Payments melalui email atau notifikasi Platform Airbnb, dan tergantung pengaturan notifikasi Anda, layanan pengiriman pesan (termasuk SMS dan WeChat). Tanggal penerimaannya akan dianggap sebagai tanggal Airbnb Payments mengirimkan pemberitahuan tersebut.

17. Klausul Tambahan untuk Pengguna yang Melakukan Kontrak dengan Airbnb Payments UK

Paragraf berikut akan berlaku jika Anda melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Payments UK. Apabila ada pertentangan antara Poin 17 ini dan ketentuan lain dari Ketentuan Pembayaran ini, ketentuan Poin 17 ini akan berlaku.

17.1 Pengguna Layanan Pembayaran


Layanan Pembayaran mencakup layanan penagihan pembayaran kepada Tuan Rumah yang melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Payments UK. Layanan penagihan pembayaran merupakan "layanan pembayaran" yang diatur berdasarkan Regulasi Layanan Pembayaran dan untuk tujuan ini Airbnb Payments UK memperlakukan Tuan Rumah sebagai "pengguna layanan pembayaran".


Dengan menyetujui Ketentuan Pembayaran ini, Anda sebagai Tuan Rumah telah mengizinkan Airbnb Payments UK untuk mengirimkan Bayaran Masuk ke Metode Bayaran Masuk pilihan Anda. Tuan Rumah dapat mengubah Metode Bayaran Masuk hingga satu (1) hari sebelum waktu yang disepakati untuk pengiriman Bayaran Masuk sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Poin 3.3. Airbnb Payments UK akan dianggap telah menerima perintah pembayaran kepada Tuan Rumah pada tanggal yang sama Airbnb Payments UK setuju untuk memproses Bayaran Masuk sesuai dengan poin 3.3


Airbnb Payments UK akan berupaya memastikan bahwa Tuan Rumah yang berdomisili di Inggris akan menerima setiap Bayaran Masuk paling lambat pada akhir hari kerja setelah Airbnb Payments UK memproses Bayaran Masuk tersebut.


Komunikasi. Airbnb Payments akan memberikan pemberitahuan kepada Tuan Rumah melalui email ketika kami memproses setiap Bayaran Masuk. Kami juga akan menyampaikan pemberitahuan ke alamat email terdaftar Tuan Rumah bila Bayaran Masuk dikembalikan kepada kami karena suatu kesalahan. Sebagai Tuan Rumah, Anda bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan Anda sudah memberikan alamat email yang terkini, akurat, dan valid kepada kami.

17.2 Bayaran Masuk yang Dialihkan dan Keluhan


Jika Anda sebagai Tuan Rumah meyakini atau mengetahui bahwa suatu Bayaran Masuk yang seharusnya dibayarkan kepada Anda telah atau mungkin dialihkan tanpa otorisasi Anda ("Bayaran Masuk yang Dialihkan") karena kata sandi Anda atau kredensial lain untuk masuk ke akun Airbnb Anda ("Kredensial") telah hilang atau dicuri atau disalahgunakan, Anda harus memberi tahu Airbnb Payments UK (lihat Poin 20 untuk detail tentang cara melakukannya) tanpa penundaan yang tidak semestinya setelah mengetahui terjadinya kehilangan, pencurian, atau penyalahgunaan Kredensial Anda atau penggunaan Kredensial Anda atau akses ke akun Airbnb Anda tanpa izin.


Jika Anda sebagai Tuan Rumah mengklaim tidak menerima Bayaran Masuk yang semestinya melalui Metode Bayaran Masuk yang Anda pilih (termasuk jika ada Bayaran Masuk yang Dialihkan), Airbnb Payments UK akan (jika diminta oleh Anda tanpa penundaan yang tidak semestinya, setelah mengetahui terjadinya Bayaran Masuk yang tidak sah atau tidak dijalankan dengan semestinya dan dalam setiap keadaan dalam waktu 13 bulan setelah kejadian tersebut) segera melakukan upaya untuk melacak pembayaran dan akan memberi tahu Anda hasilnya. Berdasarkan Poin 17.2.3, kecuali kami bisa membuktikan bahwa (i) Bayaran Masuk diterima oleh Anda melalui Metode Bayaran Masuk yang Anda pilih, atau (ii) kami mengirimkan Bayaran Masuk dengan benar menggunakan informasi Metode Bayaran Masuk yang Anda berikan tetapi informasi yang Anda berikan salah, kami akan mengembalikan uang tersebut. Jika Anda memberi kami informasi yang keliru, kami tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas tidak berfungsinya atau tidak terlaksananya Bayaran Masuk tersebut. Namun, kami akan melakukan upaya yang wajar untuk memulihkan dana Bayaran Masuk.


Anda harus menggunakan Kredensial Anda sesuai dengan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini dan mengambil semua langkah yang wajar untuk menjaga keamanan Kredensial Anda. Sebagai Tuan Rumah, Anda mungkin bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang timbul dari penggunaan Kredensial yang hilang, dicuri, atau disalahgunakan (termasuk kehilangan ponsel yang terinstal Aplikasi kami) atau jika Anda gagal menjaga keamanan Kredensial Anda, hingga maksimum sebesar £35. Ini tidak akan berlaku jika kehilangan, pencurian, atau penyalahgunaan Kredensial Anda tidak terdeteksi oleh Anda sebelum Bayaran Masuk dikirimkan, kecuali Anda bertindak curang atau kerugian tersebut disebabkan oleh tindakan atau kelalaian staf Airbnb atau penyedia layanan. Namun, Anda mungkin bertanggung jawab atas semua kerugian yang terkait dengan Bayaran Masuk yang Dialihkan jika kami dapat menunjukkan bahwa Anda bertindak curang atau jika, dengan niat atau kelalaian yang disengaja, Anda gagal menggunakan Platform dan/atau Layanan Pembayaran Airbnb sesuai dengan Ketentuan atau Ketentuan Pembayaran ini (termasuk kewajiban untuk menjaga Kredensial Anda tetap aman). Kecuali jika Anda telah bertindak curang, Anda tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang timbul sehubungan dengan Bayaran Masuk yang Dialihkan yang terjadi setelah Anda memberitahukan kehilangan, pencurian, atau penyalahgunaan Kredensial Anda atau penggunaan Kredensial Anda secara tidak sah, akibat dari kegagalan kami menyediakan sarana yang sesuai untuk pemberitahuan tersebut, atau akibat kami tidak mewajibkan autentikasi pelanggan yang kuat, jika diperlukan.


Setiap keluhan mengenai Layanan Pembayaran harus ditujukan kepada Airbnb Payments UK (lihat Poin 20 untuk mengetahui detail cara melakukannya). Jika Anda tidak puas dengan hasil pengaduan keluhan dan Anda sebagai Tuan Rumah telah menerima Layanan Pembayaran yang diatur dari Airbnb Payments, UK, Anda mungkin juga bisa merujuk pengaduan keluhan Anda ke Ombudsman Keuangan. Semua pengaduan keluhan ke Layanan Ombudsman Keuangan tunduk pada aturan Layanan Ombudsman Keuangan, termasuk yang berkaitan dengan persyaratan kelayakan. Layanan Ombudsman Keuangan Inggris (UK) menawarkan layanan penyelesaian keluhan gratis kepada individu, usaha mikro, badan amal kecil, dan wali dari dana perwalian kecil. Anda dapat memperoleh informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Layanan Ombudsman Keuangan dan detail kontak di:

17.3 Untuk Tuan Rumah dan Tamu yang Bertempat Tinggal di Meksiko

Jika negara tempat tinggal Anda di Meksiko, (i) begitu Anda berhasil menerima pembayaran dari Tamu setelah Tuan Rumah menyetujui permohonan pemesanan Tamu, Airbnb Payments umumnya akan menahan dana tersebut untuk sementara waktu hingga dana dibayarkan kepada Tuan Rumah sesuai dengan Poin 3.3.1, dan (ii) pembayaran kepada Tuan Rumah hanya akan berlaku efektif begitu dimulainya Layanan Tuan Rumah dan sesuai dengan Poin 3.3.1. Airbnb mungkin diwajibkan untuk memotong pajak sesuai dengan undang-undang setempat yang berlaku, dan pajak tersebut harus dibayarkan pada saat Bayaran Masuk untuk Tuan Rumah diproses oleh Airbnb Payments.

Tuan Rumah mengakui bahwa Airbnb Payments bertindak sebagai agen penagihan pembayaran yang semata-mata untuk tujuan terbatas menerima dan memproses dana dari Tamu yang membeli Layanan Tuan Rumah dan membayar pajak yang berlaku di Meksiko, termasuk PPN, atas nama Tuan Rumah.

18. Klausul Tambahan untuk Pengguna yang Melakukan Kontrak dengan Airbnb Brasil

Paragraf berikut akan berlaku jika Anda melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Brasil:

18.1 Fitur Angsuran untuk Pengguna yang Bertempat Tinggal di Brasil

Poin 2, "Ketentuan Tamu", akan diubah dengan menambahkan subbagian berikut: "Anda membenarkan bahwa jika negara tempat tinggal Anda adalah Brasil dan Anda membayar dengan kartu kredit, Anda dapat membayar pemesanan Anda dalam beberapa kali angsuran asalkan kartu kredit Anda mendukung angsuran dan diterbitkan di Brasil. Jumlah angsuran dapat bervariasi, namun akan diberitahukan kepada Anda sebelum Anda menyelesaikan transaksi pemesanan. Anda membenarkan bahwa Harga Total mungkin akan bertambah bila Anda memilih untuk membayar pemesanan secara angsuran dikarenakan biaya yang timbul sehubungan dengan penggunaan kartu kredit dan/atau skema angsuran lainnya ("Biaya Angsuran"). Anda setuju bahwa Anda bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya atas pembayaran Biaya Angsuran tersebut, dan Airbnb Brasil hanya bertanggung jawab untuk menagihkan dan mentransfer jumlah tersebut ke penyedia layanan pembayaran pihak ketiga terkait. Anda mengizinkan penyedia layanan pembayaran pihak ketiga terkait untuk secara otomatis mengenakan biaya pada Metode Pembayaran semula yang Anda gunakan untuk melakukan pemesanan. Penggunaan fitur angsuran oleh Anda dapat tunduk pada syarat dan ketentuan tambahan yang diberlakukan oleh penyedia layanan pembayaran pihak ketiga terkait. Jika pemesanan Anda dibatalkan karena alasan apa pun, Biaya Angsuran akan dikembalikan ke Metode Pembayaran yang Anda gunakan untuk melakukan pemesanan. Jika Anda melakukan modifikasi pada pemesanan yang dapat dibayar dengan angsuran, dan Perubahan Pemesanan tersebut menurunkan Harga Total Anda, Biaya Angsuran sama sekali tidak akan dikembalikan. Pengembalian uang akan diproses dan dikirimkan oleh Airbnb Payments sesuai dengan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini.”


Bergantung pada negara tempat tinggal tamu dan tuan rumah, pembayaran kepada tuan rumah dan biaya yang berlaku, seperti biaya layanan Airbnb, dapat mewajibkan pelaksanaan perjanjian valuta asing atau tindakan terkait lainnya, sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.


Jika Anda tinggal di Brasil dan memesan dari Tuan Rumah yang tinggal di luar Brasil menggunakan mata uang lokal, dengan menggunakan Layanan Pembayaran, Anda mengakui dan menyetujui bahwa Airbnb Brasil bertindak sebagai agen penagihan pembayaran dari Tuan Rumah yang tinggal di luar Brasil. Airbnb Brasil juga merupakan entitas yang melakukan kontrak dengan Anda atas penggunaan Platform Airbnb, sebagaimana diatur dalam Ketentuan.


Anda memberikan wewenang kepada Airbnb Brasil, secara langsung atau melalui pihak ketiga, untuk meminta informasi yang kami anggap perlu untuk memverifikasi identitas Anda. Hal ini mungkin termasuk (i) memeriksa latar belakang Anda di basis data pihak ketiga atau sumber lain, (ii) meminta laporan dari penyedia layanan, (iii) meminta Anda untuk memberikan bukti identifikasi resmi (misalnya, SIM atau paspor), nomor pajak, tanggal lahir Anda, alamat Anda, dan informasi lainnya; atau (iv) mengharuskan Anda untuk mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengonfirmasikan kepemilikan alamat email Anda, Metode Pembayaran, atau Metode Bayaran Masuk. Airbnb Brasil berhak untuk menghentikan, menangguhkan, atau membatasi akses ke Layanan Pembayaran apabila kami tidak dapat memperoleh atau memverifikasi informasi yang diminta.


Saat memproses pembayaran dari seorang Anggota, Airbnb Brasil (dan/atau pihak ketiga yang melakukan kontrak oleh Anda atau oleh Airbnb Brasil atas nama Anda) dapat menyimpan dan/atau melaporkan informasi yang berkaitan dengan Anggota dan/atau transaksi terkait kepada otoritas yang berwenang (jika berlaku) untuk mematuhi peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan kontrol peraturan tertentu, dan pencegahan tindak pencucian uang.


Bagi Tamu dan Tuan Rumah yang melakukan kontrak dengan Airbnb Brasil, semua penyebutan Airbnb, Airbnb Payments atau Platform Airbnb dalam Ketentuan Pembayaran ini akan dianggap merujuk ke Airbnb Brasil.

19. Klausul Tambahan untuk Pengguna yang Merupakan Entitas Bisnis

Paragraf berikut juga berlaku jika Anda menggunakan Layanan Pembayaran sebagai perwakilan ("Perwakilan") yang bertindak atas nama bisnis, perusahaan, atau badan hukum lainnya (dalam hal ini, untuk tujuan Ketentuan Pembayaran, disebut "Anda" dan "bisnis/perusahaan Anda" akan merujuk dan berlaku untuk bisnis tersebut, perusahaan, atau badan hukum lainnya).


Anda menyetujui Ketentuan Pembayaran dan Anda akan bertanggung jawab atas segala tindakan atau kelalaian karyawan atau agen pihak ketiga yang menggunakan Layanan Pembayaran atas nama Anda.


Anda dan Perwakilan Anda secara individu menegaskan bahwa Anda berwenang untuk memberikan informasi yang dijelaskan dalam Poin 2.1 dan Poin 3.2 dan Perwakilan Anda memiliki wewenang untuk mengikat Anda dengan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini. Kami mungkin mengharuskan Anda untuk memberikan informasi atau dokumentasi tambahan yang menunjukkan kewenangan Anda sebagai Perwakilan.


Anda menyatakan dan menjamin kepada kami bahwa: (i) perusahaan Anda terorganisasi dengan baik, berdiri secara sah, dan bereputasi baik berdasarkan undang-undang negara tempat bisnis Anda terdaftar, dan bahwa Anda mendaftar untuk menerima Layanan Pembayaran; dan (ii) Anda memiliki semua hak, kuasa, dan wewenang yang diperlukan untuk menandatangani perjanjian ini, melaksanakan kewajiban Anda, dan memberikan hak, lisensi, dan otorisasi dalam perjanjian ini.


Jika Anda menggunakan Metode Pembayaran Anda untuk kepentingan karyawan Anda atau pihak ketiga lainnya yang diizinkan sehubungan dengan Airbnb untuk Bisnis, sebagaimana diizinkan oleh akun Anda, Anda mengizinkan Airbnb Payments untuk menagih ke Metode Pembayaran Anda untuk pemesanan yang dilakukan oleh karyawan di perusahaan Anda atau pihak ketiga lain yang diizinkan.


Untuk semua Metode Bayaran Masuk yang terhubung ke akun Airbnb Anda, Anda memberi wewenang kepada Airbnb untuk menyimpan Metode Bayaran Masuk tersebut, menyetorkan pembayaran menggunakan Metode Bayaran Masuk untuk pemesanan yang terhubung dengan akun Airbnb Anda, dan mengambil tindakan lain sebagaimana diizinkan dalam Ketentuan Pembayaran yang berkenaan dengan Metode Bayaran Masuk tersebut.


Jika Anda menangani, menyimpan, atau memproses informasi kartu pembayaran atas nama siapa pun atau pihak ketiga mana pun, Anda setuju untuk secara berkelanjutan mematuhi persyaratan privasi dan keamanan data yang berlaku berdasarkan Standar Keamanan Data Industri Kartu Pembayaran saat ini terkait dengan penggunaan, akses, dan penyimpanan informasi kartu kredit tersebut. Untuk informasi tambahan, termasuk perangkat/fitur untuk membantu Anda menilai kepatuhan Anda terhadap standar tersebut, lihat dan

20. Menghubungi Airbnb Payments

Anda dapat menghubungi Airbnb Payments sehubungan dengan Layanan Pembayaran lewat informasi di bawah ini:

Airbnb Payments, Inc.888 Brannan Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
United States of America
+1 (844) 234 -2500
Airbnb Payments UK Ltd.

Silakan hubungi Layanan Pelanggan Airbnb jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan untuk memperbarui informasi pribadi atau bisnis Anda atau jika Anda ingin mengajukan keluhan tentang Layanan kami.

Airbnb Payments UK Limited memegang izin dan diawasi oleh Financial Conduct Authority sebagai Institusi Uang Elektronik dengan nomor referensi 900596 dengan kantor terdaftar di 280 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M, Inggris Raya.
Airbnb Payments India Pvt. Ltd.Level 9, Spaze i-Tech Park
A1 Tower, Sector-49, Sohna Road
Gurugram INDIA 122018

Silakan hubungi Layanan Pelanggan Airbnb jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan untuk memperbarui informasi pribadi atau bisnis Anda atau jika Anda ingin mengajukan keluhan tentang Layanan kami.
Airbnb Plataforma Digital Ltda.

Rua Aspicuelta 422
conjunto 51
CEP: 05433-010
Sao Paulo - SP - Brazil
+0800 878 7918

Airbnb Payments akan memberikan salinan Ketentuan Pembayaran ini bila diminta. Bila Anda memiliki pertanyaan mengenai Ketentuan Pembayaran, harap kirimkan email kepada kami.

Payments Terms of Service for European Users

If you attempt to bring any legal claim against Airbnb Payments in the United States, the arbitration agreement and class actions waiver in Section 15 apply to you. Please read them carefully.

As a consumer who resides in the EEA you can access the European Commission’s online dispute resolution platform here: Please note that Airbnb Payments is not committed or obliged to use an alternative dispute resolution entity to resolve disputes with consumers. The European Commission’s online dispute resolution platform is not available for residents of Switzerland or the United Kingdom.

Last Updated: 25 Januari 2024

These Payments Terms of Service for European Users (“Payments Terms”) are a binding legal agreement between you and Airbnb Payments that govern the Payment Services (defined below) conducted through or in connection with the Airbnb Platform. When these Payments Terms mention “Airbnb Payments,” “we,” “us,” or “our,” it refers to:

  • Airbnb Payments Luxembourg S.A. (“Airbnb Payments Luxembourg”) if your country of residence is in the EEA.
  • Airbnb Payments UK Ltd. (“Airbnb Payments UK”) if your country of residence is in the United Kingdom or Switzerland.

These Payments Terms and the documents, policies and standards referred within them, form a binding legal agreement between you and Airbnb Payments that govern the Payment Services (defined below) conducted through or in connection with the Airbnb Platform.

Documents referred to within these Payments Terms include but are not limited to our:

  • Terms of Service, which govern your right to use the websites, applications, and other offerings from Airbnb (collectively, the “Airbnb Platform”).
  • Re-booking and Refund Policy, which explains how Airbnb will assist with rebooking a reservation and how Airbnb handles refunds when a Host cancels a reservation or another Travel Issue disrupts a stay.
  • Experiences Guest Refund Policy, which explains how refunds are handled for Experiences when a Host cancels or a Travel Issue occurs.
  • Major Disruptive Events Policy, which explains how cancellations are handled when unforeseen events beyond your control arise after booking and make it impractical or illegal to complete your Reservation.
  • Host Damage Protection Policy, which explains the terms, exclusions and limitations under which Airbnb will agree to pay a Host to repair or replace Covered Property as a result of a Covered Loss.
  • Community Policies, which sets out expectations of Members of the Airbnb Community.
  • Content Policy, which governs the posting by Members of content on the Airbnb Platform.

For convenience, we have set out above several terms and policies that are referred to in these Payments Terms. However, it is important to note that there are other supplemental policies and terms linked from our Additional Legal Terms page, which apply to your use of the Airbnb Platform, and are incorporated by reference, and also form part of the binding legal agreement between you and Airbnb.

Our terms and policies are organised based on the topic(s) to which they relate so as to make it easy for you to find the terms or policy relevant to your query or event.

Airbnb Payments provides payments services to Members publishing, offering and booking Accommodations, Experiences or other Host Services, including services in connection with the Open Homes Program and other current and future services provided via the Airbnb Platform. These payment services are provided for the benefit of Hosts and may include (if available) the following (collectively, “Payment Services”):

  • Collecting payments from Guests (“Payin”), by charging the payment method provided by the Guest or associated with their Airbnb account, such as credit card, debit card, bank account, PayPal account, digital wallet or installments product provided by a credit provider (“Payment Method”);
  • Effecting payments to Hosts (“Payout”) to a financial instrument associated with their Airbnb account, such as a PayPal account, bank account, a prepaid card, or a debit card (“Payout Method”);
  • Effecting payments to a third-party Payout Method designated by a Host;
  • Collection and payment of charitable donations; and
  • Other payment related services in connection with Host Services.

Airbnb Payments provides regulated Payment Services only to Hosts as the Host's limited payment collection agent by accepting and processing funds from Guests purchasing Host Services on the Host's behalf. 

In order to use the Payment Services, you must be at least 18 years old, must have an Airbnb account in good standing in accordance with the Airbnb Terms of Service (“Terms”), and must keep your payment and personal information accurate and complete and provide us with identity and other information as requested by us.

If you change your country of residence, the Airbnb company you contract with and the applicable version of the Payment Terms will be determined by your new country of residence from the date on which your country of residence changes.  By continuing to use the Payment Services after your change of country of residence, you agree to such change of contracting party and terms. Please note, however, that the Airbnb Payments company with whom you contract will stay the same for all bookings made prior to your change of residence.

The Terms separately govern your use of the Airbnb Platform. If you see an undefined term in these Payment Terms, it has the same definition as in the Terms.

1. Your use of the Payment Services

1.1 Airbnb Payment Services. 

By using the Payments Services, you agree to comply with these Payment Terms. Airbnb Payments may temporarily limit or suspend your access to or use of the Payment Services, or its features, to carry out maintenance measures that ensure the proper functioning of the Payment Services. 

1.2 Third Party Services. 

The Payment Services may contain links to third-party websites or resources (“Third-Party Services”). Such Third-Party Services are subject to different terms of service and privacy policies, and Members should review them. Airbnb Payments is not responsible or liable for the use of such Third-Party Services. Links to any Third-Party Services are not an endorsement by Airbnb Payments of those Third-Party Services.

1.3 Your Airbnb Account. 

Airbnb Payments may enable features that allow you to authorize other Members or third parties to take certain actions that affect your Airbnb account. You may authorize a third party to use your Airbnb account if the feature is enabled for your Airbnb account. You acknowledge and agree that anyone you authorize to use your Airbnb account may use the Payment Services on your behalf and that you will be responsible for any payments made by such person. 

1.4 Identification and Verification. 

You authorize Airbnb Payments, directly or through third parties, to make any inquiries we consider necessary to verify your identity and information you provide, and if applicable, verifying the identity of the representative(s) and beneficial owner(s). This may include (i) screening you and, if applicable, your representative(s) and beneficial owner(s) against third-party databases or other sources, (ii) requesting reports from service providers, (iii) asking you and, if applicable, your representative(s) and beneficial owner(s) to provide a form of government identification (e.g., driver’s license or passport), to check your name, place and date of birth, your address, nationality and/or other information which we deem necessary under applicable laws; or (iv) requiring you to take steps to confirm ownership of your email address, Payment Method(s) or Payout Method(s). Airbnb Payments reserves the right to terminate, suspend, or limit access to the Payment Services in the event we are unable to obtain or verify any of this information.

1.5 Additional Terms. 

Your access to or use of certain Payment Services may be subject to, or require you to accept, additional terms and conditions. If there is a conflict between these Payments Terms and terms and conditions applicable to a specific Payment Service, the latter terms and conditions will take precedence with respect to your use of or access to that Payment Service, unless specified otherwise.

2. Guest Terms

2.1 Adding a Payment Method. 

When you add a Payment Method to your Airbnb account, you will be asked to provide billing information such as name, billing address, and financial instrument information either to Airbnb Payments or its third-party payment processor(s). You authorize Airbnb Payments and its payment processor(s) to collect and store your Payment Method information in accordance with Airbnb's privacy policy.

2.2 Payment Method Verification. 

When you add or use a new Payment Method, Airbnb Payments may verify the Payment Method by (i) authorizing your Payment Method for one or two nominal amounts via a payment service provider, and asking you to confirm those amounts, or (ii) requiring you to upload a billing statement. We may, and retain the right to, initiate refunds of these amounts from your Payment Method. When you add a Payment Method during checkout, we will automatically save and add that Payment Method to your Airbnb account so it can be used for a future transaction. You may not remove the Payment Method associated with a reservation, during the period commencing from the date of your booking and ending fourteen (14) days following your check-out date, nor during any additional period of time needed to resolve any outstanding Damage Claim associated with such booking.

2.3 Payment Authorization. 

You allow Airbnb Payments to charge your Payment Method (including charging more than one Payment Method), either directly or indirectly, for all fees and other amounts due (including any applicable taxes) in connection with your Airbnb account, including Damage Claim amounts in accordance with the Terms and with Sections 5 and 6.

2.4 Automatic Update of Payment Method. 

If your Payment Method information changes (e.g., account or card number, routing number, expiration date or CVV or CVC number) as a result of re-issuance or otherwise, we may acquire that information from our financial services partners or your bank and automatically update your Payment Method on file.

2.5 Timing of Payment. 

Airbnb Payments generally charges the Total Price due after the Host accepts your booking request. However, if you pay with a push Payment Method (such as Sofort), Airbnb Payments will collect the Total Price due at the time of your booking request or after the Host accepts your booking request. Airbnb may offer alternative options for the timing and manner of payment. Any additional fees for using those alternative payment options will be displayed via the Airbnb Platform and included in the Total Price, and you agree to pay such fees by selecting the payment option. Additional terms and conditions may apply for the use of an alternative payment option. If Airbnb Payments is unable to collect the Total Price due, as scheduled, Airbnb Payments will collect the Total Price due at a later point in accordance with Section 5.3. Once the payment for your requested booking is successfully completed, you will receive a confirmation email.

2.6 Currency. 


The currencies available to make payments may be limited for regulatory or operational reasons based on factors such as your selected Payment Method, your country of residence and/or your Airbnb Payments contracting entity(ies). Any such limitations will be communicated via the Airbnb Platform, and you will be prompted to select a different currency or Payment Method if your preferred currency is not available.


Note that if the country in which your Airbnb Payments contracting entity is located is different than the country of your Payment Method provider or your selected currency is different than your Payment Method's billing currency, your payment may be processed outside of your country of residence. As a result, your Payment Method provider may impose certain fees and the amount listed on your Payment Method statement may be different from the amount shown at checkout. For example, if you make a booking using a U.S. issued card, but select Euro as your currency, your payment may be processed outside the U.S., and banks and credit card companies may impose international transaction fees and foreign exchange fees. In addition, if you select to pay with a currency that is different than your Payment Method's billing currency, your bank or credit card company may convert the payment amount to your billing currency associated with your Payment Method, based on an exchange rate and fee amount determined solely by your bank. Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any such fees. Please contact your Payment Method provider if you have any questions about these fees or any exchange rate imposed by your Payment Method provider.

2.7 Booking Request Status. 

If a requested booking is declined because it is not accepted by the Host, you cancel the booking request before it is accepted by the Host, or Airbnb cancels the booking, any amounts collected by Airbnb Payments and due to you pursuant to the policies described in Section 5.5, will be refunded to you, and any pre-authorization of your Payment Method will be released (if applicable) in accordance with Section 5.5.2.

2.8 Payment Restrictions. 

Airbnb Payments reserves the right to decline or limit payments that we believe (i) may violate Airbnb Payments’ risk management policies or procedures, (ii) may violate these Payments Terms or the Terms, (iii) are unauthorized, fraudulent or illegal; or (iv) expose you, Airbnb, Airbnb Payments, or others to risks unacceptable to Airbnb Payments.

2.9 Payment Service Providers. 

Payment Methods may involve the use of third-party payment service providers. These payment service providers may charge you additional fees when processing payments in connection with the Payment Services, and Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard. Your Payment Method may also be subject to additional terms of use. Please review them before using your Payment Method.

2.10 Your Payment Method, Your Responsibility. 

Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any loss suffered by you as a result of incorrect Payment Method information provided by you. Airbnb Payments does not provide any regulated Payment Services to you.

2.11 Different Ways to Pay

2.11.1 Pay Part Now, Part Later 

Airbnb may make available to Guests the option to pay a portion of the booking’s Total Price at the time of booking and pay the remainder of the Total Price at a later time prior to check-in (“Pay Part Now, Part Later”). Availability of this option may depend on the Listing and/or Payment Method. 

If you choose Pay Part Now, Part Later, the Airbnb Platform will notify you during checkout of the amount, currency and schedule of each payment due. On the following payments due date, Airbnb Payments will automatically charge the original Payment Method you used to make the booking. 

If you make a modification to a booking made with Pay Part Now, Part Later, Airbnb will notify you of the revised payment schedule, as applicable, and Airbnb Payments will automatically charge the original Payment Method you used to make the booking on the revised payment due dates. If the modification increases your Total Price, you may be required to make an additional partial payment of the new Total Price at the time of the modification. 

You agree that by selecting Pay Part Now, Part Later, you may not be able to pay for the booking with a different Payment Method or pursuant to a different payment schedule. 

If Airbnb Payments is unable to collect your payment, Airbnb Payments will notify you of such declined payment, and require you to complete the payment using an alternative Payment Method within 72 hours of the notice. If you fail to complete the payment, you authorize Airbnb to cancel the booking on your behalf. If the booking is canceled, you will be refunded based on the Host’s cancellation policy. 

2.11.2 Recurring Payments 

For certain bookings (such as for Accommodation bookings of twenty-eight (28) nights or more), Airbnb Payments may require a Guest to make recurring, incremental payments toward the Total Price owed (“Recurring Payments”). More information on Recurring Payments (including the amount and the frequency of payments) will be made available via the Airbnb Platform if applicable to a booking. 

If Recurring Payments apply to a confirmed booking, then the Guest authorizes Airbnb Payments to collect the Total Price due. 

Guests may stop a Recurring Payment by notifying Airbnb Payments orally or in writing at least three (3) business days before the scheduled date of the payment. Airbnb Payments may require you to give written confirmation of a stop-payment order within fourteen (14) days of an oral notification. If you fail to provide written confirmation within those fourteen (14) days, Airbnb Payments is not obligated to honor your request to stop any future Recurring Payments. If you have any questions regarding your Recurring Payments, please contact Airbnb Payments.

2.12 Buy now, pay later

Guests may from time to time be offered the possibility to pay for an Accommodation Reservation on credit or other installment options, and pay for them over time ('buy now, pay later'). These Payment Methods will be provided by Klarna Bank AB (or its affiliate), not Airbnb, subject to additional terms of use provided at checkout, and Klarna will become your creditor for the payment. Depending on the Payment Method, this will also create a separate relationship between you as the borrower and Klarna as the lender. Please review any applicable additional terms before using these Payment Methods.

3. Host Terms

3.1 Payment Collection. 

Airbnb Payments generally collects the Total Price of a booking at the time the Guest’s booking request is accepted by the Host, unless noted otherwise.

3.2 Valid Payout Method. 


In order to receive a Payout you must have a valid Payout Method linked to your Airbnb account. When you add a Payout Method to your Airbnb account, you will be asked to provide information such as name, billing address, and financial instrument information either to Airbnb Payments or its third-party payment processor(s). Depending on the Payout Method selected additional information may be required, such as: residential address, name on the account, account type, routing number, account number, email address, payout currency, identification number and account information associated with a particular payment processor. Providing requested information is required for a Payout Method to be valid. The information Airbnb Payments requires for a valid Payout Method may change, and Airbnb Payments may request additional information at any time; failing to provide requested information may result in Airbnb Payments temporarily placing a hold, suspending, or canceling any Payout until the information is provided and, if necessary, validated. 


You authorize Airbnb Payments to collect and store your Payout Method information in accordance with Airbnb's Privacy Policy. Airbnb Payments may also share your information with governmental authorities as required by applicable law.

3.3 Timing of Payout


Subject to and conditional upon successful receipt of the associated payments from Guest, Airbnb Payments will generally initiate Payouts to your selected Payout Method: (i) for Accommodations, 24 hours after the Guest’s scheduled check-in time (or 24 hours after 3:00 pm local time - or 3:00 pm UTC if local time is unknown - if the check-in time is flexible or not specified); (ii) for Experiences, 24 hours after the start of the Experience; and (iii) for all other Host Services, at the time specified via the Airbnb Platform. For Accommodation bookings of twenty-eight (28) nights or more, Airbnb Payments will generally initiate the first payout 24 hours after the Guest’s scheduled check-in time, and will initiate future payouts every 30 days after the initial payout, for the duration of the reservation.


Airbnb Payments may offer you a different Payout time or trigger for payment via the Airbnb Platform. The time it takes to receive Payouts once released by Airbnb Payments may depend upon the Payout Method you select.

3.4 Payout. 

Your Payout for a booking will be the Total Price less applicable fees like Airbnb service fees and applicable taxes, and any amounts you agree to allocate to any co-host, or the owner(s) of an Accommodation, a homeowners’ association, and/or their agent (such as a building operator or property management company). In the event of cancellation of a confirmed booking, Airbnb Payments will remit the amount you are due (if any) as provided in the Terms and applicable cancellation policy.

3.5 Payout Restrictions. 

Airbnb Payments may temporarily place a hold, suspend, or cancel any Payout for the purposes of preventing unlawful activity or fraud, risk assessment, security, or completing an investigation; or if we are unable to verify your identity or where applicable the identity of your representative(s) or beneficial owner(s), or to obtain or verify requested information. Furthermore, Airbnb Payments may temporarily place a hold on, suspend, or delay initiating or processing any Payout due to you under the Terms as a result of high volume booking cancellations or modifications arising from a Force Majeure Event (as defined below).

3.6 Payout Currency

Airbnb Payments will remit your Payouts in the currency you select via the Airbnb Platform. The currencies available may be limited for regulatory or operational reasons based on factors such as your selected Payout Method, your country of residence, and/or your Airbnb contracting entity(ies). Any such limitations will be communicated via the Airbnb Platform, and you will be prompted to select a different currency or Payout Method. Note that payment service providers may impose transaction, currency conversion or other fees based on the currency or Payout Method you select, and Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard.

3.7 Limits on Payouts. 

For compliance or operational reasons, Airbnb Payments may limit the amount of a Payout. If you are due an amount above that limit, Airbnb Payments may make a series of Payouts (potentially over multiple days) in order to provide your full Payout amount.

3.8 Payment Service Providers. 

Payout Methods may involve the use of third-party payment service providers. These service providers may charge you additional fees when processing Payouts in connection with the Payment Services (including deducting charges from the Payout amount), and Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard. Your Payout Method may also be subject to additional terms of use from such third-party payment service providers. Please review them before using your Payout Method.

3.9 Your Payout Method, Your Responsibility. 

Subject to section 17 or 18, Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any loss suffered by you as a result of incorrect Payout Method information provided by you.

3.10 Different ways to get paid

3.10.1 Split Payouts

If you provide Host Services jointly with one or more other Hosts as part of a team, business or other organization (“Host Team”), Airbnb may make available to such Hosts the option to allocate between the members of the Host Team the total Host Payout for a booking. Airbnb Payments will execute such payments at the instruction of one or more members of the Host Team, and Hosts are responsible for the accuracy of their instructions. 

3.11 Buy now, pay later.

If a Guest in Germany chooses to pay for an Accommodation Reservation using a Klarna ‘buy now, pay later’ option (other than a Pay-in-3 option), these additional Host terms apply.

4. Appointment of Airbnb Payments as Limited Payment Collection Agent


Each Host, including each Host Team member, hereby appoints Airbnb Payments as the Host’s payment collection agent solely for the limited purpose of accepting and processing funds from Guests purchasing Host Services on the Host’s behalf.


Each Host, including each Host Team member, agrees that payment made by a Guest through Airbnb Payments, shall be considered the same as a payment made directly to the Host, and the Host will provide the Host Service booked by the Guest in the agreed-upon manner as if the Host has received the payment directly from the Guest. Each Host agrees that Airbnb Payments may refund the Guest in accordance with the Terms. Each Host understands that Airbnb Payments’ obligation to pay the Host is subject to and conditional upon successful receipt of the associated payments from Guest. Airbnb Payments guarantees payments to Host(s) only for such amounts that have been successfully received by Airbnb Payments from Guests, subject to and in accordance with these Payments Terms. In accepting appointment as the limited payment collection agent of the Host, Airbnb Payments’ responsibilities are limited to those set out in this Section 4.2 and Airbnb Payments is not responsible for, and will not be liable for, any acts or omissions of the Host. Subject to Section 11, Airbnb Payments will remain liable for any acts caused by its own negligence and for its breaches of your rights as a consumer under applicable law.


Each Guest acknowledges and agrees that, notwithstanding the fact that Airbnb Payments is not a party to the agreement between you and the Host(s), including each Host Team member, Airbnb Payments acts as each Host’s payment collection agent for the limited purpose of accepting payments from you on behalf of the Host(s). Upon a Guest’s payment of the funds to Airbnb Payments, the Guest’s payment obligation to the Host(s) for the agreed upon amount is extinguished, and Airbnb Payments is responsible for remitting the funds successfully received by Airbnb Payments to the Host(s) in the manner described in these Payments Terms. In the event that Airbnb Payments does not remit any such amounts, the Host(s) will have recourse only against Airbnb Payments and not the Guest directly.

5. General Terms

5.1 Fees. 

Airbnb Payments may charge fees for use of certain Payment Services and any applicable fees will be disclosed to you in the Terms or via the Airbnb Platform.

5.2 Payment Authorizations. 

You authorize Airbnb Payments to collect from you amounts due pursuant to these Payment Terms and/or the Terms by either (i) charging the Payment Method associated with the relevant booking, or any other Payment Method on file that you authorize in your Airbnb account (unless you have previously removed the authorization to charge such Payment Method(s)), or (ii) by withholding the amount from your future Payout. Specifically, you authorize Airbnb Payments to collect from you:

  • Any amount due to Airbnb or Airbnb Payments (e.g., as a result of your bookings, Booking Modifications, cancellations, or other actions as a Guest, Host or user of the Airbnb Platform), including reimbursement for costs prepaid by Airbnb or Airbnb Payments on your behalf. Any funds collected by Airbnb Payments will set off the amount owed by you to Airbnb or Airbnb Payments and extinguish your obligation to Airbnb or Airbnb Payments.
  • Any amount due to a Host from a Guest which Airbnb collects as the Host’s payment collection agent as further set out in Section 4 above.
  • Taxes, where applicable and as set out in the Terms.
  • Any amount you pay through the Resolution Center in connection with your Airbnb account.
  • Any Damage Claim amounts owed to Airbnb or Airbnb Payments in accordance with the Terms and Section 6.
  • Overstay penalties payable under the Terms, including any cost and expenses incurred in collecting the overstay penalty.
  • Any service fees or cancellation fees imposed pursuant to the Terms (e.g., if, as a Host, you cancel a confirmed booking).
  • Any amounts already paid to you as a Host despite a Guest cancelling a confirmed booking or Airbnb deciding that it is necessary to cancel a booking in accordance with the Terms, Rebooking and Refund Policy, Experiences Guest Refund PolicyMajor Disruptive Events Policy, or other applicable cancellation policy. You agree that in the event you have already been paid, Airbnb Payments will be entitled to recover the amount of any such guest refund from you, including by subtracting such refund amount out from any future Payouts due to you.

If you owe an amount at any time after a booking, such as with Payment Plan or Recurring Payment charges, Booking Modifications, Resolution Center payments or Damage Claims (“Additional Amounts”), you hereby authorize and grant Airbnb Payments a mandate to collect payments for such Additional Amounts by charging your Payment Method associated with the relevant booking without any further action on your part. Airbnb Payments will notify you in writing before any Additional Amounts are charged.

If your Payment Method associated with the relevant booking is expired, invalid or otherwise not able to be charged for any reason (such as insufficient funds), you remain responsible for any uncollected amounts and Airbnb Payments may charge the Payment Method related to your booking again or use any other Payment Method on file associated with your Airbnb account, if available, to collect such Additional Amounts. Any amount not collected for any reason will be subject to any remedies that may be available, including, but not limited to, referral to a collections agency, or pursuit of available causes of action or claims against you.

If Airbnb reasonably believes that you as a Host participated in fraudulent activity, such as an overpayment scam, booking fraud or other fraud, and Airbnb Payments has already initiated the Payout to you for such stay, Airbnb Payments may recoup from you such amount by reducing, setting off or debiting the amount from any future Payouts owed to you.

In addition to any amount due as outlined above, if there are amounts which you owe us but are unpaid or chargebacks associated with your Payment Method, you may be charged fees that are incidental to Airbnb Payments collection of these amounts and chargebacks. Such fees or charges may include collection fees, convenience fees or other third-party charges.

5.3 Collections from Guests and Hosts


If Airbnb Payments is unable to collect any amounts you owe, as a Guest or as a Host, under the Terms and these Payments Terms, Airbnb Payments may engage in collection efforts to recover such amounts from you.


Airbnb Payments will deem any owed amounts overdue when: (a) for authorized charges, one hundred and twenty (120) days have elapsed after Airbnb Payments first attempts to charge your Guest Payment Method or the associated services have been provided, whichever is later; and (b) for withholdings from a Host’s future Payouts, two hundred and seventy (270) days have elapsed after the adjustment is made to the Host’s Airbnb account or the associated services have been provided, whichever is later.


Airbnb Payments will deem any overdue amounts not collected to be in default when three hundred and sixty five (365) days have elapsed: (a) for authorized charges to your Payment Method with respect to a Guest transaction, after Airbnb Payments first attempts to charge your Payment Method or the associated services have been provided, whichever is later; and (b) for withholdings from a Host’s future Payouts, after the adjustment is made to the Host’s Airbnb account or the associated services have been provided, whichever is later.


You hereby explicitly agree that all communications in relation to amounts owed will be made by electronic mail or by phone, as provided to Airbnb and/or Airbnb Payments by you. Such communications may be made by Airbnb, Airbnb Payments, or by anyone on their behalf, including but not limited to a third-party collection agent.

5.4 Payment Processing Errors


Airbnb Payments will take the necessary steps to rectify any payment processing errors that we become aware of. These steps may include crediting or debiting (as appropriate) the original Payout Method or Payment Method used or selected by you, so that you end up receiving or paying the correct amount. This may be performed by Airbnb Payments or a third party such as your financial institution. We may also take steps to recover funds sent to you in error (including but not limited to an event of duplicate payments made to you due to a processing error). For Hosts, this may include by reducing, setting off and/or debiting the amount of such funds from any future Payouts owed to you.


To the extent you receive any funds in error, you agree to immediately return such funds to Airbnb Payments.

5.5 Refunds


Any refunds or credits due to a Member pursuant to the Terms, Major Disruptive Events Policy, Rebooking and Refund Policy, and Experiences Guest Refund Policy, will be initiated and remitted by Airbnb Payments in accordance with these Payments Terms.


Subject to this Section 5.5.2, Airbnb Payments will initiate the refund process immediately. In the case of a cancellation by a Host, Airbnb Payments will hold the funds on behalf of the Host for up to 72 hours until the Guest is either refunded or the funds are used to rebook with another Host. At no point in time is Airbnb Payments holding the funds on behalf of the Guest or providing the Guest a payment service. In certain instances, the refund process may include the option to receive credit in lieu of a cash refund; if this option is made available to you, the timing of your refund will be communicated via the Airbnb Platform. However, the time it takes to receive any cash refund or for any pre-authorization of your Payment Method to be released will vary based on the Payment Method and any applicable payment system (e.g., Visa, Mastercard, etc.) rules. In the event of a Force Majeure Event that may affect the processing and settlement of refunds, Airbnb Payments will initiate and process the refund as soon as is practicable.

6. Damage Claims and Damage Amounts


If you are responsible for Damage Claim amounts pursuant to Section 15 of the Terms, Airbnb via Airbnb Payments may charge the Payment Method used to make the booking or any other Payment Method associated with your Airbnb account at the time of the Damage Claim or reasonably thereafter in order to collect Damage Claim amounts, up to a maximum amount as defined in Section 15 of the Terms. To facilitate this charge, when you book a Listing, you are agreeing that Airbnb via Airbnb Payments may charge the Payment Method used to book the Listing in order to collect Damage Claim amounts.


You agree that Airbnb Payments may seek to recover from you under any insurance policies you maintain and that Airbnb Payments may also pursue against you any remedies it may have available, including, but not limited to, referral to a collections agency, or pursuit of causes of action or claims against you, including in relation to any Damage Claim or payment requests made by Hosts under the Host Damage Protection.

7. Abandoned Property


If Airbnb Payments holds funds due to you and it has not been able successfully to make payment to you of those funds ("Abandoned Property") in accordance with Section 7.2, we may, subject to applicable law and the relevant limitation period, retain the Abandoned Property which would otherwise have been due to you and you will no longer have a claim for it.


Subject to applicable law, funds held for you by Airbnb Payments will be considered Abandoned Property where any of the following apply:

  • we do not have a valid Payment Method or Payout Method on file for you and you have not responded to our requests to provide us with a valid Payment Method or Payout Method; or
  • we require further information to process the payment and you have not responded to our requests to provide such further information; or
  • your Airbnb account has been 'dormant' (which means it has not been accessed or used) for the applicable limitation period and you have not responded to our requests to contact us.

8. Prohibited Activities


You are solely responsible for compliance with any and all laws, rules, regulations, and tax obligations that may apply to your use of the Payment Services. In connection with your use of the Payment Services, you may not and you agree that you will not and will not assist or enable others to:

  • breach or circumvent any applicable laws or regulations, including to facilitate anyone else to breach or circumvent any applicable laws or regulations;
  • breach or circumvent any agreements with third parties, third-party rights, or the Terms, Additional Legal Terms, Policies, or Standards;
  • use the Payment Services for any commercial or other purposes that are not expressly permitted by these Payments Terms;
  • register or use any Payment Method or Payout Method with your Airbnb account that is not yours or you do not have authorization to use;
  • avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, impair, descramble, or otherwise circumvent any technological measure implemented by Airbnb Payments or any of Airbnb Payments’ service providers or any other third party to protect the Payment Services;
  • take any action that damages or adversely affects, or could damage or adversely affect, the performance or proper functioning of the Payment Services;
  • attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software used to provide the Payment Services; or
  • violate or infringe anyone else’s rights or otherwise cause harm to anyone.


We are required to act in accordance with our internal policies and the laws of various jurisdictions relating to the prevention of money laundering and the implementation of sanctions including: (i) economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by the U.S. government, including those administered by the Office of Foreign Asset Control or the U.S. Department of State; or (ii) by the United Nations Security Council, the European Union or His Majesty's Treasury of the United Kingdom. You will comply with any relevant financial sanctions and any relevant export control laws applicable to you and to your local jurisdiction.

9. Force Majeure

Airbnb Payments shall not be liable for any delay or failure to fulfill any obligation under these Payments Terms resulting from abnormal or unforeseeable circumstances outside the reasonable control of Airbnb or Airbnb Payments, the consequences of which would have been unavoidable despite all efforts to the contrary, including, but not limited to, acts of God, natural disasters, war, terrorism, riots, embargos, acts of civil or military authorities, fire, floods, accidents, pandemics, epidemics or disease, strikes or shortages of transportation facilities, fuel, energy, labor or materials (“Force Majeure Event”).

10. Disclaimers


If you choose to use the Payment Services, you do so voluntarily and at your sole risk. 


Notwithstanding Airbnb Payments’ appointment as the limited payment collection agent of Hosts pursuant to Section 4 and subject to Section 11, Airbnb Payments explicitly disclaims all liability for any act or omission by you, any Member or other third party. Airbnb Payments does not have any duties or obligations as agent for each Host except to the extent expressly set forth in these Payments Terms, and any additional duties or obligations as may be implied by law are, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, expressly excluded.


If we choose or are required to conduct identity verification on any Member, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim warranties of any kind, either express or implied, that such checks will identify prior misconduct by a Member or guarantee that a Member will not engage in misconduct in the future. We are not responsible for prior misconduct by a Member where such misconduct was unknown by us.


The foregoing disclaimers apply to the maximum extent permitted by law. You may have other statutory rights or warranties which cannot lawfully be excluded. However, the duration of any statutorily required warranties shall be limited to the maximum extent (if any) permitted by law.

11. Liability


Subject to the sections below, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Airbnb Payment’s liability shall be limited and the entire risk arising out of your access to and use of the Payment Services remains with you. If you permit or authorize another person to use your Airbnb account in any way, you are responsible for the actions taken by that person.


Airbnb Payments shall not be liable for any losses where the loss is due to Airbnb Payments' compliance with obligations imposed on it by applicable law. Airbnb Payments shall also not be liable for any losses resulting from your or another Member's acts or omissions, including but not limited to any breach of these Payments Terms or of applicable law or if you or another Member have acted fraudulently or with negligence.


Nothing in these Payment Terms limits the liability of Airbnb Payments for: (i) death or personal injury arising from Airbnb Payments' act or omission or negligence; (ii) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; (iii) wilful misconduct or gross negligence; (iv) losses directly caused by Airbnb Payments' breach of these Payment Terms or (v) any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law (including for example a breach of statutory consumer rights or of statutory rights under payment laws and regulations).


Airbnb Payments shall not be liable to you in any circumstances for any loss of business, loss of goodwill, loss of opportunity or loss of profit.


To the extent that Airbnb Payments' liability is excluded or limited, this also applies with regard to the personal liability of its legal representatives, employees, and other agents.

12. Indemnification

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to release, defend (at Airbnb Payments’ option), indemnify, and hold Airbnb Payments and its affiliates and subsidiaries, and their officers, directors, employees, and agents, harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of (i) your breach of these Payments Terms; (ii) your improper use of the Payment Services; (iii) your failure, or our failure at your direction, to accurately report, collect or remit taxes; or (iv) your breach of any laws, regulations, or third-party rights. The indemnification obligation only applies if and to the extent that the claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses have been caused by your negligence or breach of a contractual obligation.

13. Modification, Term, Termination, and other Measures

13.1 Modification. 

We may amend these Payment Terms at any time by providing you with at least two (2) months’ notice of such changes before they come into effect. We will give you notice of the proposed changes by email notifications, through the Airbnb Platform, messaging service, or any other contact method made available by us and selected by you, and by posting the revised Payments Terms on a link on the Airbnb Platform. You will be able to view the revised Payments Terms by accessing the link on the Airbnb Platform and can save and print them should you choose. You understand that you will be deemed to have accepted the changes we make to these Payments Terms unless you terminate these Payments Terms or close your Airbnb account (without penalty) prior to the expiry of the two (2) months' notice period and before the changes come into effect. If you opt to terminate these Payment Terms or close your Airbnb account, you will still be required to fulfill any of your outstanding obligations under the Terms, including in relation to upcoming bookings or the provision of Host Services.

13.2 Term. 

This agreement between you and Airbnb Payments is effective (i) if you are a Guest, from when you make your first booking; or (ii) if you are a Host, from when a Guest first books a Listing made available by you and you use the Payment Services, and remains in effect until either you or we terminate this agreement in accordance with Section 13.3.

13.3 Termination. 

You may terminate this agreement at any time by sending us an email or by deleting your Airbnb account. Without limiting our rights specified below, Airbnb Payments may terminate this agreement for convenience at any time by giving you two (2) months’ prior notice. Airbnb Payments may also terminate this agreement immediately without notice if (i) you have materially breached your obligations under this agreement; (ii) you have provided inaccurate, fraudulent, outdated, or incomplete information; (iii) you have violated applicable laws, regulations, or third-party rights; or (iv) Airbnb Payments believes in good faith that such action is reasonably necessary to protect other Members, Airbnb, Airbnb Payments, or third parties. If you or Airbnb Payments terminate this agreement, it will also terminate your Airbnb account pursuant to the Terms.

13.4 Suspension and Other Measures. 

Airbnb Payments may limit or temporarily or permanently suspend your use of or access to the Payment Services (i) to comply with applicable law, or the order or request of a court, law enforcement, or other administrative agency or governmental body, (ii) if you have breached these Payments Terms, the Terms, applicable laws, regulations or third-party rights, (iii) if you have provided inaccurate, fraudulent, outdated, or incomplete information regarding a Payment Method or Payout Method, (iv) for any amounts you owe under these Payments Term that are overdue or in default, or (v) if Airbnb Payments believes in good faith that such action is reasonably necessary to protect the personal safety or property of Airbnb, its Members, Airbnb Payments, or third parties, or to prevent fraud or other illegal activity. Further, for unsuccessful payment due to card expiration, insufficient funds, or otherwise, we may temporarily suspend your access to the Payment Services until we can charge a valid Payment Method.

13.5 Appeal. 

If Airbnb Payments takes any of the measures described in Section 13.3 and 13.4 you may appeal such a decision by contacting customer service.

13.6 Effect of Termination. 

If you cancel your Airbnb account as a Host or Airbnb Payments takes any of the measures described above, Airbnb Payments may provide a full refund to any Guests with confirmed booking(s), and you will not be entitled to any compensation for pending or confirmed bookings that were cancelled. If you cancel your Airbnb account as a Guest, Airbnb Payments will initiate a refund for any confirmed booking(s) based on the Listing’s cancellation policy. If your access to or use of the Payment Services has been suspended or limited or this agreement has been terminated by us, you may not register a new Airbnb account or attempt to access and use the Payment Services through an Airbnb account of another Member.

13.7 Survival. 

Sections 5 through 20 of these Payments Terms shall survive any termination or expiration of this agreement.

14. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution


If you are contracting with Airbnb Payments UK, these Payments Terms will be interpreted in accordance with English law. If you are acting as a consumer and if mandatory statutory consumer protection regulations in your country of residence contain provisions that are more beneficial for you, such provisions shall apply irrespective of the choice of English law. As a consumer, you may only bring proceedings relating to these Payments Terms before the competent court of your place of residence or a court in England. If Airbnb wishes to enforce any of its rights against you as a consumer, we may do so only in the courts of the jurisdiction in which you are a resident. If you are acting as a business, you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.


If you are contracting with Airbnb Payments Luxembourg, these Payments Terms will be interpreted in accordance with Luxembourg law. If you are acting as a consumer and if mandatory statutory consumer protection regulations in your country of residence contain provisions that are more beneficial for you, such provisions shall apply irrespective of the choice of Luxembourg law. As a consumer, you may bring any judicial proceedings relating to these Payments Terms before the competent court of your place of residence or a court in Luxembourg. If Airbnb wishes to enforce any of its rights against you as a consumer, we may do so only in the courts of the jurisdiction in which you are a resident. If you are acting as a business, you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Luxembourg courts.

15. United States Arbitration Agreement


15.1 Application. 

This Arbitration Agreement only applies to you if you are contracting with Airbnb Payment US. If you are not contracting with Airbnb Payments US, and you nevertheless attempt to bring any legal claim against Airbnb Payments in the United States, this Arbitration Agreement will apply for determination of the threshold issue of whether this Section 15 applies to you, and all other threshold determinations, including residency, arbitrability, venue, and applicable law.

15.2 Overview of Dispute Resolution Process. 

Airbnb Payments is committed to participating in a consumer-friendly dispute resolution process. To that end, these Payments Terms provide for a two-part process for individuals to whom this Section 15 applies: (1) an informal negotiation directly with Airbnb’s customer service team (described in Section15.3), and if necessary (2) a binding arbitration in accordance with the terms of this Arbitration Agreement. You and Airbnb Payments each retain the right to seek resolution of the dispute in small claims court as an alternative to arbitration.

15.3 Mandatory Pre-Arbitration Dispute Resolution and Notification. 

At least 30 days prior to initiating an arbitration, you and Airbnb Payments each agree to send the other party an individualized notice of the dispute in writing (“Pre-Dispute Notice”) and attempt in good faith to negotiate an informal resolution of the individual claim. You must send your Pre-Dispute Notice to Airbnb Payments by mailing it to Airbnb Payments’ agent for service: CSC Lawyers Incorporating Service, 2710 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 150N, Sacramento, California 95833. Airbnb Payments will send its Pre-Dispute Notice to the email address associated with your Airbnb account. A Pre-Dispute Notice must include: the date, your name, mailing address, your Airbnb username, the email address you used to set up your Airbnb account, your signature, a brief description of the dispute, and the relief sought. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within the 30-day period, only then may either party commence arbitration by filing a written demand for arbitration with the arbitration provider designated pursuant to Section 15.6, below. A claimant’s Pre-Dispute Notice requirement is a prerequisite to any arbitration, and a copy of the Pre-Dispute Notice and evidence that it was sent as required by this Section must be attached to any arbitration demand.

15.4 Agreement to Arbitrate. 

You and Airbnb Payments mutually agree that any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to these Payments Terms or the applicability, breach, termination, validity, enforcement or interpretation thereof, or any use of the Payment Services (collectively, “Disputes”) will be settled by binding arbitration on an individual basis (the “Arbitration Agreement”). If there is a dispute about whether this Arbitration Agreement can be enforced or applies to our Dispute, you and Airbnb Payments agree that the arbitrator will decide that issue. For the avoidance of doubt, you and Airbnb agree that any question regarding arbitrability and the formation, enforceability, validity, scope, or interpretation of all or part of this Section 15, including any dispute over compliance with the Pre-Dispute Notice requirement and a party’s responsibility to pay arbitration fees, shall be resolved by an arbitrator.

15.5 Exceptions to Arbitration Agreement. 

You and Airbnb Payments each agree that the following causes of action and/or claims for relief are exceptions to the Arbitration Agreement and will be brought in a judicial proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction (as defined by Section 15): (i) any claim or cause of action seeking emergency injunctive relief based on exigent circumstances (e.g., imminent danger or commission of a crime, hacking, cyber-attack); (ii) a request for the remedy of public injunctive relief; (iii) any claim or cause of action for vexatious litigation; or (iv) any individual claim of sexual assault or sexual harassment arising from your use of the Airbnb Platform or Host Services. You and Airbnb Payments agree that any request for the remedy of public injunctive relief will proceed after the arbitration of all arbitrable claims, remedies, or causes of action, and will be stayed pending the outcome of the arbitration pursuant to section 3 of the Federal Arbitration Act.

15.6 Arbitration Forum, Rules and Governing Law. 

This Arbitration Agreement evidences a transaction in interstate commerce and the Federal Arbitration Act governs all substantive and procedural interpretation and enforcement of this Arbitration Agreement, and not state law. The arbitration will be administered by ADR Services, Inc. (“ADR”) ( in accordance with Rules 1, 6–7, 8–9, and 11–12, 45, 54, and 56 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (“Selected Federal Rules") ( and ADR’s Arbitration Rules then in effect (the “ADR Rules”), except as the Selected Federal Rules or ADR Rules are modified by or conflict with this Arbitration Agreement. The ADR Rules are available at If an arbitration demand is submitted to ADR Services in accordance with this agreement and the ADR Rules, and ADR Services cannot or will not administer the arbitration, the arbitration will be administered by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) in accordance with the Selected Federal Rules and the AAA’s Consumer Arbitration Rules and/or other AAA arbitration rules determined to be applicable by the AAA (the “AAA Rules”) then in effect, except as modified here. The AAA Rules are available at If the AAA cannot and will not administer the arbitration, you and Airbnb Payments shall confer and select an alternative arbitral forum, and if we are unable to agree, either you or Airbnb Payments may ask a court to appoint an arbitrator pursuant to 9 U.S.C. § 5. In that event, the arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the appointed arbitral forum, unless those rules are inconsistent with the provisions of this Arbitration Agreement.

15.7 Modification of Arbitration Rules - Arbitration Hearing/Location. 

In order to make the arbitration most cost-effective, efficient, and convenient, any required arbitration hearing in an arbitration wherein the amount in controversy does not exceed $1,000,000 shall be conducted remotely via video conference except as otherwise agreed by the parties or instructed by the arbitrator. Any required arbitration hearing in an arbitration wherein the amount in controversy exceeds $1,000,000 shall be conducted in San Francisco County except as otherwise agreed by the parties or instructed by the arbitrator. If the amount in controversy is $10,000 or less, the parties agree to proceed solely on the submission of documents to the arbitrator.

15.8 Modification of Arbitration Rules - Arbitration Fees and Costs. 

Your arbitration fees and your share of arbitrator compensation shall be governed by the ADR Rules and the ADR Services fee schedule (available at If you have a gross monthly income of less than 300% of the federal poverty guidelines, you are entitled to a waiver of arbitration fees and costs, exclusive of arbitrator fees. You may request a fee waiver by providing the arbitration provider with a declaration under oath stating your monthly income and the number of persons in your household. If a fee waiver is granted by the arbitration provider and you provide Airbnb Payments with documents necessary to prove that your gross monthly income is less than 300% of the federal poverty guidelines, Airbnb Payments will pay your share of any arbitrator fees.

15.9 Modification of Arbitration Rules - Claims Brought for an improper Purpose or in Violation of This Arbitration Agreement. 

Either party may make a request that the arbitrator impose sanctions upon proving that the other party or its attorney(s) has asserted a claim or defense that is groundless in fact or law, brought in bad faith or for the purpose of harassment, or is otherwise frivolous. As allowed by applicable law the arbitrator shall impose sanctions equal to the requesting party’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs upon finding that a claim or defense is groundless in fact or law, brought in bad faith or for the purpose of harassment, asserted in violation of Fed. R. Civ. P. 11(b) (treating the arbitrator as “the court”), or is otherwise frivolous. Either party may seek dismissal of any arbitration filed in violation of any provision of this Arbitration Agreement. Either party may assert in arbitration a counterclaim for the other party’s initiation of proceedings concerning an arbitrable Dispute without complying with or otherwise in violation of the requirements of this Arbitration Agreement. Upon finding that a party has initiated proceedings concerning an arbitrable Dispute without complying with or otherwise in violation of the requirements of this Arbitration Agreement, the arbitrator shall award the other party its actual damages, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.

15.10 Arbitrator’s Decision. 

The arbitrator will issue a written decision which shall include the essential findings and conclusions upon which the arbitrator based the award. Judgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court with proper jurisdiction. The arbitrator may award any relief allowed by law or the AAA Rules, but declaratory or injunctive relief may be awarded only on an individual basis and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by the claimant’s individual claim.

15.11 Jury Trial Waiver. 

You and Airbnb Payments acknowledge and agree that both parties are each waiving the right to a trial by jury as to all arbitrable Disputes.

15.12 No Class Actions or Representative Proceedings. 

You and Airbnb Payments acknowledge and agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we are each waiving the right to participate as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class action lawsuit, class-wide arbitration, private attorney general action, or any other representative or consolidated proceeding. Unless we agree in writing or as provided in this agreement, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one party’s claims and may not otherwise preside over any form of any class or representative proceeding. If there is a final judicial determination that applicable law precludes enforcement of the waiver contained in this paragraph as to any claim, cause of action or requested remedy, then that claim, cause of action or requested remedy, and only that claim, cause of action or requested remedy, will be severed from this agreement to arbitrate and will be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction. In the event that a claim, cause of action or requested remedy is severed pursuant to this paragraph, then you and we agree that the claims, causes of action or requested remedies that are not subject to arbitration will be stayed until all arbitrable claims, causes of action and requested remedies are resolved by the arbitrator.

15.13 Mass Action Waiver. 

You and Airbnb Payments acknowledge and agree that the relative benefits and efficiencies of arbitration may be lost when 100 or more arbitration claims are filed within 180 days which (1) involve the same or similarly situated parties; (2) are based on the same or similar claims which arise from the same or substantially identical transactions, incidents, alleged violations or events requiring the determination of the same or substantially identical questions of law or fact; and (3) involve the same or coordinated counsel for the parties (“Mass Action”). Accordingly, you and Airbnb Payments agree to waive the right to have any Dispute administered, arbitrated, or resolved as part of a Mass Action (though Sections 15 and 15.12 of these Terms will continue to apply to the Dispute). In case of a dispute, the appointed arbitrator for the first matter instituted within a set of claims identified by either party shall decide whether those claims are part of a Mass Action. If no arbitrator has yet been appointed, an arbitrator shall be appointed solely to determine whether claims identified by either party are part of a Mass Action. Nothing in this provision prevents you or Airbnb Payments from participating in a mass settlement of claims.

15.14 Modification of Arbitration Rules – Mass Action Batching Requirements. 

If for any reason, notwithstanding Section 15.13, an arbitration proceeds as part of a Mass Action, the parties shall group the arbitration demands into batches of no more than 200. The batches shall be determined by listing the claimants’ alphabetically (by last name or business name, as applicable)—for example, the first 200 claimants listed will be the first batch, the next 200 claimants listed will be the second batch, and so forth. The parties shall randomly assign each batch a sequential number and arbitrate the batches one at a time, in sequential order. While one batch is being arbitrated, the arbitration provider shall hold the remainder in abeyance unless otherwise agreed by the parties or instructed by the arbitration provider. Each batch shall be resolved within 240 days of the pre-hearing conference for that batch. Notwithstanding the forgoing, if any claimant’s demand has not been the subject of a pre-hearing conference within 2 years of the latest-filed demand in the Mass Action, such claimant may elect to pursue the claims asserted in the claimant’s demand in court subject to Sections 14 and 15.12 of these Terms.

15.15 Modifications of Arbitration Rules - Offers of Judgment. 

At least 10 days before the date set for the arbitration hearing, you or Airbnb Payments may serve a written offer of judgment on the other party to allow judgment on specified terms. If the offer is accepted, the offer with proof of acceptance shall be submitted to the arbitration provider, who shall issue an award accordingly. If the offer is not accepted prior to the arbitration hearing or within 30 days after it is made, whichever occurs first, it shall be deemed withdrawn and cannot be given as evidence in the arbitration, other than with respect to costs (including all fees paid to the arbitration provider). If an offer made by one party is not accepted by the other party, and the other party fails to obtain a more favorable award, the other party shall not recover their post-offer costs and shall pay the offering party’s costs (including all fees paid to the arbitration provider) from the time of the offer.

15.16 Severability. 

Except as provided in Section 15.12, in the event that any portion of this Arbitration Agreement is deemed illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed and the remainder of the Arbitration Agreement will be given full force and effect.

15.17 Amendment to Agreement to Arbitrate.

If Airbnb Payments amends this Section 15 after the date you last accepted these Payments Terms (or accepted any subsequent changes to these Payments Terms), you may reject the change by sending us written notice no later than thirty (30) days of the date the change is effective. Your notice must include your name, mailing address, the date of the notice, your Airbnb username, the email address you used to set up your Airbnb account, your signature, and an unequivocal statement that you want to opt out of the amended Section 15. You must either mail your notice to this address: 888 Brannan St, San Francisco, CA 94103, Attn: Arbitration Opt-Out, or email the opt-out notice to Rejecting a new change, however, does not revoke or alter your prior consent to any earlier agreements to arbitrate any Dispute between you and Airbnb Payments (or your prior consent to any subsequent changes thereto), which will remain in effect and enforceable as to any Dispute between you and Airbnb Payments.

15.18 Survival. 

Except as provided in Section 15.16 and subject to Section 13.7, this Section 15 will survive any termination of these Payments Terms and will continue to apply even if you stop using the Payment Services or terminate your Airbnb account.

16. Miscellaneous

16.1 Interpreting these Payments Terms. 

Except as they may be supplemented by additional terms and conditions, policies, guidelines, or standards, these Payments Terms constitute the entire agreement between Airbnb Payments and you regarding the subject matter hereof, and supersede any and all prior oral or written understandings or agreements between Airbnb Payments and you regarding the Payment Services. If any provision of these Payments Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision will be struck and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

16.2 No Waiver. 

Airbnb Payments’ failure to enforce any right or provision in these Payments Terms will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by us in writing. Except as expressly set forth in these Payments Terms, the exercise by either party of any of its remedies under these Payments Terms will be without prejudice to its other remedies under these Payments Terms or otherwise permitted under law.

16.3 Assignment. 

You may not assign, transfer, or delegate this agreement or your rights and obligations hereunder without Airbnb Payments’ prior written consent. Airbnb Payments may assign, transfer, or delegate this agreement and any rights and obligations, at its sole discretion, with two (2) months’ prior notice provided that this would not reduce your rights or benefits under these terms.

16.4 Notices. 

Unless specified otherwise, any notices or other communications permitted or required under this agreement, will be in writing and given by Airbnb Payments via email or Airbnb Platform notification, and depending on your notification setting, messaging service (including SMS and WeChat). The date of receipt will be deemed the date on which Airbnb Payments transmits the notice.

16.5 Language. 

This agreement is concluded in the language as applied by the Terms and all communication undertaken during this contractual relationship shall be made in that language.

17. Additional Clauses for Users Contracting with Airbnb Payments UK

This Section 17 will apply if you are contracting with Airbnb Payments UK. To the extent that there is any conflict between this Section 17 and any other provision of these Payment Terms, the provisions of this Section 17 shall apply.

17.1 Payment Service User


The Payment Services include the payment collection service provided to Hosts contracting with Airbnb Payments UK. The payment collection service constitutes a “payment service” regulated under the Payment Services Regulations 2017 and for these purposes Airbnb Payments UK treats Hosts as the “payment service user”.


By agreeing to these Payments Terms you as a Host have consented to Airbnb Payments UK’s payment of each Payout to your chosen Payout Method. Hosts may change a Payout Method up to one (1) day before the time agreed for the Payout as set out in Section 3.3. Airbnb Payments UK will be deemed to have received the Host's payment order to the Host on the same date Airbnb Payments UK agrees to initiate the Payout in accordance with Section 3.3


Airbnb Payments UK will endeavor to ensure that Hosts based in the UK will receive each Payout by the end of the business day following Airbnb Payments UK’s initiation of the Payout.


Communication. Airbnb Payments will provide the Host notice via email when we initiate each Payout. We will also provide notice to a Host’s registered email address if the Payout is returned to us because of an error. It is your responsibility as a Host to ensure that you provide us with a current, accurate, and valid email address.

17.2 Diverted Payouts and Complaints


If you as a Host believe or become aware that a Payout properly due to you has been or may be diverted without your authorization (“Diverted Payout”) because your password or other credentials to log into your Airbnb account (“Credentials”) have been lost, stolen or misappropriated, you should notify Airbnb Payments UK (see Section 20 for details on how) without undue delay.


If you as Host claim not to have received a Payout properly due to you via your chosen Payout Method (including where there has been a Diverted Payout), Airbnb Payments UK will (if requested by you without undue delay, on becoming aware of the unauthorized or incorrectly executed Payout and in any event within 13 months of it happening) make immediate efforts to trace the payment and will notify you of the outcome. Subject to Section 17.2.3, unless we can prove that (i) the Payout was received by you via your chosen Payout Method, or (ii) we made the Payout correctly using the Payout Method information you provided but the information you provided was incorrect, we will refund the amount. Where you have given us incorrect information, we will not be liable for the defective or non-execution of the Payout, however, we will make reasonable efforts to recover the Payout funds.


You must use your Credentials in accordance with these Payment Terms, and take all reasonable steps to keep your Credentials safe. As a Host you may be liable for losses relating to any Diverted Payout arising from the use of lost, stolen, or misappropriated Credentials (including the loss of a mobile phone on which you have installed the Application) or where you have failed to keep your Credentials safe, up to a maximum of £35. This will not apply if the loss, theft or misappropriation of your Credentials was not detectable by you prior to the Payout, unless you acted fraudulently or the loss was caused by acts or omissions of Airbnb personnel or a service provider. You may however be liable for all losses relating to a Diverted Payout if we can show that you acted fraudulently or where, with intent or gross negligence, you failed to use the Airbnb Platform and/or Payment Services in accordance with the Terms or these Payment Terms (including the obligation to keep your Credentials safe). Except where you have acted fraudulently, you will not be liable for any losses incurred in respect of a Diverted Payout arising after notification by you of the loss, theft, or misappropriation of your Credentials or of the unauthorized use of your Credentials, where we have failed at any time to provide appropriate means for such notification, or where we do not require strong customer authentication, where required.


Any complaints about the Payment Services should be made to Airbnb Payments UK (see Section 20 for details on how). If you are not happy with the outcome of a complaint and you as a Host have received regulated Payment Services from Airbnb Payments UK, you may also be able to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman. All complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service are subject to the rules of the Financial Ombudsman Service, including in relation to eligibility requirements. The UK Financial Ombudsman Service offers a free complaints resolution service. You may obtain further information regarding the Financial Ombudsman Services and contact details at:

18. Additional Clauses for Users Contracting with Airbnb Payments Luxembourg

This Section 18 will apply if you are contracting with Airbnb Payments Luxembourg. To the extent that there is any conflict between this Section 18 and any other provision of these Payment Terms, the provisions of this Section 18 shall apply.

18.1 Payment Service User


The Payment Services include the payment service provided to Hosts contracting with Airbnb Payments Luxembourg. These services constitute “payment services” regulated under the modified Law of 10 November 2009 on payment services (“Law of 2009”) and for these purposes Airbnb Payments Luxembourg treats Hosts as the “payment service user” according to the Law of 2009.


By agreeing to these Payments Terms you as Host have consented to Airbnb Payments Luxembourg’s payment of each Payout to your chosen Payout Method. Hosts may change a Payout Method up to one (1) day before the time agreed for the Payout as set out in Section 3.3. Airbnb Payments Luxembourg will be deemed to have received the Host's payment order to the Host on the same date Airbnb Payments Luxembourg agrees to initiate the Payout in accordance with Section 3.3.


As between you and Airbnb Payments Luxembourg, the legal provisions relating to the form of and procedure for giving consent to the initiation of a payment order or the execution of a payment transaction and the withdrawal of such consent in accordance with Articles 81 and 93 of the Law of 2009 shall apply at any time.


Airbnb Payments Luxembourg will endeavor to ensure that Hosts based in the EEA will receive each Payout by the end of the business day following Airbnb Payments Luxembourg’s initiation of the Payout.


Communication. Airbnb Payments will provide the Host notice via email when we initiate each Payout. We will also provide notice to a Host’s registered email address if the Payout is returned to us because of an error. It is your responsibility as a Host to ensure that you provide us with a current, accurate, and valid email address.


Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 1341 of the Civil Code, Airbnb Payments shall, whenever useful or necessary, be entitled to prove its allegations by any means legally admissible in commercial matters, such as witness statements, affidavits, electronic records and any other suitable documents.

18.2 Resolution Procedures for Diverted Payouts


If you as a Host believe or become aware that a Payout properly due to you has been or may be diverted without your authorization (“Diverted Payout”) because your password or other credentials to log into your Airbnb account (“Credentials”) are lost or stolen or in case of an unauthorized, incorrectly initiated or incorrectly executed payment transaction, you should notify Airbnb Payments Luxembourg pursuant to Section 20 immediately. You must notify Airbnb Payments immediately on becoming aware of, and no later than 13 months after the debit date of, the unauthorized or incorrectly executed Payout. In the case of such an unauthorized payment transaction, Airbnb Payments will refund you the amount of the unauthorized payment transaction by the end of the following business day after noting, or in accordance with Section 20 being notified of, the transaction. Airbnb Payments has no such obligation if it has reasonable grounds for suspecting fraud. You will be obliged to bear the losses relating to an unauthorized Payout for up to EUR 50 where such unauthorized Payout results from the loss or theft of your Credentials or from the misappropriation of your Credentials. You will not be obliged to bear the losses where: (a) the loss, theft or misappropriation of your Credentials was not detectable to you prior to a Payout, except where you have acted fraudulently; or (b) the loss was caused by acts or lack of action of Airbnb Payments. You will be liable for all losses incurred in respect of a Payout made by Airbnb Payments which was not authorized by you where you have acted fraudulently or have not notified Airbnb Payments on time in accordance with this section and Section 20. You will not bear any financial consequences resulting from your lost, stolen or misappropriated Credentials after notification to us, in accordance with this section and Section 20.


We will not be liable for any loss arising from: (i) Diverted Payouts where you acted fraudulently or where, with intent or gross negligence, you failed to use the Airbnb Platform and/or Payment Services in accordance with the Terms or these Payments Terms (including the obligation to keep your Credentials safe); (ii) if Airbnb Payments provides evidence to you that the Payout has been received on time and in full by you or your payment service provider, or (iii) or any payout transaction which we facilitated in accordance with information provided by you where the information you provided was incorrect. In these circumstances, you can request from Airbnb Payments that it should endeavor, using appropriate means available to it, to recover the payment amount. If recovering the payment amount is not possible, Airbnb Payments will, upon written request, provide you with any information that it has and that is relevant to you for the purpose of taking legal action to assert your claim for the refund of the amount. For this recovery, Airbnb Payments may charge a fee.


If you as Host claim not to have received a Payout properly due to you via your chosen Payout Method, Airbnb Payments Luxembourg will (if requested) make immediate efforts to trace the payment and will notify you of the outcome. 

18.3 Out-of-court complaints

Any complaint, namely relating to any loss, theft, misappropriation or unauthorized use in connection with the Payment Services, or unauthorized or erroneous transactions should be made in writing to Airbnb Payments Luxembourg pursuant to Section 20. If you are not happy with the outcome of a complaint and you as a Host have received regulated Payment Services from Airbnb Payments Luxembourg, you may file your request with the supervisory authority of Airbnb Payments Luxembourg, the CSSF (as defined in Section 20) within one year after you filed your complaint with Airbnb Payments Luxembourg. The CSSF will act as an out-of-court complaint resolution body. The request must be filed with the CSSF in writing, by post or by email to the relevant address available on the CSSF website, or online on the CSSF website. The request shall be filed in English, French, German or Luxembourgish. The request shall be supported by a statement of the reasons on which it is based together with the following documents:

  • a detailed and chronological statement of the facts underlying the complaint and the steps already taken by you;
  • a copy of the prior complaint made to Airbnb Payments Luxembourg;
  • a copy of the answer to the prior complaint or the confirmation that you did not receive an answer one month after you sent your prior complaint;
  • the statement that you did not refer the matter to a court, an arbitrator or another out-of-court complaint resolution body in Luxembourg or abroad;
  • your agreement with the request handling conditions of the CSSF as body responsible for the out-of-court resolution of your complaint;
  • your express authorization so that the CSSF can transmit its request (including the attachments) as well as any future correspondence or information to Airbnb Payments Luxembourg;
  • in the case where a person acts on your behalf, a document showing that the person is legally entitled to act so; and
  • a copy of your valid ID document.

18.4. For Guests with France As Country of Residence.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Payments Terms, for the avoidance of any doubt, in connection with Guests who reside in France, the Total Price, installments or periodic payments, including Recurring Payments, collected by Airbnb Payments from such Guest are down payments (“acomptes”) within the meaning of French law.

18.5 Outsourcing.

We use a variety of service providers (some belonging to the Airbnb group and some being third party service providers) in the context of outsourcing arrangements to help us provide our services in an efficient and qualitative manner. The use of such service providers requires that we transfer or make available some data to them. You agree to such outsourcing arrangements and instruct us to transfer or make accessible data (as further defined below) concerning you and, where relevant, concerning persons linked to you (provided in connection with your Airbnb account) such as your beneficial owner(s) and representative(s), to a number of service providers in the context of outsourcing arrangements regarding technical (including IT), operational, payment processing, internal control, customer due diligence (including background or police checks), fraud prevention, risk assessment, product development, maintenance and debugging, advertising, processing of insurance claims, customer support and other services. The data to be transferred or made available includes, if you are an individual, your surname, first name, address, date and place of birth and nationality, and if you are a legal entity your corporate name, registered office, legal form, registration number for legal entities, as well as the aforementioned data on individuals for your beneficial owner(s) and representative(s). The data to be transferred or made available includes also for any person its contact details such as phone numbers and e-mail addresses as well as financial data and usage data in relation to our services (including payment method, payout method, payment transaction). The recipients of the data are located in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, India, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany and Spain, as well as other countries in Europe, Asia Pacific and North and South America. Such data transfers will take place throughout the term of the business relationship between us and you as well as for an additional period as permitted by law after the end of the business relationship. You acknowledge that the transferred data is no longer protected by Luxembourg professional secrecy after its transfer.

19. Additional Clauses for Users that are Businesses

The following paragraphs also apply if you are using the Payment Services as a representative (“Representative”) acting on behalf a business, company or other legal entity (in such event, for purposes of the Payments Terms, “you” and “your” will refer and apply to that business, company or other legal entity).


You accept the Payments Terms and you will be responsible for any act or omission of Representative's employees or third-party agents using the Payment Service on your behalf.


You and your Representative individually affirm that you are authorized to provide the information described in Section 2.1 and Section 3.2 and your Representative has the authority to bind you to these Payments Terms. We may require you to provide additional information or documentation demonstrating your Representative’s authority.


You represent and warrant to us that: (i) you are duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the country in which your business is registered and that you are registering for receiving the Payment Services; and (ii) you have all requisite right, power, and authority to enter into this agreement, perform your obligations, and grant the rights, licenses, and authorizations in this agreement.


If you are using your Payment Method for the benefit of your employees or other authorized third-party in connection with Airbnb for Work, as permitted by your account, you authorize Airbnb Payments to charge your Payment Method for bookings requested by employees at your company or other permitted third-party.


For any Payout Method linked to your Airbnb account, you authorize Airbnb Payments to store the Payout Method, remit payments using the Payout Method for bookings associated with your Airbnb account and take any other action as permitted in the Payments Terms in respect of the Payout Method.


If you handle, store or otherwise process payment card information on behalf of anyone or any third-party, you agree to comply on an ongoing basis with applicable data privacy and security requirements under the current Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard with regards to the use, access, and storage of such credit card information. For additional information, including tools to help you assess your compliance, see and

20. Contacting Airbnb Payments

You may contact Airbnb Payments regarding the Payment Services using the information below:

EntityContact Information
Airbnb Payments UK Ltd.

Please contact Airbnb Customer Services via our Help Centre if you need assistance with updating your personal or business information or if you’d like to make a complaint about our Services.

Airbnb Payments UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as an Electronic Money Institution with reference number 900596 with registered office at 280 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4RB, United Kingdom.

Airbnb Payments

Luxembourg S.A.

Please contact Airbnb Customer Service if you need assistance with updating your personal or business information.

If you would like to make a complaint, please write to us at:

4, rue Henri Schnadt
L-2530 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

or via email to:

Airbnb Payments Luxembourg S.A. is authorised and regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (“CSSF”) with reference number Z21, established at 283, route d’Arlon, L-1150 Luxembourg (Tel.: (+352) 26 25 1 – 1). You can find more information about the CSSF on its website at You can find the forms and instructions regarding an application for the official complaints procedure on the CSSF's website ( The official e-mail address to be used is

Airbnb Payments will provide a copy of these Payments Terms on request. If you have any questions about these Payments Terms, please email us.

Payments Terms of Service for Australian Users

If your country of residence or establishment is within Australia, these Payments Terms for Australian Users (“Payments Terms”) are subject to the Australian Consumer Law. Our services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law and other Australian laws. These Payments Terms (including clauses 10.1, 10.2, 11 and 12) apply to the maximum extent permitted by Australian law, including the Australian Consumer Law.

If you attempt to bring any legal claim against Airbnb Payments in the United States, the arbitration agreement and class actions waiver in Section 15 apply to you. Please read them carefully.

The Airbnb Terms of Service (“Terms”) govern your use of the Airbnb Platform. Capitalized terms not defined in these Payments Terms have the meaning ascribed to them in the Terms

Last Updated: 25 January 2024

These Payments Terms and the documents, policies and standards referred within them, form a binding legal agreement between you and Airbnb Payments that govern the Payment Services (defined below) conducted through or in connection with the Airbnb Platform.

Documents referred to within these Payments Terms include but are not limited to our:

  • Terms of Service, which govern your right to use the websites, applications, and other offerings from Airbnb (collectively, the “Airbnb Platform”).
  • Re-booking and Refund Policy, which explains how Airbnb will assist with rebooking a reservation and how Airbnb handles refunds when a Host cancels a reservation or another Travel Issue disrupts a stay.
  • Experiences Guest Refund Policy, which explains how refunds are handled for Experiences when a Host cancels or a Travel Issue occurs.
  • Major Disruptive Events Policy, which explains how cancellations are handled when unforeseen events beyond your control arise after booking and make it impractical or illegal to complete your Reservation.
  • Host Damage Protection Policy, which explains the terms, exclusions and limitations under which Airbnb will agree to pay a Host to repair or replace Covered Property as a result of a Covered Loss.
  • Community Policies, which sets out expectations of Members of the Airbnb Community.
  • Content Policy, which governs the posting by Members of content on the Airbnb Platform.

For convenience, we have set out above several terms and policies that are referred to in these Payments Terms. However, it is important to note that there are other supplemental policies and terms linked from our Additional Legal Terms page, which apply to your use of the Airbnb Platform, and are incorporated by reference, and also form part of the binding legal agreement between you and Airbnb.

Our terms and policies are organized based on the topic(s) to which they relate so as to make it easy for you to find the terms or policy relevant to your query or event.

When these Payments Terms mention “Airbnb Payments,” “we,” “us,” or “our,” it refers to:

Airbnb Payments UK Ltd. (“Airbnb Payments UK”), except when you book a Host Service, in which case you are contracting with Airbnb Payments Australia Pty Ltd (“Airbnb Payments Australia”).

Airbnb Payments provides payments services to Members publishing, offering and booking Accommodations, Experiences or other Host Services, including services in connection with the Open Homes Program and other current and future services provided via the Airbnb Platform. These payment services are provided for the benefit of Hosts and may include (if available) the following (collectively, “Payment Services”):

  • Collecting payments from Guests (“Payin”), by charging the payment method provided by the Guest or associated with their Airbnb account, such as credit card, debit card, bank account, PayPal account, digital wallet or installments product provided by a credit provider (“Payment Method”);
  • Effecting payments to Hosts (“Payout”) to a financial instrument associated with their Airbnb account, such as a PayPal account, bank account, a prepaid card, or a debit card (“Payout Method”);
  • Effecting payments to a third-party Payout Method designated by a Host;
  • Collection and payment of charitable donations;
  • Payment collection services; and
  • Other payment related services in connection with Host Services.

Airbnb Payments provides regulated Payment Services only to Hosts as the Host’s limited payment collection agent by accepting and processing funds from Guests purchasing Host Services on the Host’s behalf.

In order to use the Payment Services, you must be at least 18 years old, must have an Airbnb account in good standing in accordance with the Terms, and must keep your payment and personal information accurate and complete and provide us with identity and other information as requested by us.

If you change your country of residence, the Airbnb company you contract with and the applicable version of the Payments Terms will be determined by your new country of residence from the date on which your country of residence changes. By continuing to use the Payment Services after your change of country of residence, you agree to such change of contracting party and terms. Please note, however, that the Airbnb Payments company with whom you contract will stay the same for all bookings made prior to your change of residence.

1. Your use of the Payment Services

1.1 Airbnb Payment Services.

By using the Payments Services, you agree to comply with these Payments Terms. Airbnb Payments may temporarily limit or suspend your access to or use of the Payment Services, or its features, to carry out maintenance measures that ensure the proper functioning of the Payment Services.

1.2 Third Party Services.

The Payment Services may contain links to third-party websites or resources (“Third-Party Services”). Such Third-Party Services are subject to different terms of service and privacy policies, and Members should review them. Airbnb Payments is not responsible or liable for the use of such Third-Party Services. Links to any Third-Party Services are not an endorsement by Airbnb Payments of those Third-Party Services.

1.3 Your Airbnb Account.

Airbnb Payments may enable features that allow you to authorize other Members or third parties to take certain actions that affect your Airbnb account. You may authorize a third party to use your Airbnb account if the feature is enabled for your Airbnb account. You acknowledge and agree that anyone you authorize to use your Airbnb account may use the Payment Services on your behalf and that you will be responsible for any payments made by such person.

1.4 Identification and Verification.

You authorize Airbnb Payments, directly or through third parties, to make any inquiries we consider necessary to verify your identity and information you provide, and if applicable, verifying the identity of the representative(s) and beneficial owner(s). This may include (i) screening you and, if applicable, your representative(s) and beneficial owner(s) against third-party databases or other sources, (ii) requesting reports from service providers, (iii) asking you and, if applicable, your representative(s) and beneficial owner(s) to provide a form of government identification (e.g., driver’s license or passport) to check your name, place and date of birth, your address, nationality and/or other information which we deem necessary under applicable laws. If you are providing information for identification and verification about your representative(s) and/or beneficial owner(s) on their behalf, by providing such information, you are confirming that you have the authority and requisite rights to provide their information (including consent, where applicable) to Airbnb Payments for Airbnb Payments to carry out the purposes set out in this Section 1.4; or (iv) requiring you to take steps to confirm ownership of your email address, Payment Method(s) or Payout Method(s). Airbnb Payments reserves the right to terminate, suspend, or limit access to the Payment Services in the event we are unable to obtain or verify any of this information.

1.5 Additional Terms.

Your access to or use of certain Payment Services may be subject to you first having to agree to or to accept (expressly or by conduct) additional terms and conditions, including those of third party providers of Payment Services. If there is a conflict between these Payments Terms and terms and conditions applicable to a specific Payment Service, the terms and conditions applicable to the specific Payment Service will take precedence with respect to your use of or access to that Payment Service, unless specified otherwise in the terms and conditions applicable to the specific Payment Service.

2. Guest Terms

2.1 Adding a Payment Method.

When you add a Payment Method to your Airbnb account, you will be asked to provide billing information such as name, billing address, and financial instrument information either to Airbnb Payments or its third-party payment processor(s). You authorize Airbnb Payments and its payment processor(s) to collect and store your Payment Method information in accordance with Airbnb’s privacy policy.

2.2 Payment Method Verification.

When you add or use a new Payment Method, Airbnb Payments may verify the Payment Method by (i) authorizing your Payment Method for one or two nominal amounts via a payment service provider, and asking you to confirm those amounts, or (ii) requiring you to upload a billing statement. We may, and retain the right to, initiate refunds of these amounts from your Payment Method. When you add a Payment Method during checkout, we will automatically save and add that Payment Method to your Airbnb account so it can be used for a future transaction. You may not remove the Payment Method associated with a reservation, during the period commencing from the date of your booking and ending fourteen (14) days following your check-out date, nor during any additional period of time needed to resolve any outstanding Damage Claim associated with such booking.

2.3 Payment Authorization.

You allow Airbnb Payments to charge your Payment Method (including charging more than one Payment Method), either directly or indirectly, for all fees and other amounts due (including any applicable taxes) in connection with your Airbnb account, including Damage Claim amounts in accordance with the Terms and with Sections 5 and 6.

2.4 Automatic Update of Payment Method.

If your Payment Method’s account information changes (e.g., account number, routing number, expiration date or CVV or CVC number) as a result of re-issuance or otherwise, we may acquire that information from our financial services partners or your bank and automatically update your Payment Method on file.

2.5 Timing of Payment.

Airbnb Payments generally charges the Total Price due after the Host accepts your booking request. However, if you pay with a push Payment Method (such as Sofort), Airbnb Payments will collect the Total Price due at the time of your booking request or after the Host accepts your booking request. Airbnb may offer alternative options for the timing and manner of payment. Any additional fees for using those alternative payment options will be displayed via the Airbnb Platform and included in the Total Price, and you agree to pay such fees by selecting the payment option. Additional terms and conditions may apply for the use of an alternative payment option. If Airbnb Payments is unable to collect the Total Price due, as scheduled, Airbnb Payments will collect the Total Price due at a later point in accordance with Section 5.3. Once the payment for your requested booking is successfully completed, you will receive a confirmation email.

2.6 Currency.


You are able to select your currency in your settings. The currencies available to make payments may be limited for regulatory or operational reasons based on factors such as your selected Payment Method, your country of residence and/or your Airbnb Payments contracting entity(ies). Any such limitations will be communicated via the Airbnb Platform, and you will be prompted to select a different currency or Payment Method if your preferred currency is not available.


Note that if the country in which your Airbnb Payments contracting entity is located is different from the country of your Payment Method provider or the preferred currency in your settings is different than your Payment Method's billing currency, your payment may be processed outside of your country of residence. As a result, your Payment Method provider may impose certain fees and the amount listed on your Payment Method statement may be different from the amount shown at checkout. For example, if you make a booking using an Australian issued card, but the preferred currency in your settings is set to US dollars, your payment may be processed outside Australia, and banks and credit card companies may impose international transaction fees and foreign exchange fees. In addition, if the preferred currency in your settings is different from your Payment Method's billing currency, your bank or credit card company may convert the payment amount to your billing currency associated with your Payment Method, based on an exchange rate and fee amount determined solely by your bank. Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard. Please contact your Payment Method provider if you have any questions about these fees or any exchange rate imposed by your Payment Method provider.

2.7 Booking Request Status.

If a requested booking is declined because it is not accepted by the Host, you cancel the booking request before it is accepted by the Host, or Airbnb cancels the booking, any amounts collected by Airbnb Payments and due to you pursuant to the policies described in Section 5.5 will be refunded to you, and any pre-authorization of your Payment Method will be released (if applicable) in accordance with Section 5.5.2.

2.8 Payment Restrictions.

Airbnb Payments reserves the right to decline or limit payments that we reasonably believe (i) may violate Airbnb Payments’ risk management policies or procedures, (ii) may violate these Payments Terms or the Terms, (iii) are unauthorized, fraudulent or illegal; or (iv) expose you, Airbnb, Airbnb Payments, or others to risks reasonably unacceptable to Airbnb Payments.

2.9 Payment Service Providers.

Payment Methods may involve the use of third-party payment service providers. These payment service providers may charge you additional fees when processing payments in connection with the Payment Services, and Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard. Your Payment Method may also be subject to additional terms of use. Please review them before using your Payment Method.

2.10 Your Payment Method, Your Responsibility.

Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any loss suffered by you as a result of incorrect Payment Method information provided by you. Airbnb Payments does not provide any regulated Payment Services to you.

2.11 Different Ways to Pay

2.11.1 Pay Part Now, Part Later 

Airbnb may make available to Guests the option to pay a portion of the booking’s Total Price at the time of booking and pay the remainder of the Total Price at a later time prior to check-in (“Pay Part Now, Part Later”). Availability of this option may depend on the Listing and/or Payment Method. 

If you choose Pay Part Now, Part Later, the Airbnb Platform will notify you during checkout of the amount, currency and schedule of each payment due. On the following payments due date, Airbnb Payments will automatically charge the original Payment Method you used to make the booking. 

If you make a modification to a booking made with Pay Part Now, Part Later, Airbnb Payments will notify you of the revised payment schedule, as applicable, and Airbnb Payments will automatically charge the original Payment Method you used to make the booking on the revised payment due dates. If the modification increases your Total Price, you may be required to make an additional partial payment of the new Total Price at the time of the modification. 

You agree that by selecting Pay Part Now, Part Later, you may not be able to pay for the booking with a different Payment Method or pursuant to a different payment schedule. 

If Airbnb Payments is unable to collect your payment, Airbnb Payments will notify you of such declined payment, and require you to complete the payment using an alternative Payment Method within 72 hours of the notice. If you fail to complete the payment, you authorize Airbnb to cancel the booking on your behalf. If the booking is canceled, you will be refunded based on the Host’s cancellation policy.

2.11.2 Recurring Payments 

For certain bookings (such as for Accommodation bookings of twenty-eight (28) nights or more), Airbnb Payments may require a Guest to make recurring, incremental payments toward the Total Price owed (“Recurring Payments”). More information on Recurring Payments (including the amount and the frequency of payments) will be made available via the Airbnb Platform if applicable to a booking. 

If Recurring Payments apply to a confirmed booking, then the Guest authorizes Airbnb Payments to collect the Total Price due. 

Guests may stop a Recurring Payment by notifying Airbnb Payments orally or in writing at least three (3) business days before the scheduled date of the payment. Airbnb Payments may require you to give written confirmation of a stop-payment order within fourteen (14) days of an oral notification. If you fail to provide written confirmation within those fourteen (14) days, Airbnb Payments is not obligated to honor your request to stop any future Recurring Payments. If you have any questions regarding your Recurring Payments, please contact Airbnb Payments.

    2.12 Buy now, pay later.

    Guests may from time to time be offered the possibility to pay for an Accommodation Reservation on credit or other installment options, and pay for them over time ('buy now, pay later'). These Payment Methods will be provided by Klarna Australia Pty Ltd (or its affiliate), not Airbnb, subject to additional terms of use provided at checkout, and Klarna will become your creditor for the payment. Depending on the Payment Method, this may also create a separate relationship between you as the borrower and Klarna as the lender. Please review any applicable additional terms before using these Payment Methods.

    3. Host Terms

    3.1 Payment Collection.

    Airbnb Payments generally collects the Total Price of a booking at the time the Guest’s booking request is accepted by the Host, unless noted otherwise.

    3.2 Valid Payout Method.


    In order to receive a Payout you must have a valid Payout Method linked to your Airbnb account. When you add a Payout Method to your Airbnb account, you will be asked to provide information, which may include name, government identification, tax identification, billing address, and financial instrument information either to Airbnb Payments or its third-party payment processor(s). Depending on the Payout Method selected additional information may be required, such as: residential address, name on the account, account type, routing number, account number, email address, payout currency, identification number and account information associated with a particular payment processor. Providing requested information is required for a Payout Method to be valid. The information Airbnb Payments requires for a valid Payout Method may change, and Airbnb Payments may request additional information at any time; failing to provide requested information may result in Airbnb Payments temporarily placing a hold, suspending, or canceling any Payout until the information is provided and, if necessary, validated.


    You authorize Airbnb Payments to collect and store your Payout Method information in accordance with Airbnb’s Privacy Policy. Airbnb Payments may also share your information with governmental authorities as required by applicable law.

    3.3 Timing of Payout


    Subject to and conditional upon successful receipt of the associated payments from Guests, Airbnb Payments will generally initiate Payouts to your selected Payout Method: (i) for Accommodations, 24 hours after the Guest’s scheduled check-in time (or 24 hours after 3:00 pm local time - or 3:00 pm UTC if local time is unknown - if the check-in time is flexible or not specified); (ii) for Experiences, 24 hours after the start of the Experience; and (iii) for all other Host Services, at the time specified via the Airbnb Platform. For Accommodation bookings of twenty-eight (28) nights or more, Airbnb Payments will generally initiate the first payout 24 hours after the Guest’s scheduled check-in time, and will initiate future payouts every 30 days after the initial payout, for the duration of the reservation.


    Airbnb Payments may offer you a different Payout time or trigger for payment via the Airbnb Platform. The time it takes to receive Payouts once released by Airbnb Payments may depend upon the Payout Method you select.

    3.4 Payout.

    Your Payout for a booking will be the Total Price less applicable fees like Airbnb service fees and applicable taxes and any amounts you agree to allocate to any co-host, or the owner(s) of an Accommodation, a homeowners’ association, and/or their agent (such as a building operator or property management company). In the event of cancellation of a confirmed booking, Airbnb Payments will remit the amount you are due (if any) as provided in the Terms and applicable cancellation policy.

    3.5 Payout Restrictions.

    Airbnb Payments may temporarily place a hold, suspend, or cancel any Payout for the purposes of preventing unlawful activity or fraud, risk assessment, security, or completing an investigation; or if we are unable to verify your identity or where applicable the identity of your representative(s) or beneficial owner(s), or to obtain or verify requested information. Furthermore, Airbnb Payments may temporarily place a hold on, suspend, or delay initiating or processing any Payout due to you under the Terms as a result of high volume booking cancellations or modifications arising from a Force Majeure Event (as defined below).

    3.6 Payout Currency.

    Airbnb Payments will remit your Payouts in the currency you select via the Airbnb Platform. The currencies available may be limited for regulatory or operational reasons based on factors such as your selected Payout Method, your country of residence, and/or your Airbnb contracting entity(ies). Any such limitations will be communicated via the Airbnb Platform, and you will be prompted to select a different currency or Payout Method. Note that payment service providers may impose transaction, currency conversion or other fees based on the currency or Payout Method you select, and Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard.

    3.7 Limits on Payouts. 

    For compliance or operational reasons, Airbnb Payments may limit the amount of a Payout. If you are due an amount above that limit, Airbnb Payments may make a series of Payouts (potentially over multiple days) in order to provide your full Payout amount.

    3.8 Payment Service Providers. 

    Payout Methods may involve the use of third-party payment service providers. These payment service providers may charge you additional fees when processing Payouts in connection with the Payment Services (including deducting charges from the Payout amount), and Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard. Your Payout Method may also be subject to additional terms of use from such third-party payment service providers. Please review them before using your Payout Method.

    3.9 Handling of Funds. 

    Airbnb Payments may combine amounts that it collects from Guests and invest them as permitted under applicable laws. Airbnb Payments will retain any interest it earns on those investments.

    3.10 Your Payout Method, Your Responsibility. 

    Subject to Section 17, Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any loss suffered by you as a result of incorrect Payout Method information provided by you.

    3.11 Different ways to get paid

    3.11.1 Split Payouts

    If you provide Host Services jointly with one or more other Hosts as part of a team, business or other organization (“Host Team”), Airbnb may make available to such Hosts the option to allocate between the members of the Host Team the total Host Payout for a booking. Airbnb Payments will execute such payments at the instruction of one or more members of the Host Team, and Hosts are responsible for the accuracy of their instructions.

    3.12 Buy now, pay later. 

    If a Guest in Germany chooses to pay for an Accommodation Reservation using a Klarna "buy now, pay later" option (other than a Pay-in-3 option), these additional Host terms apply.

    4. Appointment of Airbnb Payments as Limited Payment Collection Agent


    Each Host, including each Host Team member, hereby appoints Airbnb Payments as the Host’s payment collection agent solely for the limited purpose of accepting and processing funds from Guests purchasing Host Services on the Host’s behalf.


    Each Host, including each Host Team member, agrees that payment made by a Guest through Airbnb Payments, shall be considered the same as a payment made directly to the Host, and the Host will provide the Host Service booked by the Guest in the agreed-upon manner as if the Host has received the payment directly from the Guest. Each Host agrees that Airbnb Payments may refund the Guest in accordance with the Terms. Each Host understands that Airbnb Payments’ obligation to pay the Host is subject to and conditional upon successful receipt of the associated payments from Guests. Airbnb Payments guarantees payments to Host(s) only for such amounts that have been successfully received by Airbnb Payments from Guests in accordance with these Payments Terms. In accepting appointment as the limited payment collection agent of the Host, Airbnb Payments assumes no liability for any acts or omissions of the Host, except for acts or omissions the Host is directed to engage in by Airbnb Payments.


    Each Guest acknowledges and agrees that, notwithstanding the fact that Airbnb Payments is not a party to the agreement between you and the Host(s), including each Host Team member, Airbnb Payments acts as each Host’s payment collection agent for the limited purpose of accepting payments from you on behalf of the Host(s). Upon a Guest’s payment of the funds to Airbnb Payments, the Guest’s payment obligation to the Host(s) for the agreed upon amount is extinguished, and Airbnb Payments is responsible for remitting the funds successfully received by Airbnb Payments to the Host(s) in the manner described in these Payments Terms. In the event that Airbnb Payments does not remit any such amounts, the Host(s) will have recourse only against Airbnb Payments and not the Guest directly.


    At no point in time is Airbnb Payments holding funds on behalf of the Guest or providing the Guest a payment service.

    5. General Terms

    5.1 Fees. 

    Airbnb Payments may charge fees for use of certain Payment Services and any applicable fees will be disclosed to you in the Terms or via the Airbnb Platform prior to being charged.

    5.2 Payment Authorizations. 

    You authorize Airbnb Payments to collect from you amounts due pursuant to these Payments Terms and/or the Terms by either (i) charging the Payment Method associated with the relevant booking, or any other Payment Method on file that you authorize in your Airbnb account (unless you have previously removed the authorization to charge such Payment Method(s)), or (ii) by withholding the amount from your future Payout. Specifically, you authorize Airbnb Payments to collect from you:

      • Any amount due to Airbnb or Airbnb Payments (e.g., as a result of your bookings, Booking Modifications, cancellations, or other actions as a Guest, Host or user of the Airbnb Platform), including reimbursement for costs prepaid by Airbnb or Airbnb Payments on your behalf. Any funds collected by Airbnb Payments will set off the amount owed by you to Airbnb or Airbnb Payments and extinguish your obligation to Airbnb or Airbnb Payments.
      • Any amount due to a Host from a Guest which Airbnb collects as the Host’s payment collection agent as further set out in Section 4 above.
      • Taxes, where applicable and as set out in the Terms.
      • Any amount you pay through the Resolution Center in connection with your Airbnb account.
      • Any Damage Claim amounts owed to Airbnb or Airbnb Payments in accordance with the Terms and Section 6.
      • Overstay penalties payable under the Terms, including any cost and expenses incurred in collecting the overstay penalty.
      • Any service fees or cancellation fees imposed pursuant to the Terms (e.g., if, as a Host, you cancel a confirmed booking).
      • Any amounts already paid to you as a Host despite a Guest canceling a confirmed booking or Airbnb deciding that it is necessary to cancel a booking in accordance with the Terms, Rebooking and Refund Policy, Experiences Guest Refund Policy, Major Disruptive Events Policy, or other applicable cancellation policy. You agree that in the event you have already been paid, Airbnb Payments will be entitled to recover the amount of any such Guest refund from you, including by subtracting such refund amount out from any future Payouts due to you.

      If you owe an amount at any time after a booking, such as with Payment Plan or Recurring Payment charges, Booking Modifications, Resolution Center payments or Damage Claims (“Additional Amounts”), you authorize Airbnb Payments to collect payments for such Additional Amounts by charging your Payment Method associated with the relevant booking without any further action on your part. Airbnb Payments will notify you in writing before any Additional Amounts are charged.

      If your Payment Method associated with the relevant booking is expired, invalid or otherwise not able to be charged for any reason (such as insufficient funds), you remain responsible for any uncollected amounts and Airbnb Payments may charge the Payment Method related to your booking again or use any other Payment Method on file associated with your Airbnb account, if available, to collect such Additional Amounts. Any amount not collected for any reason will be subject to any remedies that may be available, including, but not limited to, referral to a collections agency, or pursuit of available causes of action or claims against you.

      If Airbnb has reason to believe that you as a Host participated in fraudulent activity, such as an overpayment scam, booking fraud or other fraud, and Airbnb Payments released the payout for such stay, Airbnb Payments may recoup from you such amount by reducing, setting off or debiting the amount from any future Payouts owed to you.

      In addition to any amount due as outlined above, if there are amounts which you owe us but are unpaid or chargebacks associated with your Payment Method, you may be charged fees or costs for reasonable steps taken by Airbnb and/or Airbnb Payments to collect, recover or process these amounts and chargebacks (“Collection Fees”). The Collection Fees will be limited to: (a) reasonable costs directly incurred by Airbnb Payments and/or Airbnb (such as costs associated with the time our personnel spend collecting, recovering or processing the relevant amounts); and (b) collection fees, convenience fees or other fees or costs that are charged to Airbnb Payments and/or Airbnb by third parties.

      5.3 Collections from Guests and Hosts


      If Airbnb Payments is unable to collect any amounts you owe, as a Guest or as a Host, under the Terms and these Payments Terms, Airbnb Payments may engage in collection efforts to recover such amounts from you.


      Airbnb Payments will deem any owed amounts overdue when: (a) for authorized charges, one hundred and twenty (120) days have elapsed after Airbnb Payments first attempts to charge your Payment Method or the associated services have been provided, whichever is later; and (b) for withholdings from a Host’s future Payouts, two hundred and seventy (270) days have elapsed after the adjustment is made to the Host’s Airbnb account or the associated services have been provided, whichever is later.


      Airbnb Payments will deem any overdue amounts not collected to be in default when three hundred and sixty five (365) days have elapsed: (a) for authorized charges to your Payment Method with respect to a Guest transaction, after Airbnb Payments first attempts to charge your Payment Method or the associated services have been provided, whichever is later; and (b) for withholdings from a Host’s future Payouts, after the adjustment is made to the Host’s Airbnb account or the associated services have been provided, whichever is later.


      You hereby explicitly agree that all communications in relation to amounts owed will be made by electronic mail or by phone, as provided to Airbnb and/or Airbnb Payments by you. Such communications may be made by Airbnb, Airbnb Payments, or by anyone on their behalf, including but not limited to a third-party collection agent.

      5.4 Payment Processing Errors


        Airbnb Payments will take the necessary steps to rectify any payment processing errors that we become aware of. These steps may include crediting or debiting (as appropriate) the original Payout Method or Payment Method used or selected by you, so that you end up receiving or paying the correct amount. This may be performed by Airbnb Payments or a third party such as your financial institution. We may also take steps to recover funds sent to you in error (including but not limited to an event of duplicate payments made to you due to a processing error). For Hosts, this may include, by reducing, setting off and/or debiting the amount of such funds from any future Payouts owed to you.


        To the extent you receive any funds in error, you agree to promptly return such funds to Airbnb Payments after you become aware that you have received such funds in error.

          5.5 Refunds


          Any refunds or credits due to a Member pursuant to the Terms, Major Disruptive Events Policy, Rebooking and Refund Policy, and Experiences Guest Refund Policy, will be initiated and remitted by Airbnb Payments in accordance with these Payments Terms.


          Subject to this Section 5.5.2, Airbnb Payments will initiate the refund process immediately. In the case of a cancellation by a Host, Airbnb Payments will hold the funds for up to 72 hours until the Guest is either refunded or the funds are used to rebook with another Host. In certain instances, the refund process may include the option to receive credit in lieu of a cash refund; if this option is made available to you, the timing of your refund will be communicated via the Airbnb Platform. The time it takes to receive any cash refund or for any pre-authorization of your Payment Method to be released will vary based on the Payment Method and any applicable payment system (e.g., Visa, Mastercard, etc.) rules. In the event of a Force Majeure Event that may affect the processing and settlement of refunds, Airbnb Payments will initiate and process the refund as soon as is practicable.

          6. Damage Claims and Damage Amounts


          If you are responsible for Damage Claim amounts, pursuant to Section 14 of the Terms, Airbnb via Airbnb Payments may, on reasonable notice to you, charge the Payment Method used to make the booking or any other Payment Method associated with your Airbnb account at the time of the Damage Claim or within a reasonable period thereafter in order to collect the Damage Claim amounts, up to a maximum amount as defined in Section 14 of the Terms. To facilitate this charge, when you book a Listing, you are agreeing that Airbnb via Airbnb Payments may charge the Payment Method used to book the Listing in order to collect Damage Claim amounts.


          To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree that Airbnb Payments may seek to recover from you under any insurance policies you maintain and that Airbnb Payments may also pursue against you any remedies it may have available, including, but not limited to, referral to a collections agency, or pursuit of causes of action or claims against you, including in relation to a Damage Claim, or payment requests made by Hosts under the Host Damage Protection.

          7. Abandoned Property

          If Airbnb Payments holds funds due to you (e.g., because we are unable to issue you a Payout or refund) or you do not use a gift card or gift credit for the relevant period of time set forth by your state, country, or other governing body in its unclaimed property laws, we may process the funds due to you in accordance with our legal obligations, including by reporting and escheating (sending) such funds to the appropriate governing body as required by applicable unclaimed property laws.

          8. Prohibited Activities


          You are solely responsible for compliance with any and all laws, rules, regulations, and tax obligations that may apply to your use of the Payment Services. In connection with your use of the Payment Services, you may not and you agree that you will not and will not assist or enable others to:

            • breach or circumvent any applicable laws or regulations, including to facilitate anyone else to breach or circumvent any applicable laws or regulations;
            • breach or circumvent any agreements with third parties, third-party rights, or the Terms, Additional Legal Terms, Policies, or Standards;
            • use the Payment Services for any commercial or other purposes that are not expressly permitted by these Payments Terms;
            • register or use any Payment Method or Payout Method with your Airbnb account that is not yours or you do not have authorization to use;
            • avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, impair, descramble, or otherwise circumvent any technological measure implemented by Airbnb Payments or any of Airbnb Payments’ service providers or any other third party to protect the Payment Services;
            • take any action that damages or adversely affects, or could damage or adversely affect, the performance or proper functioning of the Payment Services;
            • attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software used to provide the Payment Services; or
            • violate or infringe anyone else’s rights or otherwise cause harm to anyone.


            We are required to act in accordance with our internal policies and the laws of various jurisdictions relating to the prevention of money laundering and the implementation of sanctions including: (i) economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by the U.S. government, including those administered by the Office of Foreign Asset Control or the U.S. Department of State; or (ii) by the United Nations Security Council, the European Union or His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom. You will comply with any relevant financial sanctions and any relevant export control laws applicable to you and to your local jurisdiction.

            9. Force Majeure

            As between Airbnb and a Member, neither shall be liable to the other for any delay or failure to perform resulting from causes outside their reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, war, terrorism, riots, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, fire, floods, accidents, epidemics or disease, strikes or shortages of transportation facilities, fuel, energy, labor or materials (“Force Majeure Event”). For the avoidance of doubt, this clause does not: (i) apply to a Reservation, which is subject to the Host’s cancellation policy and the Major Disruptive Events Policy; or (ii) operate to extend deadlines applicable to a Resolution Centre Request, a Host Damage Protection claim, an Aircover for guests claim, a Travel Issue under the Rebooking and Refund Policy or an Experiences Issue under the Experiences Guest Refund Policy, or other requests, claims or reporting under similar policies that are incorporated by reference into these Terms.

            10. Disclaimers


            If you choose to use the Payment Services, you do so voluntarily and at your sole risk. 


            Notwithstanding Airbnb Payments’ appointment as the limited payment collection agent of Hosts pursuant to Section 4 and subject to Section 11, Airbnb Payments explicitly disclaims all liability for any act or omission by you, any Member or other third party. Airbnb Payments does not have any duties or obligations as agent for each Host except to the extent expressly set forth in these Payments Terms, and any additional duties or obligations as may be implied by law are, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, expressly excluded.


            If we choose or are required to conduct identity verification on any Member, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim warranties of any kind, either express or implied, that such checks will identify prior misconduct by a Member or guarantee that a Member will not engage in misconduct in the future. We are not responsible for prior misconduct by a Member where such misconduct was unknown by us.


            The foregoing disclaimers apply to the maximum extent permitted by law. You may have other statutory rights or warranties which cannot lawfully be excluded. However, the duration of any statutorily required warranties shall be limited to the maximum extent (if any) permitted by law.

            11. Liability


            You acknowledge and agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the risk arising out of your access to and use of the Payment Services remains with you. If you permit or authorize another person to use your Airbnb account in any way, you are responsible for the actions taken by that person. To the maximum extent permitted by law, no party, including Airbnb’s affiliates and personnel, or any other party involved in or delivering the Payment Services will be liable for any incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages. Incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages, include, to the maximum extent permitted by law, lost profits, loss of data or loss of goodwill, service interruption, computer damage or system failure or the cost of substitute products or services. Neither is Airbnb Payments liable nor any other party liable, to the extent permitted by law, for any damages for personal or bodily injury or emotional distress arising out of or in connection with (i) these Payments Terms, (ii) from the use of or inability to use the Payment Services, or (iii) from any communications, interactions, or meetings with other Members or other persons with whom you communicate, interact, transact, or meet with as a result of your use of the Payment Services, whether based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence), product liability, or any other legal theory, and whether or not Airbnb Payments has been informed of the possibility of such damage, even if a limited remedy set forth herein is found to have failed of its essential purpose.


            Except for: (i) Airbnb’s obligation to pay amounts to applicable Hosts pursuant to these Payments Terms; (ii) Airbnb’s obligation to make payments under the Airbnb Host Damage Protection, which contains its own limitation of liability; and/or (iii) Airbnb Payments’ wilful breach of these Terms, to the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event shall Airbnb Payments’ aggregate liability arising out of or in connection with these Payments Terms and your use of the Payment Services including, but not limited to, from your use of or inability to use the Payment Services, exceed (A) to Guests, three (3) times the amount you paid for the relevant Reservation(s) giving rise to the liability, or (B) to Hosts, three (3) times the amount paid to you for the relevant Reservation(s) giving rise to the liability. The limitations of damages set forth above are fundamental elements of the basis of the bargain between Airbnb Payments and you.


            Except in the case of a Member’s wilful breach of these Terms, to the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event shall a Member’s liability to Airbnb or any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering the Airbnb Platform or any Content for any claim or dispute arising out of or in connection with these Payments Terms, interaction with any Member, or your use of or inability to use the Airbnb Platform, any Content, or any Host Service exceed: (A) in the case of Guests, three (3) times the amount you paid for the relevant Reservation(s) giving rise to the liability, or (B) in the case of Hosts, three (3) times the amount paid to you for the relevant Reservation(s) giving rise to the liability.

              12. Indemnification

              To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to release, defend (at Airbnb Payments’ option), indemnify, and hold Airbnb (including Airbnb Payments, other affiliates and subsidiaries, and their officers, directors, employees, and agents) harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of (i) your breach of these Payments Terms (including any supplemental or additional terms that apply to a product or feature) or our Additional Legal Terms, Policies, or Standards; (ii) your improper use of the Payment Services; (iii) your failure, or our failure at your direction, to accurately report, collect or remit Taxes; or (iv) your breach of any laws, regulations, or third-party rights, such as intellectual property or privacy rights. The indemnification obligation only applies if and to the extent that the claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses have been adequately caused by your negligence or breach of a contractual obligation.

              13. Modification, Term, Termination, and other Measures

              13.1 Modification. 

              Airbnb Payments may modify these Payments Terms at any time. If we make material changes to these Payments Terms, we will post the revised Payments Terms on the Airbnb Platform and update the “Last Updated” date at the top of these Payments Terms. If you are affected by the modification, we will also provide you with notice of the modifications at least two (2) months before the date they become effective. If you do not terminate your agreement before the date the revised Payments Terms become effective, your continued use of the Payment Services will constitute acceptance of any changes to the revised Payments Terms.

              13.2 Term. 

              This agreement between you and Airbnb Payments is effective (i) if you are a Guest, from when you make your first booking; or (ii) if you are a Host, from when a Guest first books a Listing made available by you and you use the Payment Services and remains in effect until either you or we terminate this agreement in accordance with Section 13.3.

              13.3 Termination. 

              You may terminate this agreement at any time by sending us an email or by deleting your Airbnb account. Without limiting our rights specified below, Airbnb Payments may terminate this agreement for convenience at any time by giving you thirty (30) days' notice via email to your registered email address (or two (2) months’ prior notice for Members contracting with Airbnb Payments UK). Airbnb Payments may also terminate this agreement immediately without notice if (i) you have materially breached your obligations under this agreement; (ii) you have provided inaccurate, fraudulent, outdated, or incomplete information; (iii) you have violated applicable laws, regulations, or third-party rights; or (iv) Airbnb Payments believes in good faith that such action is reasonably necessary to protect other Members, Airbnb, Airbnb Payments, or third parties. In case of non-material breaches or where otherwise reasonable, you will be given reasonable notice of any actions that Airbnb proposes to take and an opportunity to remedy the non-material breach (if it is capable of remedy) unless such notification would (i) prevent or impede the detection or prevention of fraud or other illegal activities, (ii) harm the legitimate interests of other Members or third parties, or (iii) contravene applicable laws. Terminating this agreement will also serve as notice to cancel your Airbnb account pursuant to the Terms.

              13.4 Suspension and Other Measures. 

              Airbnb Payments may limit or temporarily or permanently suspend your use of or access to the Payment Services (i) to comply with applicable law, or the order or request of a court, law enforcement, or other administrative agency or governmental body, (ii) if you have materially breached these Payments Terms, the Terms, applicable laws, regulations or third-party rights, (iii) if you have provided inaccurate, fraudulent, outdated, or incomplete information regarding a Payment Method or Payout Method, (iv) for any amounts you owe under these Payments Term that are overdue or in default, or (v) if Airbnb Payments believes in good faith that such action is reasonably necessary to protect the personal safety or property of Airbnb, its Members, Airbnb Payments, or third parties, or to prevent fraud or other illegal activity. Further, for unsuccessful payment due to card expiration, insufficient funds, or otherwise, we may temporarily suspend your access to the Payment Services until we can charge a valid Payment Method.

              13.5 Appeal. 

              If Airbnb Payments takes any of the measures described in Section 13.3 you may appeal such a decision by contacting customer service.

              13.6 Effect of Termination. 

              If you cancel your Airbnb account as a Host or Airbnb Payments takes any of the measures described above, Airbnb Payments may provide a full refund to any Guests with confirmed booking(s), and you will not be entitled to any compensation for pending or confirmed bookings that were cancelled. If you cancel your Airbnb account as a Guest, Airbnb Payments will initiate a refund for any confirmed booking(s) based on the Listing’s cancellation policy. If your access to or use of the Payment Services has been suspended or limited or this agreement has been terminated by us, you may not register a new Airbnb account or attempt to access and use the Payment Services through an Airbnb account of another Member.

                13.7 Survival. 

                Sections 1.2, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 19, survive expiry or termination, together with any other terms that, by reasonable implication or to give them efficacy are, or are intended, to be performed in whole or in part after the expiry or termination of this agreement.

                14. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution


                If you are contracting with Airbnb Payments UK, these Payments Terms will be interpreted in accordance with English law. If you are acting as a consumer and if mandatory statutory consumer protection regulations in your country of residence contain provisions that are more beneficial for you, such provisions shall apply irrespective of the choice of English law. As a consumer, you may only bring proceedings relating to these Payments Terms before the competent court of your place of residence or a court in England. If Airbnb wishes to enforce any of its rights against you as a consumer, we may do so only in the courts of the jurisdiction in which you are a resident. If you are acting as a business, you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.


                If you are contracting with Airbnb Payments Australia, these Payments Terms will be governed by the laws of the State of New South Wales, Australia. The parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State and courts of appeal of that State in respect of any proceedings arising out of or in connection with this agreement.

                15. United States Arbitration Agreement


                15.1 Application. 

                This Arbitration Agreement only applies to you if you are contracting with Airbnb Payment US. If you are not contracting with Airbnb Payments US, and you nevertheless attempt to bring any legal claim against Airbnb Payments in the United States, this Arbitration Agreement will apply for determination of the threshold issue of whether this Section 15 applies to you, and all other threshold determinations, including residency, arbitrability, venue, and applicable law.

                15.2 Overview of Dispute Resolution Process. 

                Airbnb Payments is committed to participating in a consumer-friendly dispute resolution process. To that end, these Payments Terms provide for a two-part process for individuals to whom this Section 15 applies: (1) an informal negotiation directly with Airbnb’s customer service team (described in Section 15.3), and if necessary (2) a binding arbitration in accordance with the terms of this Arbitration Agreement. You and Airbnb Payments each retain the right to seek resolution of the dispute in small claims court as an alternative to arbitration.

                15.3 Mandatory Pre-Arbitration Dispute Resolution and Notification. 

                At least 30 days prior to initiating an arbitration, you and Airbnb Payments each agree to send the other party an individualized notice of the dispute in writing (“Pre-Dispute Notice”) and attempt in good faith to negotiate an informal resolution of an individual claim. You must send your Pre-Dispute Notice to Airbnb Payments by mailing it to Airbnb Payments’ agent for service: CSC Lawyers Incorporating Service, 2710 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 150N, Sacramento, California 95833. Airbnb Payments will send its Pre-Dispute Notice to the email address associated with your Airbnb account. A notice of dispute must include: the date, your name, mailing address, your Airbnb username, the email address you used to set up your Airbnb account, your signature, a brief description of the dispute, and the relief sought. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within the 30-day period, only then may either party commence arbitration by filing a written demand for arbitration with the arbitration provider designated pursuant to Section 15.6, below. A claimant’s Pre-Dispute Notice requirement is a prerequisite to any arbitration, and a copy of the Pre-Dispute Notice and evidence that it was sent as required by this Section must be attached to any arbitration demand.

                15.4 Agreement to Arbitrate. 

                You and Airbnb Payments mutually agree that any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to these Payments Terms or the applicability, breach, termination, validity, enforcement or interpretation thereof, or any use of the Payment Services (collectively, “Disputes”) will be settled by binding arbitration on an individual basis (the “Arbitration Agreement”). If there is a dispute about whether this Arbitration Agreement can be enforced or applies to our Dispute, you and Airbnb Payments agree that the arbitrator will decide that issue. For the avoidance of doubt, you and Airbnb agree that any question regarding arbitrability and the formation, enforceability, validity, scope, or interpretation of all or part of this Section 15, including any dispute over compliance with the Pre-Dispute Notice requirement and a party’s responsibility to pay arbitration fees, shall be resolved by an arbitrator.

                15.5 Exceptions to Arbitration Agreement. 

                You and Airbnb Payments each agree that the following causes of action and/or claims for relief are exceptions to the Arbitration Agreement and will be brought in and will be brought in a judicial proceeding in state or federal court in San Francisco, California, unless we both agree to some other location: (i) any claim or cause of action seeking emergency injunctive relief based on exigent circumstances (e.g., imminent danger or commission of a crime, hacking, cyber-attack); (ii) a request for the remedy of public injunctive relief; (iii) any claim or cause of action for vexatious litigation; or (iv) any individual claim of sexual assault or sexual harassment arising from your use of the Airbnb Platform or Host Services. You and Airbnb Payments agree that any request for the remedy of public injunctive relief will proceed after the arbitration of all arbitrable claims, remedies, or causes of action, and will be stayed pending the outcome of the arbitration pursuant to section 3 of the Federal Arbitration Act.

                15.6 Arbitration Forum, Rules and Governing Law. 

                This Arbitration Agreement evidences a transaction in interstate commerce and the Federal Arbitration Act governs all substantive and procedural interpretation and enforcement of this Arbitration Agreement, and not state law. The arbitration will be administered by ADR Services, Inc. (“ADR”) ( in accordance with Rules 1, 6–7, 8–9, and 11–12, 45, 54, and 56 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (“Selected Federal Rules") ( and ADR’s Arbitration Rules then in effect (the “ADR Rules”), except as the Selected Federal Rules or ADR Rules are modified by or conflict with this Arbitration Agreement. The ADR Rules are available at If an arbitration demand is submitted to ADR Services in accordance with this agreement and the ADR Rules, and ADR Services cannot or will not administer the arbitration, the arbitration will be administered by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) in accordance with the Selected Federal Rules and the AAA’s Consumer Arbitration Rules and/or other AAA arbitration rules determined to be applicable by the arbitrator (the “AAA Rules”) then in effect, except as modified here. The AAA Rules are available at If the AAA cannot and will not administer the arbitration, you and Airbnb Payments shall confer and select an alternative arbitral forum, and if we are unable to agree, either you or Airbnb Payments may ask a court to appoint an arbitrator pursuant to 9 U.S.C. § 5. In that event, the arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the appointed arbitral forum, unless those rules are inconsistent with the provisions of this Arbitration Agreement.

                15.7 Modification of Arbitration Rules - Arbitration Hearing/Location. 

                In order to make the arbitration most cost-effective, efficient, and convenient to you, any required arbitration hearing in an arbitration wherein the amount in controversy does not exceed US $1,000,000, shall be conducted remotely via video conference except as otherwise agreed by the parties or instructed by the arbitrator. Any required arbitration hearing in an arbitration wherein the amount in controversy exceeds US $1,000,000 shall be conducted in San Francisco County except as otherwise agreed by the parties or instructed by the arbitrator. If the amount in controversy is US $10,000 or less, the parties agree to proceed solely on the submission of documents to the arbitrator.

                15.8 Modification of Arbitration Rules - Arbitration Fees and Costs.

                Your arbitration fees and your share of arbitrator compensation shall be governed by the ADR Rules and the ADR Services fee schedule (available at If you have a gross monthly income of less than 300% of the federal poverty guidelines, you are entitled to a waiver of arbitration fees and costs, exclusive of arbitrator fees. You may request a fee waiver by providing the arbitration provider with a declaration under oath stating your monthly income and the number of persons in your household. If a fee waiver is granted by the arbitration provider and you provide Airbnb Payments with documents necessary to prove that your gross monthly income is less than 300% of the federal poverty guidelines, Airbnb Payments will pay your share of any arbitrator fees.

                15.9 Modification of Arbitration Rules - Claims Brought for an improper Purpose or in Violation of This Arbitration Agreement. 

                Either party may make a request that the arbitrator impose sanctions upon proving that the other party or its attorney(s) has asserted a claim, or defense that is groundless in fact or law, brought in bad faith or for the purpose of harassment, or is otherwise frivolous. As allowed by applicable law and the AAA Rules the arbitrator shall impose sanctions equal to the requesting party’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs upon finding that a claim or defense is groundless in fact or law, brought in bad faith or for the purpose of harassment, asserted in violation of Fed. R. Civ. P. 11(b) (treating the arbitrator as “the court”), or is otherwise frivolous. Either party may seek dismissal of any arbitration filed in violation of any provision of this Arbitration Agreement. Either party may assert in arbitration a counterclaim for the other party’s initiation of proceedings concerning an arbitrable Dispute without complying with or otherwise in violation of the requirements of this Arbitration Agreement. Upon finding that a party has initiated proceedings concerning an arbitrable Dispute without complying with or otherwise in violation of the requirements of this Arbitration Agreement, the arbitrator shall award the other party its actual damages, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.

                15.10 Arbitrator’s Decision. 

                The arbitrator will issue a written decision which shall include the essential findings and conclusions upon which the arbitrator based the award. Judgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court with proper jurisdiction. The arbitrator may award any relief allowed by law or the AAA Rules, but declaratory or injunctive relief may be awarded only on an individual basis and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by the claimant’s individual claim.

                15.11 Jury Trial Waiver. 

                You and Airbnb Payments acknowledge and agree that both parties are each waiving the right to a trial by jury as to all arbitrable Disputes.

                15.12 No Class Actions or Representative Proceedings. 

                You and Airbnb Payments acknowledge and agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we are each waiving the right to participate as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class action lawsuit, class- wide arbitration, private attorney general action, or any other representative or consolidated proceeding. Unless we agree in writing or as provided in this agreement, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one party’s claims and may not otherwise preside over any form of any class or representative proceeding. If there is a final judicial determination that applicable law precludes enforcement of the waiver contained in this paragraph as to any claim, cause of action or requested remedy, then that claim, cause of action or requested remedy, and only that claim, cause of action or requested remedy, will be severed from this agreement to arbitrate and will be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction. In the event that a claim, cause of action or requested remedy is severed pursuant to this paragraph, then you and we agree that the claims, causes of action or requested remedies that are not subject to arbitration will be stayed until all arbitrable claims, causes of action and requested remedies are resolved by the arbitrator.

                15.13 Mass Action Waiver. 

                You and Airbnb Payments acknowledge and agree that the relative benefits and efficiencies of arbitration may be lost when 100 or more arbitration claims are filed within 180 days which (1) involve the same or similarly situated parties; (2) are based on the same or similar claims which arise from the same or substantially identical transactions, incidents, alleged violations or events requiring the determination of the same or substantially identical questions of law or fact; and (3) involve the same or coordinated counsel for the parties (“Mass Action”). Accordingly, you and Airbnb Payments agree to waive the right to have any Dispute administered, arbitrated, or resolved as part of a Mass Action (though Sections 15 and 15.12 will continue to apply to the Dispute). In case of a dispute, the appointed arbitrator for the first matter instituted within a set of claims identified by either party shall decide whether those claims are part of a Mass Action. If no arbitrator has yet been appointed, an arbitrator shall be appointed solely to determine whether claims identified by either party are part of a Mass Action. Nothing in this provision prevents you or Airbnb Payments from participating in a mass settlement of claims.

                15.14 Modification of Arbitration Rules – Mass Action Batching Requirements. 

                If for any reason, notwithstanding Section 15.13, an arbitration proceeds as part of a Mass Action, the parties shall group the arbitration demands into batches of no more than 200. The batches shall be determined by listing the claimants’ alphabetically (by last name or business name, as applicable)—for example, the first 200 claimants listed will be the first batch, the next 200 claimants listed will be the second batch, and so forth. The parties shall randomly assign each batch a sequential number and arbitrate the batches one at a time, in sequential order. While one batch is being arbitrated, the arbitration provider shall hold the remainder in abeyance unless otherwise agreed by the parties or instructed by the arbitration provider. Each batch shall be resolved within 240 days of the pre-hearing conference for that batch. Notwithstanding the forgoing, if any claimant’s demand has not been the subject of a pre-hearing conference within 2 years of the latest-filed demand in the Mass Action, such claimant may elect to pursue the claims asserted in the claimant’s demand in court subject to Sections 14 and 15.12.

                15.15 Modifications of Arbitration Rules - Offers of Judgment. 

                At least 10 days before the date set for the arbitration hearing, you or Airbnb Payments may serve a written offer of judgment on the other party to allow judgment on specified terms. If the offer is accepted, the offer with proof of acceptance shall be submitted to the arbitration provider, who shall issue an award accordingly. If the offer is not accepted prior to the arbitration hearing or within 30 days after it is made, whichever occurs first, it shall be deemed withdrawn and cannot be given as evidence in the arbitration, other than with respect to costs (including all fees paid to the arbitration provider). If an offer made by one party is not accepted by the other party, and the other party fails to obtain a more favorable award, the other party shall not recover their post-offer costs and shall pay the offering party’s costs (including all fees paid to the arbitration provider) from the time of the offer.

                15.16 Severability. 

                Except as provided in Section 15.12, in the event that any portion of this Arbitration Agreement is deemed illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed and the remainder of the Arbitration Agreement will be given full force and effect.

                15.17 Amendment to Agreement to Arbitrate. 

                If Airbnb Payments amends this Section 15 after the date you last accepted these Payments Terms (or accepted any subsequent changes to these Payments Terms), you may reject the change by sending us written notice no later than thirty (30) days of the date the change is effective. Your notice must include your name, mailing address, the date of the notice, your Airbnb username, the email address you used to set up your Airbnb account, your signature, and an unequivocal statement that you want to opt out of the amended Section 15. You must either mail your notice to this address: 888 Brannan St, San Francisco, CA 94103, Attn: Arbitration Opt-Out, or email the opt-out notice to Rejecting a new change, however, does not revoke or alter your prior consent to any earlier agreements to arbitrate any Dispute between you and Airbnb Payments (or your prior consent to any subsequent changes thereto), which will remain in effect and enforceable as to any Dispute between you and Airbnb Payments.

                15.18 Survival. 

                Except as provided in Section 15.12 and subject to Section 13.7, this Section 15 will survive any termination of these Payments Terms and will continue to apply even if you stop using the Payment Services or terminate your Airbnb account.

                16. Miscellaneous

                16.1 Interpreting these Payments Terms. 

                Except as they may be supplemented by additional terms and conditions, policies, guidelines, or standards, these Payments Terms constitute the entire agreement between Airbnb Payments and you regarding the subject matter hereof, and supersede any and all prior oral or written understandings or agreements between Airbnb Payments and you regarding the Payment Services. This clause does not exclude a party’s liability for prior false, misleading or deceptive statements or misrepresentations, whether oral or written. If any provision of these Payments Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision will be struck and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

                16.2 No Waiver. 

                Subject to any limitation expressly stated in these Payments Terms or the Terms, or any document, policy or standard incorporated into them, Airbnb Payments’ or a Member’s failure to enforce any right or provision in these Payments Terms will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed between the relevant parties in writing. Except as expressly set forth in these Payments Terms, the exercise by Airbnb Payments or a Member of any of its remedies under these Payments Terms will be without prejudice to its other remedies under these Payments Terms or otherwise permitted under law.

                16.3 Assignment. 

                You may not assign, transfer, or delegate this agreement or your rights and obligations hereunder without Airbnb Payments’ prior written consent (not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed). Airbnb Payments may assign, transfer, or delegate this agreement and any rights and obligations, at its sole discretion, with thirty (30) days’ prior notice (or two (2) months’ prior notice (for Members contracting with Airbnb Payments UK) provided that this would not reduce your rights or benefits under these terms.

                16.4 Notices. 

                Unless specified otherwise, any notices or other communications permitted or required under this agreement, will be in writing and given by Airbnb Payments via email or Airbnb Platform notification, and depending on your notification setting, messaging service (including SMS and WeChat). The date of receipt will be deemed the date on which Airbnb Payments transmits the notice.

                17. Additional Clauses for Users Contracting with Airbnb Payments UK

                This Section 17 will apply if you are contracting with Airbnb Payments UK. To the extent that there is any conflict between this Section 17 and any other provision of these Payment Terms, the provisions of this Section 17 shall apply

                17.1 Payment Service User


                The Payment Services include the payment collection service provided to Hosts contracting with Airbnb Payments UK. The payment collection service constitutes a “payment service” regulated under the Payment Services Regulations and for these purposes Airbnb Payments UK treats Hosts as the “payment service user.”


                By agreeing to these Payments Terms you as a Host have consented to Airbnb Payments UK’s payment of each Payout to your chosen Payout Method. Hosts may change a Payout Method up to one (1) day before the time agreed for the Payout as set out in Section 3.3. Airbnb Payments UK will be deemed to have received the Host's payment order to the Host on the same date Airbnb Payments UK agrees to initiate the Payout in accordance with Section 3.3.


                Airbnb Payments UK will endeavor to ensure that Hosts based in the UK will receive each Payout by the end of the business day following Airbnb Payments UK’s initiation of the Payout.

                17.1.4 Communication. 

                Airbnb Payments will provide the Host notice via email when we initiate each Payout. We will also provide notice to a Host’s registered email address if the Payout is returned to us because of an error. It is your responsibility as a Host to ensure that you provide us with a current, accurate, and valid email address.

                17.2 Diverted Payouts and Complaints


                If you as a Host believe or become aware that a Payout properly due to you has been or may be diverted without your authorization (“Diverted Payout”) because your password or other credentials to log into your Airbnb account (“Credentials”) have been lost, stolen, or misappropriated, you should notify Airbnb Payments UK without undue delay. As a Host you may be liable for losses relating to any Diverted Payout arising from the use of lost, stolen, or misappropriated Credentials (including the loss of a mobile phone on which you have installed the Application) or where you have failed to keep your Credentials safe, up to a maximum of £35. Provided that you notify us of any Diverted Payout without delay and at the very latest within 13 months of the date of the payment, you may be entitled to a refund of that payment.


                If you as Host claim not to have received a Payout properly due to you via your chosen Payout Method (including where there has been a Diverted Payout), Airbnb Payments UK will (if requested by you without undue delay, on becoming aware of the unauthorized or incorrectly executed Payout and in any event within 13 months of it happening) make immediate efforts to trace the payment and will notify you of the outcome. Subject to Section 17.2.3, unless we can prove that (i) the Payout was received by you via your chosen Payout Method, or (ii) we made the Payout correctly using the Payout Method information you provided but the information you provided was incorrect, we will refund the amount. Where you have given us incorrect information, we will not be liable for the defective or non-execution of the Payout, however, we will make reasonable efforts to recover the Payout funds.


                You must use your Credentials in accordance with these Payment Terms, and take all reasonable steps to keep your Credentials safe. As a Host you may be liable for losses suffered by Airbnb Payments UK in attempting to trace and recover a Diverted Payout (up to a maximum of £35) arising from the use of lost, stolen, or misappropriated Credentials including where due to the loss of a mobile phone on which you have installed the Application or where you have failed to keep your Credentials safe. You will not be liable for losses suffered by Airbnb Payments UK in attempting to trace and recover a Diverted Payout where the loss, theft or misappropriation of your Credentials was not detectable by you prior to the Diverted Payout (unless you acted fraudulently in connected with the Diverted Payout), or where the loss suffered by Airbnb Payments UK was caused by acts or omissions of Airbnb personnel or a service provider. You may however be liable to Airbnb Payments UK for all losses relating to attempted tracing and recovery of a Diverted Payout if we can produce reasonable evidence that you acted fraudulently or where you failed to use the Airbnb Platform and/or Payment Services in accordance with the Terms or these Payment Terms (including the obligation to keep your Credentials safe). Except where you have acted fraudulently, you will not be liable to Airbnb Payments UK for any losses incurred in respect of the attempted tracing and recovery of a Diverted Payout arising after notification by you of the loss, theft, or misappropriation of your Credentials or of the unauthorized use of your Credentials, where we have failed at any time to provide appropriate means for such notification, or where we do not require strong customer authentication, where required.


                Any complaints about the Payment Services should be made to Airbnb Payments UK. If you are not happy with the outcome of a complaint and you as a Host have received regulated Payment Services from Airbnb Payments UK, you may also be able to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman. All complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service are subject to the rules of the Financial Ombudsman Service, including in relation to eligibility requirements. The UK Financial Ombudsman Service offers a free complaints resolution service. You may obtain further information regarding the Financial Ombudsman Services and contact details at:

                18. Additional Clauses for Users Contracting with Airbnb Payments UK

                The following paragraphs also apply if you are using the Payment Services as a representative (“Representative”) acting on behalf a business, company or other legal entity (in such event, for purposes of the Payments Terms, “you” and “your” will refer and apply to that business, company or other legal entity).


                You accept the Payments Terms and you will be responsible for any act or omission of employees or third-party agents using the Payment Service on your behalf.


                You and your Representative individually affirm that you are authorized to provide the information described in Section 2.1 and Section 3.2 and your Representative has the authority to bind you to these Payments Terms. We may require you to provide additional information or documentation demonstrating your Representative’s authority.


                You represent and warrant to us that: (i) you are duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the country in which your business is registered and that you are registering for receiving the Payment Services; and (ii) you have all requisite right, power, and authority to enter into this agreement, perform your obligations, and grant the rights, licenses, and authorizations in this agreement.


                If you are using your Payment Method for the benefit of your employees or other authorized third-party in connection with Airbnb for Work, as permitted by your account, you authorize Airbnb Payments to charge your Payment Method for bookings requested by employees at your company or other permitted third-party.


                For any Payout Method linked to your Airbnb account, you authorize Airbnb Payments to store the Payout Method, remit payments using the Payout Method for bookings associated with your Airbnb account and take any other action as permitted in the Payments Terms in respect of the Payout Method.


                  If you handle, store or otherwise process payment card information on behalf of anyone or any third-party, you agree to comply on an ongoing basis with applicable data privacy and security requirements under the current Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard with regards to the use, access, and storage of such credit card information. For additional information, including tools to help you assess your compliance, see and

                  19. Contacting Airbnb Payments

                  You may contact Airbnb Payments regarding the Payment Services using the information below:


                  CONTACT INFORMATION

                  Airbnb Payments UK Ltd.

                  Please contact Airbnb Customer Service if you need assistance with updating your personal or business information or if you would like to make a complaint about our Services.

                  Airbnb Payments UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as an Electronic Money Institution with reference number 900596, with registered office at 280 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4RB, United Kingdom.

                  Airbnb Payments Australia Pty. Ltd

                  Please contact Airbnb Customer Service if you need assistance with updating your personal or business information or if you would like to make a complaint about our Services.

                  58 Gipps Street

                  Collingwood VIC 3066


                  Airbnb Payments will provide a copy of these Payments Terms on request. If you have any questions about these Payments Terms, please email us.

                  Download or print Terms.

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