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Tambahkan Tur Foto ke iklan Anda

Hosts can easily create a visual tour of their home, from the bedroom to the backyard. This new photo tour is powered by a custom Airbnb AI engine that recognizes interior and exterior photos and assigns them to the type of room.

What's a photo tour?

The photo tour includes new AI capabilities that automatically organizes photos into specific rooms and spaces. By helping Hosts automatically sort their photos into rooms or spaces, their guests will have a better understanding of a listing before they book.

Membuat tur foto

  1. Klik Iklan, lalu pilih iklan yang ingin Anda edit
  2. Di fitur Editor iklan, klik Tempat Anda
  3. Klik Foto, lalu klik Buat tur foto
  4. Klik Lihat di sini untuk melihat foto yang telah disortir
  5. Periksa setiap kamar atau ruangan untuk mengonfirmasikan bahwa foto Anda berada di tempat yang tepat

Ingatlah bahwa Anda harus memiliki foto untuk setiap kamar atau ruangan agar tur foto Anda dapat ditampilkan kepada tamu.

Adding a photo tour to your listing

Instantly organize your photos by room with the help of AI. Showcase your place with great photos–then add the photo tour to your listing. Once you create the photo tour, you can customize it by adding, moving photos, or deleting rooms from your listings. If you add any new photos, the AI engine will automatically sort them into new rooms for you.

After adding a photo tour to your listing, consider a few things: 

  • So that we can show your photo tour to guests, make sure all your rooms and spaces have at least one photo. If you have a room or space with no photos, you can either add photos or simply delete that room or space--you can always add it back later.
  • Once you have a photo tour, you can add details to each room or space, like sleeping arrangements, amenities, and accessibility features.
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