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Ulasan untuk sekelompok tamu

Booked a group trip and want to share how things went? Here’s how reviews work when you invite other guests on your trip.

Which guests will be reviewed

Once your Host writes a review, the same review for you will be posted on the other guest profile(s) as well if they’ve accepted your invitation through Airbnb. If the other guests haven’t accepted the invitation, their profile won’t show the review.

If the additional guest is an existing Airbnb user, they need to click Go to itinerary in the invitation sent to them to accept. If the additional guest has no Airbnb account, they need to click Accept trip in the invitation sent to them. 

The review will indicate that it was for a group trip and show the name of the guest who booked the reservation.

Which guests in a group can leave a review

For stays, only the guest who booked the trip will be able to leave a review. For Experiences, all guests can leave a review.

Removing a review for a group trip

If a review is showing on the original guest’s profile, it can’t be hidden from the other guest profile(s). If you are the guest who booked, you can find out more about editing your review or disputing it.

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